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Goodbye Jesus

Looking Back, Feeling Good


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I just had an experience that made me know I made the right decision to walk away from Christianity and wanted to share :grin:


At the last church I was a member of - actually I think I'm probably still listed as a member - I was on a committee that dealt with politics and that sort of thing. Basically we made sure that the congregation was informed of upcoming elections and knew where they could register to vote, but walked a fairly fine line since the church couldn't officially endorse any candidates at the risk of losing their tax-exempt status. I left that church almost a year ago.


Well, I still get the occasional email from the group. It's like one or two a month, so I've never really worried about it as I hit delete. But the one I got this morning made me angry. It was an article on how Wal-Mart is looking at extending their benefits to homosexual partners and is teaming up with gay groups.


I sent a simple "please do not include me in any further emails you send out". No explanation, I didn't feel that I owed them one. But it felt good to close that door to a part of my life that I'm finished with, and the hatred shown by this group let me know that I made the right call to walk away.

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Well, I still get the occasional email from the group. It's like one or two a month, so I've never really worried about it as I hit delete. But the one I got this morning made me angry. It was an article on how Wal-Mart is looking at extending their benefits to homosexual partners and is teaming up with gay groups.


I sent a simple "please do not include me in any further emails you send out". No explanation, I didn't feel that I owed them one. But it felt good to close that door to a part of my life that I'm finished with, and the hatred shown by this group let me know that I made the right call to walk away.

It's funny I was just listening to MPR here this morning and there was a Christian author who was here last night speaking at one of the local Evangelical colleges, pointing out how that Evangelical's have narrowly defined moral issues in politics to be about Gay marriage and Abortion issues. He commented how that when he reads the Bible he sees over 2000 verses talking about poverty, yet sees no emphasis on these far greater moral issues in what comes out of the Religious Right think tank. He went on to speak about Bush's practice of concealing reasons behind actions of war being a greater moral issue than Gay marriage.


The positive note: The entire audience stood and applauded him for the things he was saying.


I can well image how empowering it was for you to say no to them. Hopefully with you walking away, and even other Evangelicals saying no to them they will become less and less of a voice in our world.

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I love your story and especially the reasons behind it.


I have a close friend who I used to hang out at church all the time.


The last time we met up(to much time and distance), even though he still has some god belief left I was heartened to hear him last talk kindly about the gay folk at the call centre he works at.


My buddy, the kindest soul I know, doesn't have the heart of a real fundamentalist. He just doesn't judge people enough. That is why he is my most trusted friend.


This life is way way too short to be worried about gay people.


What a waste of energy. Only people foolish enough to think they have two lives to live could waste time hating gays.



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Congrats, and a tip of the cap to you. Thanks for sharing your feeling of satisfaction at doing the right thing.


And also a thanks to Antlerman for his anecdote as well. Of all the pitfalls confronting this country right now, I think the religious right is one of the most malevolent. That bunch of cranks is getting far more attention than they deserve, and it's good to hear when mainstream christians denounce the radicals. That bodes hope.

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Only people foolish enough to think they have two lives to live could waste time hating gays.

That is a great line.

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