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Goodbye Jesus

Walking On Water


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Today I asked my sister a question. She is a christian and believes in God and believes in the bible. Well I showed her a clip of Chris Angel walking on water. It's not the most believable clip because the audience seems like they are in on it. But when I showed it to my sister she quickly said, "It's just a magic trick". First I thought how amazing it is that christain are so skeptical. If jesus did exist I'm sure his 'act' would look similar to what Chris did (probably worse). I then decided to mess with her and tell her "You got to have faith!" and she replied "About a magic trick?!". I don't think she got what I was trying to get at. It's amazing to me that she has more faith in something that she never saw (Jesus walking on water) compared to something she did see (Chris Angel).


Well anyway, my question is this harder to believe


than this?.....


Matt 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.


14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.


Why are words in a book easier to believe in than a video or live magic?

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Partially, no one is threatened with eternal torture for not believing in Chris Angel.


That, and people are just programmed to turn off their rationality when it comes to some religions, especially those that not just demand faith but exalt blind, even fanatical, faith beyond honesty or common sense.


No, it makes no sense that Xians believe Jebus walked on water, turned water into wine, rose from the dead, or existed in the flesh to begin with, yet are perfectly rational and skeptical when regular humans claim to do strange feats.

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Well, I'll grant them one thing. Jebus (if he existed) could easily have walked on water.




In winter. :HaHa:

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I love that clip. I showed it to my wife. Also the one where he levitates and all the rest.


I don't compare him to jesus though. That's self-evident. I just love to talk about how the illusionists of today ADMIT that what they're doing is an ILLUSION as opposed to MAGIC like people from ancient times used to think (and they actually did some nifty tricks all things considered). Even how his levitation trick is so much better than the one done just a few years back by David Blaine (I think that's who).


I simply put all the dots in a nice little row for her to connect on her own. Saves me a lot of headaches anymore. :wicked:



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Reminds me of a lame joke. Stop me if you've heard this one already ...


Jesus was preparing for the Second Coming and wanted to be able to put on a huge display of miracles for his reappearance on earth but felt rusty so he asked Moses to help him practice the old routines. The first one he tried was the old walking-on-water trick. But, every time he step out onto the surface of the water, he sank immediately. "I don't understand it, Moses. I didn't have this trouble last time. What's wrong?"


"It's obvious, Jesus. Last time, you didn't have holes in your feet."

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Well, I'll grant them one thing. Jebus (if he existed) could easily have walked on water.




In winter. :HaHa:


LOL, yes. I doubt water freezes in the Sea of Galilee very often though.

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Reminds me of a lame joke. Stop me if you've heard this one already ...


Good one :HaHa:

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What I don't understand is what's so important about a written document that some guy named Jesus walked on water. What is that supposed to prove?

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