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Goodbye Jesus

Fundies Say The Darndest Things

08 hawk

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"No, everyone is born Christian. Only later in life do people choose to stray from Jesus and worship satan instead. Atheists have the greatest "cover" of all, they insist they believe in no god yet most polls done and the latest research indicates that they are actually a different sect of Muslims."




From http://www.fstdt.com/top100.asp

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lol :D


I love that site...didn't realise they had a top 100 though, thanks for the link

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Atheists are actually Muslims?


I guess that explains why I have these uncontrollable urges to grovel on my rug, facing East. :scratch:

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"One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it."



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"One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it."


I could be wrong, but unless I miss my guess, the giant outside source of energy supplying the earth with huge amounts of energy just might be (gasp, eyes wide) THE SUN! Glory!


LMAO!! at the stupid fundies. :lmao:

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"One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it."


I could be wrong, but unless I miss my guess, the giant outside source of energy supplying the earth with huge amounts of energy just might be (gasp, eyes wide) THE SUN! Glory!


LMAO!! at the stupid fundies. :lmao:


Heh heh. I think they just really, really, really misunderstand the concept of evolution. *Sigh*

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"One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it."


I could be wrong, but unless I miss my guess, the giant outside source of energy supplying the earth with huge amounts of energy just might be (gasp, eyes wide) THE SUN! Glory!


LMAO!! at the stupid fundies. :lmao:

Shhhhhhh!!! Don't say this too loudly otherwise the scientists might hear about it!



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My day isn't complete without a visit to FSTDST. :D

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*Is quiet for a minute in memory of Winace* What a site! :D

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"I can sum it all up in three words: Evolution is a lie"



Holy shit


...Wow. :twitch:


A few of my favorites:


"[Atheists] are responsible for all the moral decline in America and the world community."


"There is not a single passage or concept in the Bible that would be offensive to any human on the planet."


"Our founding fathers began this country as a christian nation." :lmao:


"Interracial dating is beastality, akin to a human mating with a chimpanzee"


"What is the ROUTE of all evil, you may ask? Women of course" :lmao:




"On the contrary, no one is easier to manipulate than atheists! They have no moral anchor." :lmao:


"I am a Christian, I believe the bible. I believe Jesus. I am heading off to eternal life. The rest are heading off to hell"


"Jesus is not a Jew. Jesus was Jewish." :twitch:


"No, liberals most closely resemble fascists. I prefer freedom, something you libs hate. " (how ironic considering Christians deny so, so many people their freedom)


"Me and my husband is thinking about having a baby...."


"If we did evolve from monkeys then how come babies arent born monkeys" (because we EVOLVED!)


"Of course it doesn't make sense! I am talking about faith in God, not sense." (Hahha)


"Well I for one do HATE Queers, they are scum, Low Life predators,they should be treated like ALL predators and Eliminated"


"SCIENCE IS NOT FACT!!!!" (and the bible is?)

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I never heard of that site before! But I must say my favorite on the Top 100 list was

I appreciate your recommendation, and it is intriguing, but as a pro-lifer, I cannot support an organization that is opposed to the death penalty.


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...the latest research indicates that they are actually a different sect of Muslims."


Whenever I hear/read a morontheist talk about "research" I go :lmao::funny::lmao:

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"I am a bit troubled. I believe my son has a girlfriend, because she left a dirty magazine with men in it under his bed. My son is only 16 and I really don't think he's ready to date yet. What's worse is that he's sneaking some girl to his room behind my back. I need help, God! I want my son to stop being so secretive!"


Hah... the best part is that they'd rather their son date without being ready, sneak some strange girl into his bedroom, and f*** her brains out, rather than be attracted to males.

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The more I read the more scared of Christians I become...

"If it were up to me, all Atheists would be burnt at the stake"

"I cannot support an organization that is opposed to the death penalty"

"And then we will invade godless countries like "Great" Britain and kill all of your heathens"

"automatic DEATH PENALTY for the broad spectrum of deeds that are high crimes in the sight of the true GOD"

"If u have sex before marriage then in Gods eyes u are married to that person if a man rapes a woman in Gods eyes they are married it sucks for the girl but what can we do"


And the worst:

"If God ordered me to slaugter a whole nation, I would at least try to"


Christians are dangerous to the worlds safety, can you imagine what would happen with people such as these gaining power?

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This is brilliant! Thanks for the link! :lmao:


Not a problem. I found the site on the Atheists and Agnostics group on Myspace and felt I HAD to post it here.

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"I am a bit troubled. I believe my son has a girlfriend, because she left a dirty magazine with men in it under his bed. My son is only 16 and I really don't think he's ready to date yet. What's worse is that he's sneaking some girl to his room behind my back. I need help, God! I want my son to stop being so secretive!"


Hah... the best part is that they'd rather their son date without being ready, sneak some strange girl into his bedroom, and f*** her brains out, rather than be attracted to males.


I just can't help but to chuckle at this.


Thanks for the link.

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I could be wrong, but unless I miss my guess, the giant outside source of energy supplying the earth with huge amounts of energy just might be (gasp, eyes wide) THE SUN! Glory!

LMAO!! at the stupid fundies. :lmao:

Many years ago I attended a Christian convention at the San Francisco Hilton. As I left the building a group of holy rollers had gathered on the sidewalk and raised their arms in praise of the "halo" which God had placed directly over the corner of the hotel. Of course the "halo" was a ring effect around the sun caused by air pollution. As I walked away I noted that the "halo" was also "directly above" a gay bar, an adult bookstore, a strip club, etc.
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I could be wrong, but unless I miss my guess, the giant outside source of energy supplying the earth with huge amounts of energy just might be (gasp, eyes wide) THE SUN! Glory!

LMAO!! at the stupid fundies. :lmao:

Many years ago I attended a Christian convention at the San Francisco Hilton. As I left the building a group of holy rollers had gathered on the sidewalk and raised their arms in praise of the "halo" which God had placed directly over the corner of the hotel. Of course the "halo" was a ring effect around the sun caused by air pollution. As I walked away I noted that the "halo" was also "directly above" a gay bar, an adult bookstore, a strip club, etc.



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Meh Fundie!




"Muds trying to get out and infect the rest of my White World occurred last night. An entire family of lowland gorillas attended Saturday night services at the Methodist Church my wife and I attend. I toyed with the idea of confronting them with, [speaking to the dad] "look around, you're the only of your kind here, surely there are black churches in DC, aren't there? and Speaking as one man in this Church of hundreds, YOU AND YOUR MUD FAMILY ARE NOT WELCOME HERE, GO HOME!!"


But I don't think that wouldn't have set well with the Pastor or the rest of the nigger-friendly congregation, especially one member, whose daughter has gone and married a mud, and now she's of the mindset to "love ALL God's children", at first, it upset her that her daughter would marry a mud, but now, she's gotten used to the idea of someday having babyshit brown grandchildren and she just LOVES the idea and her son-in-law;I tell y'all, it makes me want to VOMIT.


If I can get the folks at the Christian Identity website to send me Chapter and verse that advises Whites to NOT mix with lesser races, I'll take it to her, that way, maybe, her daughter can divorce chimpy and become a "slightly used" White woman again (well that is, if she hasn't contracted AIDS from chimpy)."



"God hates therefore I hate. God only cares about the Adamic white race therefore I only care for the Adamic white race, bastard."


^Sometimes I forget that those kinds of people still exist......


And not just fundy Christians are on the wagon, either:


"Female circumcision is not barbaric. It is done for a reason, to keep the female pure. If only we adopted such practices here in the UK, then maybe women would be less inclined toward infidelity and therefore family values would still be an integral part of society. Family values instil a sense of discipline and respect, which we need as a counteraction against the modern trend of zero respect and zero discipline that is undermining the very fabric of our decaying society."


"The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people consume pork. Many times after dance parties, they have swapping of wives; i.e. many say "you sleep with my wife and I will sleep with your wife." If you eat pigs then you behave like pigs."


"[Made in comment to a video pointing out that atheists are just regular people]


We Should show Christians that their religion shall not be tolerated. They should all be put in extermination camps and they shall die. And then they'll realize they have no soul and the bible is a bunch of crud." - Marked "Secular Fundy of the Month"


"Haha this amuses me greatly...Quite frankly organized evelangical religons have done nothing good for humanity and should be completly and untterly wiped out. Religon encourages ignorance and narrow mindeness and is a severe mental disorder that results in delusions, schizophrenia, and other mental problems and disorders.


Religon should be treated as a mental disorder and cured with eletric shock aversion therapy. Religous people are scum who deserve to be exterminated."


"I have many atheists friends but they are NOTHING like you people are. God will forgive me for beating your brains out." - This one's made by a guy called iamanatheistandproud..... .....?


"After the attack on New Orleans last year which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Africans and the shipment of thousands of others to white territories, did anyone think the attacks would stop there?


"If the Bush neocons can create hurricanes and have them target specific cities as they did with "Operation Blackout" last year, what else can they do? The answer is disturbing. "


"Is it not time, now that we have a couple of hundred years of science behind us, to put an end to religious tolerance? Isn't it in fact time to start locking up those people who profess "religious" beliefs and insights for the psycho loonies that they really are? Religious tolerance in this day and age is like a murder tolerance - just not viable in a modern society based on science and rationality.


Anybody who admits to religious beliefs should be automatically banned from holding any responsible position on the grounds that they are mentally unstable."


"Anyway, you should never become addicted to anything except that which is beneficial to you (like Islam). To become addicted is to become a slave to your addiction-- and everyone should remain only as slaves of Allah."


"But anyway i will just say to you that Islam is unlike anything you know,if you inspect its sharia (Islamic law) you may realize that its really common sense.Put by god to protect each human from protecting sin and if he did it the society or the state must punish him in order to keep the society safe and secure."


"As for menstruel blood it has been scientificaly proven that if you make sex with your wife while shes in her period you may be infected by various deseases (sp?). Something that Islam told us 1400 years ago.Isnt that considered as a scientifique fact?"

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"Muslims had to fight those who didnt allow the peaceful spread of Islam."


"Allah and God are not the same! You only need to study a little Quran to see that. Islam is a false religion just as budda, shinto,stone gods, Hindu, and every other man made attempt at idoltry."


"don't millions of hindus live in abject poverty and let their children starve because of their superstitious belief that most animals are sacred?" (Must.....fight.......urges.......)


"In the future, I hope to make more regular anti-Hindu polemics. The Hindu religion is largely unknown to the Christian community outside of Asia, and this can make Christians susceptible to becoming victims of the deceit of certain Hindus. I hope that I can educate those Christians who frequent these boards as to the dangers of Hinduism."


"Jesus, and all gods/angels of nearly every religion ever are actually aliens, and I have proof (which I will get too shortly). How Ironic is it that religous people tend not to believe in alien life when they are actually worshiping it?

http://www.nicap.dabsol.co.uk/painting.htm Wierd huh? If you want there is tons of information on this sort of stuff, just do a search. Before i state my theory, i will show you some more stuff. In the story of the exodus, the Isrealites follow a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of smoke by day (god... or UFO). If you read the story of Abraham and Ezekial, it is quite obvious the angels are extratteretrials. http://www.strayreality.com/Lanis_Strayreality/ezekial.htm

It gets wierder. The next link is not related to the above, but it is deffinatly interesting anyway: www.starchildproject.com


If you want more information i will post it. So on to my theory:

We know many of the stories of the bible seem to describe aliens rather then God... but what if "God" sinply is an alien? With aliens appearing in cave paintings, and UFO sightings dating back to the earliest human histories .Ancient Hindus may actually have posessed UFOs given to them by thier god Rama. This is described in thier equivilent of the Bible "The Ramayana . This book describes saucer shaped flying vehicles called Vimanas. It also describes in extreme detail a nuclear explosion and a land bridge to Tri Lanka (spelling) that was built by Rama, which was recently discovered. If you don't believe me, research Vimanas or let me know and I will post more information.

So why stop with Hinduis? The new and Old testament stories can easily be explained by alien intervention. Are aliens intentionally trying to create religions here on Earth for thier own reasons? Or are ancient founders of religion simply describing encounters with aliens that they see as encounters with divine beings?"


"My advice - dont do yoga.


Hindus hook stupid Americans with yoga exercises which leads to meditation which then leads to transendental meditation which may allow you to contact this "being of light" which ultimately leads to him convincing you that he is Jesus and you swearing your allegiance to him."

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It's hard to read that site without your head exploding, no? :blink::)

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