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Religion And Atheism

Guest santamarana

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Guest santamarana

Why is it that Christians have a hard time with Atheism or Agnosticism?


I used to be a Christian, but I still wonder why they cannot see what I have come to see?


I have a love of truth and no matter where it leads me I will follow even If it means I give up "Pet Ideas"


Any Input would be great. :pureevil:

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Well it's actually pretty obvious. Atheism and agnosticism go against their very ideals and belief systems.


Christians believe that there is only one God, and this God is not the monist-inspired deity of more sophisicated forms of Hinduism, nor the Reason(able) God found in Deism, or really any of the more advanced ideas of the Divine, but an old-fashioned, Middle Eastern fire-and-brimstone God from thousands of years ago, who hates nations opposing his own followers (which begs the question of why he created those nations in the first place), orders mutilating punishments for not following his specific, to-the-letter laws, is definitely individual, is definitely all-powerful, possesses most definitely a human-like body, a human-like mind, and a human-like will. The New Ager sees God present in the myriad forms of nature; the fundamentalist Christian sees God as an actual Man living on another plane, but still very much a judge seated on a very real throne on a very real high place like a very real king with a very real crown and a very real face and a very real fist curled in anger.


To the Christian, this God controls their entire world, and he (it is always a he......some Christians say God is sexless, but to refer to God as "she" is entirely verboten) is wrathful in his temperment. The greatest insult against him is to suggest that perhaps he shares his power with other beings (Christian God insists only he can have power), or that worst of all, he does not exist. The fact that it's impossible to prove the existence of the Christian God (and that circumstances make it hard to believe) is proof of his demanding nature. So to deny God or to even question him is the gravest mistake any Christian can make.


I would guess that the reason Christians fear atheists, agnostics, and their organizations in general.....well for one, they fear losing their power over people's minds. I don't think they (all) have a malicious desire to psychologically control by fear the greatest number of people possible, but that many of them honestly believe that their God not having total control over humanity and in particular individual humans can only be a turn for the worse for everyone involved. Also I think a great many of them, although they would not be willing to admit it, secretly fear that the "enemy" may actually have a very good argument, perhaps even better than their own, and they fear shaking in their faith or even actually losing it.

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Guest santamarana

Well it's actually pretty obvious. Atheism and agnosticism go against their very ideals and belief systems.


Christians believe that there is only one God, and this God is not the monist-inspired deity of more sophisicated forms of Hinduism, nor the Reason(able) God found in Deism, or really any of the more advanced ideas of the Divine, but an old-fashioned, Middle Eastern fire-and-brimstone God from thousands of years ago, who hates nations opposing his own followers (which begs the question of why he created those nations in the first place), orders mutilating punishments for not following his specific, to-the-letter laws, is definitely individual, is definitely all-powerful, possesses most definitely a human-like body, a human-like mind, and a human-like will. The New Ager sees God present in the myriad forms of nature; the fundamentalist Christian sees God as an actual Man living on another plane, but still very much a judge seated on a very real throne on a very real high place like a very real king with a very real crown and a very real face and a very real fist curled in anger.


To the Christian, this God controls their entire world, and he (it is always a he......some Christians say God is sexless, but to refer to God as "she" is entirely verboten) is wrathful in his temperment. The greatest insult against him is to suggest that perhaps he shares his power with other beings (Christian God insists only he can have power), or that worst of all, he does not exist. The fact that it's impossible to prove the existence of the Christian God (and that circumstances make it hard to believe) is proof of his demanding nature. So to deny God or to even question him is the gravest mistake any Christian can make.


I would guess that the reason Christians fear atheists, agnostics, and their organizations in general.....well for one, they fear losing their power over people's minds. I don't think they (all) have a malicious desire to psychologically control by fear the greatest number of people possible, but that many of them honestly believe that their God not having total control over humanity and in particular individual humans can only be a turn for the worse for everyone involved. Also I think a great many of them, although they would not be willing to admit it, secretly fear that the "enemy" may actually have a very good argument, perhaps even better than their own, and they fear shaking in their faith or even actually losing it.



Thanks for the input.

Are there any books on the Pchyological reasons for religious ideology's?


By the way Love the Signature!!

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Why is it that Christians have a hard time with Atheism or Agnosticism?


In the retarded black-and-white fairy tale world of single-digit-IQ morontheists, everything is either from their gawd or from saaataaan, no third option possible.


Thus, everone not in their own cult is an evil monster out for their Immortal Souls™.


As a pic says more than thousand words, the reason is that they are :crazy:

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Christians hate the very idea that their god is no different from any other gods in human history...mythological. Many, if not the majority, of them cannot fathom NOT believing in god in some way, so they impose false beliefs about atheists and agnostics. They accuse us of denying god's existence, which implies that we really believe, but choose to disobey his commandments. Not true. Atheists and agnostics simply have no god-belief. They assume that without god in our lives, we are inherently evil and immoral. Also untrue. Non-believers are no different from people with god faith. Finally, it angers them to no end when they present us with apologetics for their beliefs, and we flatly reject their arguments as fallacious and illogical. They fear that their god will take out his wrath on our nation, as he did with the old testament jews, and bring down the country, but if they can create a "christian" nation god will bless it with prosperity.

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I tried to point out to someone from church -- he calls himself my friend, although I seriously doubt he'll think of me that way when I inform him that I'm a humanist -- how science and religion are two horns on the same bull. They're two ways for humans to explain the things around them. To demonstrate, I told him of the myth about Demeter and Persephone, which explains the seasons. He stared at me glass-eyed while I told the story. Then he replied that all myths come from the Bible. This is the same guy who said that the millions of people in the Americas who lived and died before the missionaries arrived to tell them the "good" news was "sad", but we shouldn't think about things like that.



Certainly doesn't do those souls much good in the case that they were burning in hell.

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