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Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go To Experts Exchange...

AgnosticBob AtheistPants

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I use a site called Experts Exchange a lot for work. I also like to try to help people out by answering their questions.


So I am there this morning looking through the posts and trying to find questions I can help with when I come across this one...he found the answer himself and posted this...


I found the solution. The domain power users group was assigned to all domain users - under that group, sharepoint admin was assigned. I removed that from domain power users, and it solved the problem.


Thanks for trying. The credit has to go to the Lord Jesus who answered my prayer. 500 points to him!


Idiot on Experts Exchange




I'd like this moron to tell my why the Lord Jesus preferred to answer his pathetic excuse for a prayer yet won't regrow the limbs on the amputees who desperately pray for healing.


Sorry...I'm just so mad I can't even come up with something wittier to retort with. These kind of people just infuriate me now. I just want to slap him around and tell him, "Look moron, give yourself a little more credit. "The Lord Jesus" did not tell you to look in the domain power users group. You looked there your DAMNED SELF!!! Your prayer afforded you NOTHING with regard to your finding the solution! Idiot."



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...I'm just so mad I can't even come up with something wittier to retort with.


How about...


About 24,000 people die of hunger every day. Most of them children. Many of them praying to Jesus for food. It is the pinacle of arogance to think, even for a second that Jesus gives even the slightest damn about your insipent little problems. Next time you ask god to change the weather for your church picnic, take a moment just before praying to think of the hungry soul asking god for food, that you are about to mock.




That otta' do the trick! God I love making fun of stupid bastards!

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Here's something similar from our local homeschool listserve:


I am not sure how he did it (other than the grace of God) but my husband was able to get the old computer to come back from the dead long enough to back up all our files! Our poor computer had been given up for a lost cause even by a computer Dr.


Isn't the Lord so merciful?!!!! Thank you all for your sympathy in our cyber trial.


If I remember the thinking correctly, it's a combo of prayer and 'in everything give thanks'. I knew a guy that took that so literally that he said 'Thank You, Jesus' every time he had an orgasm.

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Here's something similar from our local homeschool listserve:


I am not sure how he did it (other than the grace of God) but my husband was able to get the old computer to come back from the dead long enough to back up all our files! Our poor computer had been given up for a lost cause even by a computer Dr.


Isn't the Lord so merciful?!!!! Thank you all for your sympathy in our cyber trial.


Exactly. You know, I used to just roll my eyes at these people and think how stupid they are...kind of a "there but for the grace of logic go I" kind of thing. But the longer I've been gone from Xianity and the more I read about all the evils of religion in general, the angrier I get at them. I don't understand why really...I guess stupidity in general brings that out in me. And maybe the longer I've been out of Xianity and the more I read about how horrible religion is make me see exactly how stupid it is to think that the grown-up's Santa Claus is going to bring them what they ask for.


...I'm just so mad I can't even come up with something wittier to retort with.


How about...


About 24,000 people die of hunger every day. Most of them children. Many of them praying to Jesus for food. It is the pinacle of arogance to think, even for a second that Jesus gives even the slightest damn about your insipent little problems. Next time you ask god to change the weather for your church picnic, take a moment just before praying to think of the hungry soul asking god for food, that you are about to mock.




That otta' do the trick! God I love making fun of stupid bastards!


Yeah. Unfortunately I can't lambast him there on that site or I risk getting my account canceled. Although....they have a religion and philosophy section...I can post a question there along the lines of "Does Jesus care more about solving your silly problems than he does about seeing that starving children eat?" Then link to this idiots question. Still could get me in trouble. :shrug:


Oh well! I can't resist!

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I guess Drew Carey was right: the points really DON'T matter!


I cracked a smile at someone's comment: "I didn't know Jesus was a tech geek."

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I guess Drew Carey was right: the points really DON'T matter!


I cracked a smile at someone's comment: "I didn't know Jesus was a tech geek."



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And here's a LINK to the post I put in their philosophy and religion site.

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Look at it this way: they might think that they will be rewarded in heaven for posting this stuff, but as we know, according to their own bible, they are being "rewarded in full" right here and now. Matt 5:5, etc. So no extra virgins or extra strings on their harp in heaven.

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Wow, I got somebody flaming mad...





Read the post. Good responses.


re. "So maybe it is time you spoke up and tell us why you are irritated that God would answer a simple prayer and not a "more" important prayer such as maybe one you have asked in the past and seemed to have failed."


He's saying you hate god and it's all sour grapes for not answering your prayers.


It is a strange fact but in a sense, that can be a legitemate reason. After all, if wack jobs are praying that god help them with computer math, why would't god help your mother or father become christians. Too selfish?


You know, I would pray and pray and read the bible with a single desire that my character would change to be more like him. The more I behaved like a christian, the more miserable I was. The bible says that we would not be tempted beyond what we can handle and yet when we ask god to help us with temptations, he fails us. So we're just being selfish by wanting to be like him?


Contrasting that against the plethora of people who testify about god helping them with homework, not burning dinner or finding friends, you cannot help but conclude that either god is a big freakin' wack job or that he doesn't care or exist.


By the way, did I say I'm glad to know ya?


Keep up the good work!




PS - I read your eximony. Good read. You travelled around!

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I love the question under Philosophy and Religion titled "Noah's arc?? mt ararat, Turkey" The article as well as the question date back to 2004.


His comment at the end about this expedition finding the ark in 2004, "Now if this is indeed the arc, the world is going to be rocked! Can't wait to see, this is all exciting. When the world is at it's darkest hour, God will reveal more truth. The same week they started doing same-sex marriages, Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ releases. We all know that non believers are gonna make up something in their pathetic attempt to hide the truth, but some people will not turn away but will come to believe. All we can really do is pray for those hearts to be softened, and wait in anticipation for the Glory of God will be revealed again."


That cracks me up. I'm guessing either they didn't find the ark, or I'm denying the truth.

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The "pastor's" post annoys the crap out of me. What is it with these religious "experts" who try to skirt around, or change the meaning of the word ALWAYS? The bible flat out states that ALL prayers WILL BE answered. ALL. Not "some" or a "few", or even...."if it's god's will"......A-L-L.


So if I casually ask "god" for a Hershey's Kiss to appear on my desk.....one should appear. If an amputee asks for a limb to grow back, that limb should regrow. And every guy on the planet should be strutting confidently pleased and satisfied with the bulge in their pants, while all women maintain flat stomachs and tight asses...all people's anxieties about perceived physical flaws real or imagined...gone.


I have a better chance of asking anyone on here to mail me a Kiss, and having it actually happen...than for Holy Chocolate materializing on my desk.


Anyone like to send me chocolate? :wicked:

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Wow, I got somebody flaming mad...





Read the post. Good responses.


re. "So maybe it is time you spoke up and tell us why you are irritated that God would answer a simple prayer and not a "more" important prayer such as maybe one you have asked in the past and seemed to have failed."


He's saying you hate god and it's all sour grapes for not answering your prayers.


It is a strange fact but in a sense, that can be a legitemate reason. After all, if wack jobs are praying that god help them with computer math, why would't god help your mother or father become christians. Too selfish?


You know, I would pray and pray and read the bible with a single desire that my character would change to be more like him. The more I behaved like a christian, the more miserable I was. The bible says that we would not be tempted beyond what we can handle and yet when we ask god to help us with temptations, he fails us. So we're just being selfish by wanting to be like him?


Contrasting that against the plethora of people who testify about god helping them with homework, not burning dinner or finding friends, you cannot help but conclude that either god is a big freakin' wack job or that he doesn't care or exist.


By the way, did I say I'm glad to know ya?


Keep up the good work!




PS - I read your eximony. Good read. You travelled around!


Thanks, Mongo! Glad to know you too! Never can meet enough people of like mind, especially as an atheist ex-Christian! Being an atheist by itself is bad enough. Add ex-Christian to it and you’d best not go out alone at night in my old home town! Even in L.A. you get weird looks if you’re open about it.


I responded to Ryan’s post about my “speaking up” about the unanswered prayers in my life. Yeah, there really weren’t any worth commenting about. As I told him, I led a pretty charmed life as a Christian. I think part of my doubt (I’m just realizing) came from the fact that I had it so good, but so many others had it so bad. Why did I deserve to prosper while others sank further and further into destitution? I certainly wasn’t an outstanding person.


So yes, I tend to be on the “God doesn’t exist” side of the fence now. I used to be more on the “Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t” side, but the longer I’m out of Christianity and the more bullshit I see, the more I gravitate toward the complete atheist side.

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I'm just aghast at the obtuseness of some people. In the exchange I'm having at the "Experts Exchange" site, I posted the following:


So the point of this question is to find out what people really believe about God answering prayers and if he does indeed exist, does he really answer the silly prayers over the important ones? I’d like some really soul searched answers rather than the typical “Who are we to question God?” mess that usually pops up when someone asks this type of question.


So the VERY NEXT RESPONSE is from this person Callandor who has been posting a lot of the usual Christian rhetoric.




You make some very interesting points which you probably aren't aware of, since it's obvious you are not objective about this. You use adjectives like "petty" and "silly" when referring to the prayers of others - did you somehow receive special dispensation to pass judgment over the thoughts and desires of others? Why are you qualified to describe them that way? Are you all-knowing? Are you purely objective? Are you qualified to judge others in their intentions?


>The same book that says God created all things and says that he is good says that he murders women and children as well. It also says that he rewards men who perform these vile and despicable deeds in his name.


Now you have moved on to set yourself up as qualified to judge God and His actions. Do you think God is nothing more than a human being, who acts with the same flawed thinking? You call it murder, so present the facts that a jury would agree with in order to convict, because you seem to know more about something that happened than the rest of us mortals. Fill us in on all the details, that we, too, may come to an agreement about convicting God. Don't forget that it should be beyond a reasonable doubt.


Now on to your question about why God doesn't stop evil in its tracks right away. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Is the person that you see the model of perfection that all human beings should aspire to? If not, why shouldn't God do something about that and get rid of that imperfection? Oh, I see, you're not such an evil person and you don't deserve any of that punishment. But who says God sees things according to your standards? God has no reason to put up with anything less than perfect, and yet He does. Of course, you can't see that the world should be anything other than what you think it should be, so all your conclusions are based on your insular view.


Get over this idea that you know all there is to know, and you may learn that things are not what you think they are.




Am I reading this wrong or did he basically just say "Who are you to question God?" when I just said I wanted something more than that?



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Am I reading this wrong or did he basically just say "Who are you to question God?" when I just said I wanted something more than that?


No, that's basically what he said. Though he chose the term "judge" instead of "question", but it amounts to the same thing.


He seems very defensive to me. I think your questions bother him.


Keep up the good work. :wicked:

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Am I reading this wrong or did he basically just say "Who are you to question God?" when I just said I wanted something more than that?




That might be the sanitized version. I think far more is going on than that.


I read your post to him again. You're asking a logical question. His post is one blue streak of emotional knee-jerk response. I would read it as:

You are challenging the heart of my beliefs. I won't stand for it so I'm going to bully you so you won't have a brain left to think with for a while.

Don't feel bad, Bob. This has far more to do with his sloppy faith than with your question. Your question was legitimate. Mark him in your mind. One day this info about him will come in handy.

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