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Goodbye Jesus

The ayatollah of holy rollers


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The ayatollah of holy rollers


by Steve Weissman


"Death by stoning for atheists, adulterers, and practicing male

homosexuals. Stoning -- or possibly burning at the stake -- for

atheists, heretics, religious apostates, followers of other religions

who proselytize, unmarried females who are unchaste, incorrigible

juvenile delinquents, and children who curse or strike their parents.

And, oh yes, death to witches, Satanists, and those who commit

blasphemy. Does this sound like a radical Islamist nightmare, a replay

of Afghanistan under the Taliban? Welcome to the United States of

America as Christian Reconstructionists hope to run it. Not as a

democracy, which they see as secular heresy. But as a reconstructed

Christian nation, complete with biblically sanctioned flogging and



[editor's note: This is part 5 of a 5-part series America's

Religious Right -- Saints or Subversives? - MLS] (05/31/05)



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Goodbye Jesus
"Supernatural Christianity and democracy are inevitably enemies," wrote Rushdoony, "Democracy is the great love of the failures and cowards of life."
- Rev. Rousas J. Rushdoony


What candor. That is exactly the truth of it there.

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These christian reconstructionists are enemies of democracy and pluralism.


From the Chalcedon website...


...we believe that the Bible should apply to all of life, including the state; and because we believe that the Christian state should enforce Biblical civil law; and finally, because we believe that the responsibility of Christians is to exercise dominion in the earth for God's glory


They claim not to want to force christianity on everyone, but then talk about stoning homosexuals, etc., since that's what the bible says to do.

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Rushdoony opposed labor unions, women's equality, and civil rights laws. He favored racial segregation and slavery, which he felt had benefited black people because it introduced them to Christianity. He largely denied the Holocaust. And he made it kosher for Christian leaders like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell openly to despise democracy.


These are the true motives of reconstruction advocates. It's a bunch of white men who want to use the Bible to bring back the days when they had power over everything and anyone who challenged them was severly punished. In other words, nothing but a revamped version of the Klu Klux Klan with religion thrown in to make it more legitimate.

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Why is it that being a Muslim can get you on the "phone tapped, library records searched, passport suspended" list but being a real terrorist like these Christian reconstructionists gets you a pat on the back?


I think they should all be put to death or imprisoned for life. And I mean that. This is treason.

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These christian reconstructionists are enemies of democracy and pluralism.


From the Chalcedon website...

They claim not to want to force christianity on everyone, but then talk about stoning homosexuals, etc., since that's what the bible says to do.


That's not forcing them to be christians. It is only forcing them to be dead.

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I think you might have confused Reconstructionist Jews (who are generally quite liberal) with Reconstructionst Christians (who are about as fundamentalist as you can get)...

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