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Goodbye Jesus

A Game: Aliens Land, Say...what's Up!


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As we we've seen countless times, creationists or those that think that the Bible holds all the answers, will then look to the bible and say, hey! there it was all the time!


Now comes an alien landing. They come in space craft that looks like a clump of boulders. They have no opposable digits and chartreuse skin. There are 7 different sexes and it takes all of them to reproduce – this is a breeder team. They have a spirituality which states that a "higher-power" has formed them from the inter-steller dust, but as the ultimate intelligence of the universe. (They know other aliens.) If their children, do not make it a certain age, the brains of these children, which runs the length of their tripodal bodies, are consumed by disparate members and breeders of the society and the neuro-chemical impulses, stored in the children's bodies, is consumed and added to the knowledge base. They do not believe in an afterlife, or metaphysics. Although, they are a caste society (each member of a breeding team has a specific function) - all material goods are shared equally.


With these clues, how would a Christian, relying on the Bible, justify the landing? The Alien's physiology, culture, sexuality, breeding, and death rites. Where in the bible would they look and how would they state that the Bible had the truth all along?

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They'd go "Ack! It's the Nephilim!!" and try to raise an army to attack the visitors.

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They’d probably call them minions of the devil or Satan’s offspring/army.

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With these clues, how would a Christian, relying on the Bible, justify the landing? The Alien's physiology, culture, sexuality, breeding, and death rites. Where in the bible would they look and how would they state that the Bible had the truth all along?


That's actually damn easy...


...of course it's all a huuuuge sham brought to them by SAAATAAAN... :banghead:

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Where in the bible would they look and how would they state that the Bible had the truth all along?
They would claim that the aliens had visited us before -- long ago -- and that their story was recorded in The Holy Bible™. Although the aliens were never really mentioned, the cities that they inhabited while they were here, are. We've come to know those cities as Sodom and Gomorrah. :Hmm:


Aaaaaaaand, since no god would show up to wipe them out this time (since this would be a REAL situation), the Christians would take it upon themselves to Judge™ and Execute™ the visitors.

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Yes - no matter what, they will bend over backwards to find evidence in the Babble to justify the existence of these aliens. Jebus is depicted as having said that there are "other sheep" to whom the Farter has revealed his message (or something to that effect) - remember the verse the Mor(on)mons whip out to explain Xianity in ancient North America?

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They'd take over there planet with a big war, keep aliens as pets and slaves. Threw out history they treated humans they found on other continents this way I doubt they'd treat the aliens as human unless they looked like it.

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Agree totally with Freethawt.


They would find a way to say that the aliens were the children of demons in humans, as stated in the bible. And since god is no longer on Earth they want to act as his holy hand and exact divine judgment upon them...


Well, I hope the aliens have a death ray and retaliate.

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