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Goodbye Jesus

Pictures Of Hell, Anyone?


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Has anyone ever seen good drawings of hell? I think it would be good if there were more of them. Sure, we have pictures of the holocaust. They're horrible. We see the children starving, the dead bodies lying all about, the smoke rising up from the crematoriums, so on and so on...and even the most blinded fundamentalist admits it was an atrocity. Of course, we can't do the same for hell, because if it does exist, we haven't ever seen it. But maybe if there were more drawings depicting divine judgement (like Nick5's), people wouldn't be so calloused about it.

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Here's one I drew awhile back I'm not a good artist tho.

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That's awesome, actually.


A photo-realistic one would be more persuasive, though. I would like to learn photoshop. I could take a picture of the holocaust, and splice Jesus in there somehow...




Maybe on one of the guard towers! Hell yeah!

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Here ya go


This site not only has a map, but evidently actual sounds that have been recorded from hell.




The website is jesus-is-savior.com.

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Hey now, I've got a question:


Just what in the fuck is brimstone, anyway?


Is it a real thing, or just christianese?

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I'd like to learn photoshop too It'd be fun.

Maybe you could cut out a picture of jesus stick it on there and scan it and save.

And put jesus loves you :lmao: cause christians like to act like there gods a lovable huggable teddy bear who loves us and would never hurt us. too me that says wrong your gods a cruel bastard.







That's awesome, actually.


A photo-realistic one would be more persuasive, though. I would like to learn photoshop. I could take a picture of the holocaust, and splice Jesus in there somehow...




Maybe on one of the guard towers! Hell yeah!



Hey now, I've got a question:


Just what in the fuck is brimstone, anyway?


Is it a real thing, or just christianese?


I asked google and from what i see so far its sulfer.

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Brimstone is an archaic word for sulphur.

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Here is the best picture of hell I could find:




The Eucharistic Lamb

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I don't have any pictures of Nivek's dirty underwear. :shrug:


Them things're enough to make Satan cry. :HappyCry:






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Pictures of Hell have always been cool to me. Though they're laughable a lot.

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  • 1 month later...
Pictures of Hell have always been cool to me. Though they're laughable a lot.


I think hell is more captivating to the human imagination than is heaven because there is something much more visceral and tangible about pain and agony (which all have experienced at some time in this existence) as opposed to paradise (which is a rather foreign concept). The promise of an inconcievable heaven is not enough to ensure lifetime mental slavery. This is the reason hell is used as a tool to ingrain fear in Xtian followers in order to keep the religion from fading into obscurity.

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