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Goodbye Jesus

Life As A Former Christian


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I've renounced my family totally, I've felt I had to. So in a way I am a little alone, but it's liberating as they are all Christians of some form, and all have acted like complete assholes.


The final blow came recently from my cousin on my father's side, who invited me to come stay with him and his wife a few months ago after I got back from Iraq around July of this year. I was living in California and doing fine, but he kept asking me to come stay as they have a guest room and such. I took some time off working as I made enough money to do so from Iraq supporting the 4th Infantry Division.


Anyway, I asked him if he was sure, TWICE. He says "Yeah, it's ok bro! You can stay as long as you want!" I never intended to stay more than 2-3 months tops, as I planned to relocate to Dallas. I had a feeling maybe this wasn't a good idea, but he *promised*, so I went ahead and moved east.


I get there, and right away he starts giving me Christian books and such. He knows I USED to be a Christian (I was the public witnessing kind, tracts, personal testimonies, volunteer work, ect...I was a good trooper of Jesus). I read them, and while some were interesting I had basically enough of it. I know the Bible backwards and forwards, had memorized over 100 verses from the OT & NT...I'm that guy who could quote verses from Judges and Kings and Leviticus exactly. I used to have Christians freaking out as I would memorize some of the really condemning verses from the OT and rattle them off around those "peachy" types of the faith...they used to cry out and say "How awful of you to memorize that!" and I was like "Well, stop being a liar!" I hated the hypocrites, and everyone considered me "Super Christian". I was a pretty loving guy as well, and man I got abused constantly by people, especially Christians! Which is why I memorized those verses!


So my cousin knows all this, and I think he thought he would be blessed in faith by having me there and that God would drop a huge blessing on him. So after reading his books, I simply got tired of the crap. I had been practicing Tai Chi and Qi Gong, and felt better and stronger spiritually and physically as well. I did pray with them twice, and during that his wife could feel me spiritually. I want to say here that you can be spiritual and have spiritual power and NOT be Christian...they do not have the license on spiritual power! If you are spiritual and a compassionate and loving person, everyone will feel it and be drawn to you. You are like a big "love & happiness magnet". So continuing, his wife felt me and was drawn to me, which caused problems. I basically had to 'reverse frequency' to keep her away. This has happened to me more than a few times in the past, and I used to yell at God & Jesus over it..."can't you control your own people!? Geeze! Are you trying to kill me?!"


After all this is going on my cousin decides to kick me out 3 weeks after being there. I had just had a job interview, and started my college back up. I left December 1st, during a snow storm, and had to move ALL of my things in 2 days and find a new place! The 'typical' Christian. He has caused me some $3,000+ worth of cash from moving TWICE (once there, and once to find my own place) and having to live at a hotel! Not to mention being hugely interrupted for my job search, and my college trashed (I'll have a return to lender...another $3,000! Lovely!)...I spoke with a lawyer who told me my cousin broke the law doing that, so I am taking his phony Christian ass to court ASAP. "You can stay bro, blah blah", what a liar and an oathbreaker! I know non-Christians who would have never done that to me. Actually, I am probably still in some shock, trying to rationalize this Christian piece of garbage, my own cousin, with a decent person who would honor their agreement! But he likes the Christian Heavy Metal groups and the vulgar "turn or burn" stickers on his cars, so I guess he's a hardcore motherfucker for Christ! "I'll take my 10 pound 1611 Bible and shove it up your unbelieving ass...KICK ASS FOR JESUS!"


I will never be a Christian again...I'm at the point I feel like beating the crap out of the next two-faced fundie who comes up to me, and I definitely hope my cousin and I meet on the street some time in the future. I would enjoy knocking his ass out!


If you folks would wish me good fortune or the equivalent, I'd be thankful. This has been a huge blow to me. If there is a 'typical Christian' list here, put Erich & Helen on it!



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Let me wish you good fortune Shawn, and remind you, living well is the best revenge. Just be happy, nothing will burn thier butts more or faster then when you get all the "blessings".

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Welcome Shawn and good fortune to you! Yes, I think he owes you not only in money but an apology too. That's just wrong!

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Doesn't the Bible teach against things like this? He should know this. I agree, he should pay for your added expenses and give you an appology for his behaviour. It's very hypocritical of him to act like this. I'm glad you are taking legal action. Perhaps your cousin will snap out of his delusional thinking with an order from the court to pay for your expenses.

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Welcome to the boards.


Your cousin's being a dick. Good on you for suing him; keep us posted.


Hang in there. This might trip you up for awhile but you can start over again (with school and jobs) when it gets a bit more settled.


Don't let the Xian bastards get you down.

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Some folks need a wakeup call that a verbal contract is binding. I hope that lawsuit goes so far up your cousin's ass, he tastes paper.


And why do I have a feeling his wife wanted to feel more than your spirit? :wicked:

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  • Admin

Nice welcome back to the states! NOT.




Sue him good.

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Yeah, sue the bitch bigtime.


And welcome to the boards, Shawn :wave:

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Lots of good fortune, and welcome to the boards! :wave: Best of luck recovering your lost expenses, your cousin needs a swift kick in the ass. Sometimes you gotta do that with family. I've had to do that with mine too, as well as cut them off a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for the encouragement!!! It was awesome reading all your posts!!!


I have an update, I saw the lying bastard at Barnes & Noble…why he just happened to show up at the exact same time I did! He NEVER goes there, not in Plano. The spiritual bullshit is amazing!


He comes up acting like nothing happened, “How’s it going BRO!” I acted like a gentleman and just said “Hi”. He has the balls to say “Man, we have been wondering about you, no calls or anything!” Uh, he has MY number, and he is the one who betrayed me, kicked me out during a snowstorm, during Christmas, all because I wouldn’t kiss his deity’s ass. He was a bit teary eyed and somewhat choked up. I guess I was supposed to get all teary eyed with him, re-accept Jesus, go with him and have candy canes, and wrap presents and get baptized again at his mega church. He and his wife are real pieces of work. Oh, and I could have dealt with his wife’s advances toward me again, too!


I am recovering, and have two solid job offers to go over next week. He hit me pretty hard, but the next blow will be mine.


White Raven, she was definitely creeping up on me. I already knew if I didn’t shine her off, it would get sexual. I did not need that BS from her either…control yourself, woman! That’s a Biblical tenant too, SELF CONTROL. Wow, I’m not a Christian and I exercised that by not kicking the shit out of my cousin!


I will post the law suit when it starts here…encouragement for those oppressed by wacko family members!


Again, I really appreciate the encouragement from you all!!! Thank you!!!


Shawn :)

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