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Malevolent Design: The Neglected Obvious Of Modern Creationism

Reverend AtheiStar

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Malevolent Design: The Neglected Obvious of Modern Creationism


I'm taking two weeks off from work in February to start work on my very first book! It's been both a dream and an oft repeated request for the last 11 years and now I feel the time is finally right to put down, in book form, what's been evolving in my head for all that time. It's going to take the reader from the theistic, and celeverly disguised Atheistic, origin hypotheses of ancient times right up to the cutting edge science of the 21st century. It will cover how creationism has evolved into Intelligent Design and the reason why, namely the extreme legal pressure that has come from Jefferson's Wall of Separation. It will expose the two major flaws of this pseudoscietific movement, namely that it bows to science as a high power -- faith is not enough, anymore -- and that when you examine nature through the lens of a theist what you find is a malevolence that contradicts a loving creator in so many ways that it should shatter any belief in said deity. It will compare the massive evidence that has been compiled over the last 150 years that have made evolution both a fact and a theory. It will herald the telling fact that Intelligent Design movement has produced zero evidence in favor of it's hypothesis, only criticism designed to enlarge gaps to stick their god into. It will conclusively show that as a scientific hypothesis, Intelligent Design, in all of it's incarnations, has failed despite the very large financial support from the business of religion. It will show, in short, the overwhelming victory of the scientific Atheist position over the irrational, pseudoscietific views of the creationist in modern times.

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Good luck and God speed in your endeavor Reverend. Creationism is bunk.

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Sounds like its going to be a great book. Best of luck.

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Good luck and God speed in your endeavor Reverend. Creationism is bunk.


Thanks! I can't wait to get started. I'm currently battling an ex-Christian Buddhist fundy on the subject right now. It's expanding my ideas for the book. I'm grateful for his arrogant ignorance! lol...

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Sounds like its going to be a great book. Best of luck.


Oh yes! I'm jumping out of my skin in anticipation! I can't help but fantasize about it's impact! I'll be up there with Dawkins, Dennet and Harris! :)

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I'm currently battling an ex-Christian Buddhist fundy on the subject right now.

I'm curious. Why does he feel compelled to object? Does he still adhere to mythology?

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I'm currently battling an ex-Christian Buddhist fundy on the subject right now.

I'm curious. Why does he feel compelled to object? Does he still adhere to mythology?


I really don't know. He says he objects to my criticism on purely intellectual grounds, but I'm not so sure. I think he still retains some love for his old flame. Decide for yourself:



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I'm currently battling an ex-Christian Buddhist fundy on the subject right now.

I'm curious. Why does he feel compelled to object? Does he still adhere to mythology?


His name is David. He's the guy with the black suit and the pink tie. His original criticism was aimed at my lack of degrees in the areas I was attempting to debunk. He finds self-education to be something of a joke. Apparently, you can only write if you've spent tens of thousands of dollars and years of time sitting in a desk.

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He says he objects to my criticism on purely intellectual grounds, but I'm not so sure. I think he still retains some love for his old flame. Decide for yourself:

Thanks Reverend. From the little that I was able to glean from that, I'd say that he is arguing that all veiwpoints have equal merit.


Science deals with models however, and models can be more or less accurate.

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Well, good luck, Rev! I for one look forward to reading it :)


More intelligent Atheists need to write books.

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Well, good luck, Rev! I for one look forward to reading it :)


More intelligent Atheists need to write books.


<bows> Thanks! I look forward to writing it. ;)


Yeah, I totally agree.

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