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Goodbye Jesus

If Christians Had More Faith...

R. S. Martin

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Perhaps they wouldn't need god so much.

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If they had more god they wouldnt need faith. :shrug:

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I'm still kinda stewing from stuff that happened yesterday. I thought people at my school were so tolerant and respectful of all religions or no religion. I'm beginning to think it's only those people who have a strong self image. They are so strong in and of themselves that they don't need god. I don't know why they hold onto him if they don't need him but that's their choice.


The one guy I'm stuck taking courses with this year shows all the usual signs of having a weak self-image. He's always preaching when he's supposed to be teaching. He can't take jokes. And most of all he absolutely cannot stand having a student (me) saying in a paper that we can't tell whether or not Jesus existed, and that Jesus in the gospels is "nothing but bits and pieces" scattered throughout the gospels. "Nothing but???" he kept pressing me with raised eyebows and voice.


I told him early in the term that I deconverted. He told me he respects that. I have it in writing. I can only conclude that his faith is so fragile that he needs god so much. I don't think he'd get along without god. He's ordained Luthern clergy like all my other profs and they get along just fine but this guy needs god like he needs air. He can be said to have a strong faith religion-wise, the others are rebels and revolutionaries who manage to operate within the system when required but who can just as easily operate outside the system if the mood so strike.


I think they have the kind of faith that counts in practical ways in real life--faith in themselves. This other guy is so flimsy and hollow that any wind would blow him away if he didn't have god to rely on and fight for. That is why I say if Christians had more faith (real solid faith in themselves that helps a person get through each day) maybe they wouldn't need god.

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One more thing. I told him I did not get out of his course what I had expected so he gave me a book to read. Guess what author he gave me--Bart Ehrman, the apostate exChristians respect so much. I've read through the first chapter and I am thinking I know why exChristians respect him. He talks like one of us. I doubt that my prof knows that Ehrman has deconverted. I heard it on another board of deconverts.

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