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Goodbye Jesus

Got Any Hotbuttons?

R. S. Martin

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There's one that I simply can't handle--IMHO. I can take IMO. Difference: the horrible word "humble" in there.


I think this one gets to me on the viseral gut level because of the enormous emphasis on humility in my former community. And the abject hypocrasy around it. People were judged on their level of humility around how they dressed, how they handled themselves, what items they owned, the list goes on. People would pride themselves on their humility. UGH!!! YUCK!!! I think I'm going to throw up!

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I don't know that its really a "hotbutton", but it irritates me to see chat shortcuts used in a post, such UR, n, etc..


Edit to add:

Not the usual shortcuts, like IMO, DH, DD..just cutting words off..

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DD, DH......by the context in which they are usually used, I assume they are family members of some sort or another

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IMNTBHO - In my never to be humble opinion.... let's face it, most of us (people in general) aren't humble about much of anything, especially our "opinions". LOL

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IMNTBHO - In my never to be humble opinion.... let's face it, most of us (people in general) aren't humble about much of anything, especially our "opinions". LOL

IMNSHO (in my not-so-humble opinion) is just as effective. ;)

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people who butcher their own language out of combined lazyness and ignorance,

And/or use "L33T" and "Gangstah". Please take them out behind the barn and hose them down with a spandau.


I can handle Jive, because its poetry as everyday speech, and it requires mental effort.



also open displays of proudly willfull ignorance, tend to piss me off.


Along with mindless recital of propaganda.

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I find that interesting when I look at it from your perspective.


If --- if--- the bible is sincerely intending to project moral teaching (me rolling eyes) then it makes sence that the intended admonition is against arrogance.


That would make sense. In my ovservations it is certain that arrogance goeth before destruction and a conceited spirit before a fall.


But our translations use the word pride and so the Catholics, (where I first came from) encourage people to be self-deprecating and not aspire. Your experience is much more so.


I think people are better when they take pride in themselves.


Certainly it can be a semantic debate but I question just how much of this is manipulation of greek/hebrew and editing of those documents over the years to create a bible that strives to subjugate the "sheep".



Now for my pet peeve.


I can't stand everyone swollowing the lie that the sermon on the mount is the finest speech ever made. What a crock of crappy and stupid morals.


Turn the other cheek? Give me a break. This is pure victim theology which, you may note above, also violates my veiws on have some self-respect and pride in yourself.


When I read the bible as a political document intended to unify a people for war and reduce social unrest... then it starts to make a lot of sense.



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I always thought it was "In My HONEST Opinion". Maybe if you thought of it that way it won't bother you so much?

As did I. The word humble never came to mind when I saw that.

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I despise it when people demolish the language. I'm not too strict about it, but honestly -- if you're going to communicate at a forum, do the means of communication the honor of speaking intelligently. Save the "AOL-speak" for the chatrooms. This community and others are forums. It's best said by the people who wrote the rules for my home forum, CFC:


1) The Forum is not a chatroom. It's not the marketplace, where housewives gather to gossip while buying food for the day. It's not the local bar, where workers drag themselves to after a long hard day's work to talk rot. It's not the locker room, where grunts grunt at each other after a game or training.

It is the Forum, like where the old Senators of Rome of yore gathered to debate. Please keep this image in mind, before hitting the 'Submit' button the next time you post.



Edit: Had to close my tags.

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0<---- Button Pushed Harshly, Titled:


"I'm Here from The Goobermint, and Want To Help You"



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Hm. I have a few...


Okay I actually have more than a few, but whatever. ;)


People rewriting language so that words don't mean what they really mean anymore. Doublespeak, Christianese, whatever it is. I can accept a certain amount of jargon in the context of a truly specialized field (say, nuclear physics, or what have you), but changing the meaning of words - or using different words to dumb down what's really going on - pisses me off.


I.e., "collateral damage" instead of "civilians getting blown all to shit". Or "promoting sexual immorality" instead of "educating people about reproduction."


Hm, and I need to cut this short because I have to go run some errands...

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My biggest pet peeve has always been, and still is, people who think that their religion gives them the right to hate those who are not exactly Just Like Them . Nope, it doesn't. I wish they would at least admit that the religion is just an excuse for the hate. :ugh:

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I always thought it was "In My HONEST Opinion". Maybe if you thought of it that way it won't bother you so much?


Yes that would be better. I've seen it spelled out as "in my humble opinion."


Amethyst Posted Oct. 29, 04:50:


My biggest pet peeve has always been, and still is, people who think that their religion gives them the right to hate those who are not exactly Just Like Them ™. Nope, it doesn't. I wish they would at least admit that the religion is just an excuse for the hate.


This resonates alright!




I find that interesting when I look at it from your perspective.


If --- if--- the bible is sincerely intending to project moral teaching (me rolling eyes) then it makes sence that the intended admonition is against arrogance.


That would make sense. In my ovservations it is certain that arrogance goeth before destruction and a conceited spirit before a fall.


Is this true only for non-Christians? Because if it were true for Christians some of them would have fallen by now.


But our translations use the word pride and so the Catholics, (where I first came from) encourage people to be self-deprecating and not aspire. Your experience is much more so.


Mongo, thanks for understanding. It's really hard to find people in contemporary society who understand the abusive element of this teaching. It's not like someone is being overtly condemned to hell but that is the underlying presupposition--if you're not humble enough you'll go to hell, no questions asked.


I think people are better when they take pride in themselves.


Maybe it's the exteme emphasis on humility that makes me so strongly humanistic now--I KNOW it's better when people take pride in themselves. But I can just see some stupid Christian coming in here and condemning me for saying this.


Certainly it can be a semantic debate but I question just how much of this is manipulation of greek/hebrew and editing of those documents over the years to create a bible that strives to subjugate the "sheep".


I can't read the original languages so I don't know. But I do know about "subjugating the sheep." You want to know something? I had sheep at one point. They didn't act like the sheep in Jesus' parables and in the sermons I heard in church. They acted much like cattle except it was the sheep version of selfishness and whatever else rather than the cattle or human version.



Now for my pet peeve.


I can't stand everyone swollowing the lie that the sermon on the mount is the finest speech ever made. What a crock of crappy and stupid morals.


Turn the other cheek? Give me a break. This is pure victim theology which, you may note above, also violates my veiws on have some self-respect and pride in yourself.


I see the connection alright!


When I read the bible as a political document intended to unify a people for war and reduce social unrest... then it starts to make a lot of sense.




That is how my Old Testament teacher taught me to read it. Or at least, the author of the book "Who Wrote the Bible." According to him, the entire Bible is built on political scheming--religious and secular.

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Hotbuttons for me are the following:


- Religious people insisting I am angry at god.

- Religious people telling me I have chosen the path of darkness.

- Hypocracy.

- Self-pity.


Thats to name a few... there is probably more to come, but back to work...

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Hm, I don't know if this is a hotbutton for me or not, exactly, but it certainly cheesed me off when it happened...


Last week a Xian friend informed me that when someone leaves Xianity, they no longer have the right to decide what Xians are supposed to be like; and furthermore, if someone leaves Xianity and goes on to believe that Xians are delusional, then they give up the right even more.


I suppose it cheesed me off for a few reasons. The main one being that it smacks of the condescending "you aren't/were never a Xian, so you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about" thing that a lot of particularly arrogant fundie types seem to have going on. Which strikes me as being a version of winning an argument by sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la I'm not listening to you!"


I also think it's bullshit, if only for the reason that anybody on the damn planet has every right to have any opinion about any other group or person that they damn well feel like, and in my estimation, the only thing that gets to trump my "right" to hold any given opinion is reality.


I mean it might be damn annoying to see Xians opine that atheists are amoral baby-eating hedonistic pederasts, just as it might be annoying for a Xian to have an atheist think s/he's delusional. But fuck - it pisses me off that someone else would decide that their annoyance or discomfort with my opinion means that they get to say I don't have the right to have it.


At the time I was kind of thrown by the statement - which is why I'm not good at debate on the fly, I tend to get blindsided too easily. But if it comes up again I think I will call it for the bullshit that it is.

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One of my hotbuttons is to hear an obviously brainwashed kid telling some other kid he's going to hell. It's all I can do to not grab the responsible parental units and kick the living crap out of them for poisoning their child's mind.

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Last week a Xian friend informed me that when someone leaves Xianity, they no longer have the right to decide what Xians are supposed to be like; and furthermore, if someone leaves Xianity and goes on to believe that Xians are delusional, then they give up the right even more.



I find it interesting that their paradigm includes a determination of who is allowed to speak their mind and who is not.


The "right" to speak??? Sheesh!


What is the opposite of freethought? Cult!!!



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Abortion. Abortion's the big one for me because NOBODY can come up with a decent reason other than it's their personal belief to ban it and yet they think that's perfect justification to fuck with other people's lives.


(This goes for a lot of other issues to, like Gay Marriage)

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Ted Haggard, Westboro Baptist Church, Abortion (I'm in favor of it.), Stem Cell (in favor of it), general noise while I'm trying to work on something.

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