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Goodbye Jesus

Is 10 Corona A Day Too Many?


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When I was still a Christian I did not drink for 17 years. Before that I could drink like a world champion. After I dumped the cult I started up with beer again, but could not really drink too many (5 was like tops) Well anyway I started drinking Corona, and the stuff goes down for me easier than water. Is 10 a day too many because that is my run rate right now. Yahoooooooooo!

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Goodbye Jesus

Mick if you have to ask, then you may be pushing the limit.

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I think it's a tad excessive, já. (Disclaimer: I come down with severe giggles after three beers, and my "personal best" one-day consumption of alcohol is seven. Back in 1976.)

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Ten beers occasionally is fine. Ten beers every day is excessive.

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When I was still a Christian I did not drink for 17 years. Before that I could drink like a world champion. After I dumped the cult I started up with beer again, but could not really drink too many (5 was like tops) Well anyway I started drinking Corona, and the stuff goes down for me easier than water. Is 10 a day too many because that is my run rate right now. Yahoooooooooo!
It won't be too many until YOU say it is too many. What kind of life do you have other than being drunk? Is that the life you want? You used religion as a drug, then switched to another drug. What are you hiding from?
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It depends what she looked like when you started. :68:

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Mick if you have to ask, then you may be pushing the limit.


Agreed. Now, don't get me wrong, I think that it's okay to drink. I drink at home sometimes. I prefer wine over beer, though if I drink beer, I'll drink the German stuff (it's better than American, IMO). But if you are worried that you are drinking too much, then you may be.


Alcohol isn't forbidden to you anymore, so it seems to me that it's like going on a diet, then forbidding yourself a certain type of food (be it carbs, chocolate, whatever) and then splurging on that food once you go off the diet, which isn't good for your body either. IMO it's better to allow yourself the forbidden things, be it carbs or chocolate or in this case, alcohol, in moderation and allow yourself to enjoy the pleasure of it, then to totally binge and potentially damage your body.

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I agree: not that there's anything inherently wrong with drinking, but it is one of those things best done in moderation and never abused. I'd say based on two pieces of information that this sounds excessive: 1) almost invariably if a person asks if it's too many, then it is, and 2) Even so, 10 beers per day sounds like quite a bit to me.

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NO offense, but maybe you should try counseling, Mick.

As someone mentioned upthread you've traded one addiction(Christianity)for another(alcohol).

Anyway, deconversion is so difficult. There is nothing wrong with having someone professional help you along the way.

I was discharged from counseling several days ago(after going for 8 months), and it took me awhile to come to grips with my loss of faith. And I am better for it.


Nothing wrong with having a drink every once in awhile but don't get consumed.

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One Corona is too many. You should drink the good stuff, Mick.


Ten a day is too many for optimal health for most folks. I probably drink at least that many on a good night of darts at the local watering hole, but I only do that 2-4 times a month.

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10 beers in a day every once in awhile? Yeah. That's fine.


10 beers daily? Hm. Not so good.


Doesn't mean you're an alcoholic per se, but sounds like there's a problem nonetheless. I'd cut back or stop altogether before it gets worse.

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Moderation my friend. Ten of almost any drink in day besides water isnt too good.

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Coming from a long line of alchoholics (of which I never turned into thankfully) I would say that's too much and if I was one of your family members I might throw some hints your way to maybe ease off a bit and see how you respond. I've noticed my father has really stepped up his drinking lately and it's just getting worse and worse so I guess this is kind of a touchy subject with me.


Having said all that, being the ex-partier I once was in high school (I could often be found tapping the keg all night long at most parties) I don't have anything against people having a good time and drinking lots of Corona's certainly qualifies as a good time. Just know your limits and stop when you reach that point...

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Before I got sucked into church I would go out and have a few beers with my friends. I always had a good time. I never was able to have 10 drinks at a time or in one day.


I'm not into the beer anymore, I think white wine tastes a whole lot better. I too was forbidden in partaking in the alcoholic beverages for about 9 years. These days I find that I can't drink nearly as much as I used to. I'm lucky if I can have 1 glass of wine before getting really tipsy. In a way its sad. The time wasted being brainwashed has led my body to regect a perfectly fine beverage.


I think you should cut back on how many you have in one day. If you were drinking 10 glasses of water a day nutritionists would see you as an example to follow. 10 beers a day, as much fun as it sounds like you're having, is excessive.

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I have to agree, moderation is a good thing. I can drink half a gallon of brandy in 4 nights, on a regular basis. Tonight is the first time I have not drank in a long time. My thinking is sooooo much more clear tonight.

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As a recovering Christian, I just LOVE to drink! Always happy to find drinking buddies at my workplace.


The health literature says that about 4 standard drinks a day is the maximum for a man before it causes damage. So very sad that the same health literature says that 2 a day is the max for women (I am female).


The same health literature (don't you just hate all that healthy lifestyle shit?!?!?!!) does say that 10 on any day is too much. But, hey we all overstep the mark sometimes, don't we???


Didn't Saint Paul say "take a litte wine for thy stomach's sake?". And if a Saint recommends a little, shouldn't we try to be VERY saintly????? lol

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When I was still a Christian I did not drink for 17 years. Before that I could drink like a world champion. After I dumped the cult I started up with beer again, but could not really drink too many (5 was like tops) Well anyway I started drinking Corona, and the stuff goes down for me easier than water. Is 10 a day too many because that is my run rate right now. Yahoooooooooo!


Noted physicist Richard Feynman once described his approach to drinking.


He said that he had been drinking more, and one day at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, he was walking down the street, saw a bar, and said to himself, "I'd love to have a drink right now!". He was on the way in and he realized that he had no real reason to have a drink - it wasn't for social reasons, he wasn't really thirsty. That was the trigger for him to reevaluate his relationship with alcohol.


I think that if you ever *need* to have a drink, you have a problem. And I'd say that drinking 10 beers at a time is a good symptom of need.

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When I was still a Christian I did not drink for 17 years. Before that I could drink like a world champion. After I dumped the cult I started up with beer again, but could not really drink too many (5 was like tops) Well anyway I started drinking Corona, and the stuff goes down for me easier than water. Is 10 a day too many because that is my run rate right now. Yahoooooooooo!



10 beers a day is excessive; I wouldn't recommend more then 3 or 4 if you're going to be drinking everday.

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In the Mid Ages they would drink about 2 liters of beer a day in Prussia.Beers is not bad for your health and un=pastorized beer is good for you.

Even martin Luther "The Reformer" had a brewery in his basement and would drink beer while he and his folk studied the Bible "yeah thats a secret the relgious nutbags today dont want you to know"

I for one love beer! I drink about 4-16oz botles of beer every other day or about 12-15 beers a week

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All I can think of is, how can you afford that? Even at a dollar a drink, that's more than a month's wage, unless you're filthy rich.


Not only that, but excessive substance users have a tendency to understate their usage. You really, really need to cut back.


Frick, if you're going be drinking that much, at least drink Canadian beer :P

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In the Mid Ages they would drink about 2 liters of beer a day in Prussia.....

Only because you could not drink the water. In most cities at that time any water source was so polluted with human waste that you would most likely get very sick and often die. Also, the beer had less alcohol in it than todays beers.

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I wonder if Mick is going to come back to this topic?


I hope he's not feeling embarrased about bringing this to us. Many of us have urged him to cut back. I think the main reason we have done so is because we give a damn. I mean if a person didn't care they would say, sure drink all you wish.

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Yeah, definately excessive. Go get yourself a GOOD beer once in a while and really enjoy it...don't drink just because you can.

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