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Goodbye Jesus

The destruction of "created kinds"


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more than once, when I asked a babblical cretinists to provide a sound definition of the term "created kinds", I was shown (or pointed to) images showing stuff like 5 dogs and one cat.


Well then fundies...


...let's see how reliable this "look at it and you know which kind it is" thing is.



Clearly different kinds - they look so very different.




Clearly these are of the same kind, right?


No, and no.

In case you don't know what you see on image number one, just keep your head up your arse. If you aren't able to recognize some standard ducks you're utterly lost.


Image number two is a Scorpio Maurus Fuscus, number three is a Nebo Omanensis.


Ooops - those ducks are the same species although they look so different. Ooops - those scorpions are different species though they look so very much alike.


I've made my point. If we're lucky, one out of twenty fundies looking at this might actually learn something. :fdevil:


(The images you see are placed on my personal webspace, and I might want to use that space for something else eventually... so don't count on these pics to remain there forever ;) )

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