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Goodbye Jesus

ExC-blog --Jesus Christ has returned!


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Controversy surrounds a man who claims to be the man Christ Jesus here on Earth. He explains what he preaches and why he is the second coming of the Lord.





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It's funny how I had to find out about the second coming of christ on an exchristian post :Doh:

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"...a profitable empire that is more business than religion" says the reporter at the end. Shoot, isn't that a description of nearly all of Christianity? Jesus Christ, CEO. :Wendywhatever:

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"He comes and he tears apart families"


Well, shit. Maybe this guy is Jesus after all.

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Hmm, sounds like a cult to me. I like the idea that they are preaching that there is no sin anymore, but I don't trust any of this for one minute.

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It is a cult, Kurari. All cults have to have some sane beliefs, or at least a revelation that sounds good, otherwise they'd never attract members. Even Scientology has some sane beliefs to sucker people in, then little by little they introduce the less sane beliefs so their followers don't notice in much the same way as a frog in a pot of water doesn't notice you're boiling him to death if you raise the temperature one degree at a time.

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I watched the second video now. Martida is a very intelligent woman. Great powers of the intellect. Rick Ross says intelligent people get enmeshed in this kind of cult via deceptive measures.


QUESTION: How does this happen? How can an intellectually alert person be deceived...one would think they would be aware that they are making a decision, and critically evaluate the decision.


One thing really stood out about Martida. She has absolute trust in the authority of the Bible and the Church. Maybe that's it--they don't question authority. I noticed that inside the parameters of her beliefs her arguments made sense. She has obviously given a lot of critical thought to the ideas inside the context of her accepted parameters.


In other words, she has reasoned things out in a way that it fits the authority of the Church and Bible--as she interprets the Bible. How does she choose which interpretation of the Bible is correct?


Obviously there are MANY issues Martida will not confront. For example, the idea that a crime is not a sin. If I remember my Bible Study correctly, the thief on the cross had to repent of his sin of thievery before he got accepted into Paradise. Zacheous (sp? tax collector who invited Jesus to his house) had to repent of his crimes of thievery in order to be accepted of Jesus.


It seems there are a lot of dead-ends and missing links in this kind of thinking. Like a maze that looks so complicated and simple both at the same time. You have to actually get in there with a pencil before you can see which paths are open and which ones are deadends.


What do you think?

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Obviously there are MANY issues Martida will not confront. For example, the idea that a crime is not a sin. If I remember my Bible Study correctly, the thief on the cross had to repent of his sin of thievery before he got accepted into Paradise. Zacheous (sp? tax collector who invited Jesus to his house) had to repent of his crimes of thievery in order to be accepted of Jesus.

Actually, in the thief's case, all he did was stick up for Jesus according to Luke 23:39-43. And Jesus actually invited himself to Zacchaeus' house before Zacchaeus repented of his crime (Luke 19:2-8).

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