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Goodbye Jesus



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This morning I'm trying to have some peace, but kids are going crazy and being loud. So I say "I just want some peace and quite" "These kids seem out of control today".


My wife goes "Maybe its because of Halloween" :Doh:


I just sit there silent.


SHe is like "What, you don't belive in demons now?'


I remains silent


She walks away all cute she says "They believe in you"

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I probably shouldn't be laughing as hard as I am... but man that's funny. :lmao:

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This morning I'm trying to have some peace, but kids are going crazy and being loud. So I say "I just want some peace and quite" "These kids seem out of control today".


My wife goes "Maybe its because of Halloween" :Doh:


I just sit there silent.


SHe is like "What, you don't belive in demons now?'


I remains silent


She walks away all cute she says "They believe in you"

The kids don't believe in demons either. They do believe in going around, house to house, getting free candy. That is all Holloween is about. The ghosts and goblins have long departed.
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I watched a special on holoween last night and they said it was a blend of Roman and Celtic customs. They also said that the church tried to outlaw and then take over this pagen holy day. All in all it was informative.

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Correct me if I'm wrong...but I don't think demons ever had anything to do with Halloween, anyway.

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They didnt until Christians came along. They saw the pagan practices as a threat and evil...so they said they were demonic and that these people were summoning demons...go figure.

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I watched a special on holoween last night and they said it was a blend of Roman and Celtic customs. They also said that the church tried to outlaw and then take over this pagen holy day. All in all it was informative.

I watched it last night too..History Channel, I think? It was pretty good.


I'm wound up for Halloween too! Trick or Treating, handing out candy..woohoo!


Hey, its Saturday..kids are supposed to be wound up on Saturday! Take 'em outside to let off some steam..

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We don't celebrate Halloween in OZ, it's seen as only for Americans. Toys 'R' Us sells all the costumes and stuff, but they just sit there on the shelves 'coz no-one is interested. They have been trying to get Ozzies interested, but........................


Besides, showing up at someones house dressed in a funny costume and asking for lollies is probably going to get you beaten up.

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You know, just reading the title got my eyes rolling. I agree with fallen leaf, that is a hoot.


You know my kids tell me that Santa would bring me toys if I bought them more treats and gave them less time outs. Yep... I don't believe in Santa but he believes in me.


To be more serious, I presume this is part of your wife's coming to terms with a newly revealed unbelief.


If so... it sounds like she is taking it well.



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Man. Nothing ruins my favorite Satanic holiday faster than some self-righteous a-hole coming along and condemning me for what I'm about to do with the succubus I just summoned.




Whaat?! :HaHa:

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My pagan-ish side sees Halloween as a day for honouring our ancestors.


But I'm in it for the dressing-up and the candy.


Mainly for the candy. I just got back from the store with nearly $70 CDN in junk food: A 60-pack of cheezies, a 100-something bag of miniature chocolate bars (to go with the box of 90 already in the house), various chewy treats, and four pounds of Rockets™.


And that was just the giveaway stuff. For Ourselves we purchased over a kilo of other chocolate, plus two kinds of chips.


Because Easter is sooooo far away.... :D

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What are rockets?
Small concave discs of highly compressed flavoured sugar, arranged into a roll and wrapped in a twist of cellophane.


Apparently Rockets are distributed in the U.S. as "Smarties" which confuses the heck out of me because in Canada we have an M&M-like candy called Smarties.


But I digress. Family legend has it that these particular candies have no expiry date (which is good, because they regularly get lost in kids' rooms and turn up several millenia later.)

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Apparently Rockets are distributed in the U.S. as "Smarties" which confuses the heck out of me because in Canada we have an M&M-like candy called Smarties.


In Australia too, we have Smarties. When M&M's came along in the mid 80's, there was quite a bit of confusion as the two are practically identical.

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What are rockets?
Small concave discs of highly compressed flavoured sugar, arranged into a roll and wrapped in a twist of cellophane.


Apparently Rockets are distributed in the U.S. as "Smarties" which confuses the heck out of me because in Canada we have an M&M-like candy called Smarties.


But I digress. Family legend has it that these particular candies have no expiry date (which is good, because they regularly get lost in kids' rooms and turn up several millenia later.)

Oh! I love THOSE! I used to raid the kids goodie bags for them.. :grin:

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reading into the subtext of the OP and I hear a rocky marriage alert.


be on your toes bro!

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Mick, I was someone just like your wife at one time. She may get worried that you are getting 'sympathetic' to Satans holy-days like halloween. Halloween used to be a big issue with me. I used to tell everyone how we should not participate in halloween because the demons would take it as a sign of our rebellion towards God. But I agree with the person who just said that it's mostly about kids who like to have fun dressing in costume and getting candy. I am taking my ten year old son out for his first halloween tomorrow. I can't believe I kept him out of having fun with other kids all that time if he was invited to a halloween party or some such thing. :Doh: Sometimes the real monsters are the ones we ourselves become when we allow ourselves to get whacked out by our religions.

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My family carved "JESUS" and a cross into a pumpkin. They're so proud...

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My family carved "JESUS" and a cross into a pumpkin. They're so proud...



Are they proud because they carved Jesus and a cross or are they proud of their carving ability? There is a difference.

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I attempted to carve a Happy Human into a pumpkin last night; it didn't go so well. Fortunately for me, the pumpkin was an online one.

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My family carved "JESUS" and a cross into a pumpkin. They're so proud...




Thanks. I needed that laugh. :HaHa:

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Are they proud because they carved Jesus and a cross or are they proud of their carving ability? There is a difference.


Not the carving ability...

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Apparently Rockets are distributed in the U.S. as "Smarties" which confuses the heck out of me because in Canada we have an M&M-like candy called Smarties.


Frig yes, I used to live with an American, and one day we bought some Smarties... confusion ensued... he had been expecting what I would call Rockets, while I knew that we were getting something akin to M&Ms. I just always assumed that they had same Smarties as we did, haha, just as I assume they have M&Ms there too


Fonkey hahaha that was comical for some reason, the way you wrote that.


Well, I'm sort of glad Halloween's over, now I don't have to hear about it any more at all, and I think there might be some candy left over...hehe

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