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Goodbye Jesus

Control Through Chaos


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I have spoke with many ex-cons and many seem to have the same kind of stories about the prison authorities promoting racism. It seems that the they use racism to keep the prisoners at each others throats fighting amongst themselves so the prisoners will not turn on the guards with some kind of organized retaliation. It is called control through chaos.


I looked on the web for about five minutes or so and could not find nothing to back what I am saying so all I got is word of mouth. But I have been hearing about this for many years now from many different people.


If this is what is going on I can not blame the guards for wanting to protect their own asses but when these racists are released into the street they teach others about how they believe. With some of the younger generation looking up to many criminals this could be very very bad for their future.


Anyway like I said I have been hearing about this for a long time now and was curious if anyone has any kind of input to add.

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I've read that the same tactic is used by politicans -- polarize people, pit them against one another, and capitalize on their mutual dislike for one another for your own political career.

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I've read that the same tactic is used by politicans -- polarize people, pit them against one another, and capitalize on their mutual dislike for one another for your own political career.

:scratch: I wonder if we could use this tactic on xtians.

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My best friend spent 10 years in the klink for a crime she was involved in. She could tell stories about being on the inside that would curl your toes - mostly about how awful the guards are to the inmates, in a variety of ways.


I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn that prison guards encourage divisiveness among inmates. It's a simple Machiavellian tactic: keep all your enemies fighting amongst themselves, and they'll never unite to kick your ass.


As for using the tactic on Xians, I honestly think they're already doing it. Think of some of the conflict that happens between differing denominations. Some can get along fine, but then toss a few loudmouth intolerant fundie types in the mix, and boy, they're some of the most divisive of all. I think fundies do more to keep Xianity a divided body than any other denomination, and they don't even realize it. (Or if they realize it, they don't care, or feel it justified to do so.)



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I came to the conclusion a long time ago that religion (Christianity especially) was designed to do just that -- create chaos.


How many verses in that vile book tell about hating or killing those who don't believe or think the same way you do? Heck, even Jesus explains that before you can become a disciple of his, you have to hate your family.


What better way for a handful of people (world leaders) to control the masses of people and keep them divided?


The answer?


Christianity. :shrug:

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:scratch: I wonder if we could use this tactic on xtians.


WE don't have to, they do fine by themselves.

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