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What Happened To The Shoutbox?


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Is it just me or have others not had the shoutbox in a couple of days :woohoo:

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I think it's part of the process of converting the site from using the older version of MySQL. It may be back eventually when they sort out all the technical issues.

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OK thanks for letting me know. I miss talking on the shoutbox but I guess I can live without it for a little while :vent:

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It'll be gone for awhile. It was crashing the board, and when the board is completely new, it probably won't work at all.


So, I don't know when the shoutbox will be back, but it is on the list of things I'll be working on.


Thanks for understanding.


OK thanks for letting me know. I miss talking on the shoutbox but I guess I can live without it for a little while :vent:

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I'm a pretty crappy webdesigner, however, would it be better to run the shoutbox independently say as as some kind of linked pop-up.


on (release){

getURL("shoutbox_newwindow.psp", _blank);




Okay, I write in ActionScript and really not much else.


Would this be a blow-patch that could work?

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