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How Can Someone Claim The Bible Is Innerrant


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-I posted part of this as a reply in one of my threads, but I wanted to put it out here as a question


Here is another thing that I have been thinking about lately. I really find it interesting. How can ANYONE make a claim, that a book (rather long collection of books) is the INFALLIBLE, INNERRANT word of GOD, IF they have NEVER READ LARGE SECGTIONS OF IT??? Serioulsy, how could anyone make the claim the Bible has no errors and is perfect, if they have not at least read every single thing in it? How would they know? The can't! When I first read the OT I had been a Christian for like 4 years. I was so shocked with what was in it, that I think I really stopped believing way back then. (I was a Christian 17 years from age 22 to 39) I went into a denial mode, and I stopped reading the OT and never finished it. When I re-visited it this year, and putrposely dealt with the cruelty, genecide, etc, I rejected it.


Couldn't you ask a Christian if they have read the whole Bible cover to cover, and if they say no, then ask them how could they possibly be sure it is innerrant if they have not even read it? OK, don't answer like some fundy might, but isn't utterly illogical (even impossible) for someone to claim that a long long book has no errors if they have not read it?

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Simple, they parrot what they are told by their pastors, elders, bible scholars, life-long Christians, etc. They *trust* that these people are more educated biblically than them and don't even think for a second to check out the information for themselves...I know because I used to be the same way. I was a lifelong Christian but NEVER read the bible entirety until I started going to church at age 30 and started reading for myself at age 32 1/2...2 1/2 years later I was an ex-Christian.

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Simple, they parrot what they are told by their pastors, elders, bible scholars, life-long Christians, etc. They *trust* that these people are more educated biblically than them and don't even think for a second to check out the information for themselves...I know because I used to be the same way. I was a lifelong Christian but NEVER read the bible entirety until I started going to church at age 30 and started reading for myself at age 32 1/2...2 1/2 years later I was an ex-Christian.

Many an Atheist has said; "The best cure for belief in the bible is to read it."

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I'll just repost what I put in the other thread.


The Bible by and large is just a symbol of Christian faith, not actually a guide. Very few people can stand reading the Bible. It's crappily written, dry, confusing, contradictory, esoteric, vague, and boring as all hell. So it sits unopened on shelves, coffee tables, nightstands, and alters, except when the few favorite verses are pulled out, as a symbol of what people THINK their religion is.


Christians follow a god and a practice a faith that isn't really written in the book. Depending on what you believe has the truth, the followers or the Bible, it could be ending up that millions of Christians are worshipping a false idol. Wouldn't THAT be ironic?

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