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A Question For Rubysera


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Hi there,

Have been wondering since I read a post of yours in the Leaf thread about the Mennonite/Amish girl.


Was wondering how often do you think this sort of things happens where a young girl has premarital sex with an outsider or her boyfriend or fiance?


How would the elders find out, if she didn't become pregnant? Would she feel so guilty and shamed that she would confess to someone in the community and then her reputation be ruined through gossip?


Do they send the girls out to a doctor to get checked to see if they are still virgins when they about to be married?

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See here.

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I dated a Menno for near 4 months and she filled me in with allot of info. For one..no doctor checks to see if she is a virgin...the main way of knowing is via being honest..Before a couple wed they go to the deacons and have a talk about marriege and love, sex ect...This was her church which was a Eastern Mennonite church similar to the Beachy Amish type.

If the elders found out she would likely be excommunicated. This depends of course on her family and if she is in a state of repenting.

Was wondering how often do you think this sort of things happens where a young girl has premarital sex with an outsider or her boyfriend or fiance?
The stict one not very often do they make love with a outsider-non-Anabaptist. BUT on the same note allot of couple to have pre-maritail sex from what she told me about 50% of her freinds were having sex with their Menno boyfreinds.
her reputation be ruined through gossip?
Very likely! Gossip is HUGE in the closed community churches like Eastern menn's and all churches in the connection would know..News-gossip spreads like wildfire in that community...Thier is allot of secret sins going on behind closed doors.

People are not fools and they are pretty good at keeping things secretive.

The Mennonite lady I had a relationship with did not want any one from her church to know.She would meet me at night in my town where hardly any Mennonines lived...Also We would never go in public together..She would also park her car in my garage..So it was a very secret love affair...Up their with the Pastors wifes and church women I slept with...Most Christian still members of church are very secretive in their private life..and more less was the same type of relations.

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Thanks for posting the link RubySera, but those links don't work for my computer.. I need the adresss so I can cut and paste in my browser..

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I watched this not too long ago.




fascinating....but disturbing.



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