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Cf Deleted A Christian Post!


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I've gotten probably half a dozen warning emails over at CF for replying to posts in the "Questions by Non-Christians" board. Apparently, I was breaking some type of rule because I'm not, well, Christian. The last time I got fed up and sent a pretty long email to the moderator that warned me asking why my posts are being deleted under one of the rules but the threads started by Christians in that board remain. In that board rule #1 is only non-Christians may start threads. I never got an answer, so I just blew it off and continued along my merry little way. I just went back to check on one of the threads that I had mentioned in my email and it has been deleted. They actually deleted a Christian post.



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I have been banned by CF on multiple occasions -- too many times to count. I just make a new user name and start over.

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I just went back to check on one of the threads that I had mentioned in my email and it has been deleted. They actually deleted a Christian post.




Just now I looked for the post mentioned here on "Slumming with Atheists." Couldn't find it. Here's the message I got:


<Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator>


I wonder if they deleted it, too. Maybe that is the one you are referring to. Christians do have limits with their very own. Possibly they don't like it when we notice.


Llwellyn said:


I have been banned by CF on multiple occasions -- too many times to count. I just make a new user name and start over.


I noticed that is one of their rules: If you are banned you are not allowed to come back under a new name. I guess that is one rule they can't enforce. LOL!!!

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I've gotten probably half a dozen warning emails over at CF for replying to posts in the "Questions by Non-Christians" board. Apparently, I was breaking some type of rule because I'm not, well, Christian. The last time I got fed up and sent a pretty long email to the moderator that warned me asking why my posts are being deleted under one of the rules but the threads started by Christians in that board remain. In that board rule #1 is only non-Christians may start threads. I never got an answer, so I just blew it off and continued along my merry little way. I just went back to check on one of the threads that I had mentioned in my email and it has been deleted. They actually deleted a Christian post.




What a bunch of morons. :loser: Of course, heavy-handed moderation is something CF is noted for.


What's really interesting is the high deconversion rate at CF. :grin: The site has caused more deconversions *from* Christianity than conversions *to* Christianity.

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heavy-handed moderation is something CF is noted for


Worthy Boards is heavily moderated too, though they absurdly claim that the "censorship" card doesn't fly there. BULLSHIT. Christians - while claiming to represent TRUTH - are, in fact, afraid of TRUTH! They despise TRUTH. They loathe it with every fiber of their beings, and yet they claim to represent it. That's the ultimate irony, IMHO.

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Not worth the frustration to go to Christian forums. They are brainwashed morons anyway.

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What a bunch of morons. :loser: Of course, heavy-handed moderation is something CF is noted for.


What's really interesting is the high deconversion rate at CF. :grin: The site has caused more deconversions *from* Christianity than conversions *to* Christianity.


Really? How can you proof that?



I've noticed heavy moderation can be a good thing in preventing tons of trolls from taking over your forum with spams like "FREEBRITNEYSPEARSSEXTAPECLICKHERE!" ... that shit's so annoying. :ugh:

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I must be doing something wrong - compared with tribbleforces et al CF still seems quite liberal to me. :blink:


Of course I stick to the discussion and debate section with an occasional harmless stroll over in the hobby etc forums... maybe that's why ;)

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I have been an athesist a while now its time for some fun. ( Off to the Christian forums)

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Not worth the frustration to go to Christian forums. They are brainwashed morons anyway.

lol. Pretty funny since we're all technically "ex-brainwashed morons".
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There used to be heavy moderation at CF.com...they've watered it down a bit now.

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Nope it still is heavy moderated I already have a warning and I haven't even said I was an athesist. I am just acting as a psychotic Christian that well I am toying with them now. I got four referals out of 5 posts. This is a joke but oh well time to screw with there minds some more.


Oh by the way my name is Ramen100 if any of you see me. I don't want to butt heads with the people that I know are athesist and don't take any post seriousally.


UPDATE 1: I am so getting banned after my last post on there


UPDATE 2: Not banned yet

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Ah, I see...it's heavily moderated when you act like a retard and it's not heavily moderated when you engage in actual discussion.

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Thats a harsh genearlization I am just acting more like a questioning Christian what is wrong with that.


UPDATE 3: Yep they are brainwashed I am toying with the Old Testament vs New now

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Well I think I am banned all of my posts are gone and all my threads anything that questions the Bible has been deleted. 24 posts and I got banned wow.

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what/where is this CF you speak of?

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what/where is this CF you speak of?



It is Christianforums.com is where I went. Be warned it is vary unorganized and heavy moderated. I found another board powered by Envision Boards (like exchristian.net forum) and I am going to have fun with that I will tell you people about this one and if it is possible not to get banned.

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what/where is this CF you speak of?



It is Christianforums.com is where I went. Be warned it is vary unorganized and heavy moderated. I found another board powered by Envision Boards (like exchristian.net forum) and I am going to have fun with that I will tell you people about this one and if it is possible not to get banned.


heh, i'll have to pay a visit.

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never mind. i registered and wrote out a long post. when i hit reply, it told me my message was too short. i hit back, and nothing was there. how retarded. i'm done there.

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Not worth the frustration to go to Christian forums. They are brainwashed morons anyway.


I Havent been to CF in a while. Im still not banned, I just dont find fun in debating with christians anymore. They are brainwashed, they love being brainwashed, and they are too arrogant to admit it to themselves. So instead they come up with bullshit science and sad attempts at reasoning that can sometimes reach a point of absurdity so high it makes every genius to ever live turn in their grave.


Christian apologetics = Massive Failure.

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