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Goodbye Jesus

Christian Cowards


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BUT, when the real fighting starts and they get cut once, off they run!


I remember when I was a Christian witness...I was apalled by about 99.9% of the 'so-called' believers in Church, and I had been a member of several different church's over the years. Seems like the same people in almost every one. I used to witness in crappy neighbourhoods with crack heads and freaks, ON MY OWN. And I read that book cover to cover more than a few times! I used to take shots constantly, and I never whined like these bitches who come here. I was honored to take the shots and not bitch. I wouldn't even brag later! I kept it to myself; I guess I was a 'TC' back then!


Back to my first statement; they are the biggest bunch of chumps I've ever seen. They can't even handle online chat! Warriors of Gawd, ha ha ha! Cowards of Christ more likely. How do any of them even witness in public? I guess they don't, most of them who come here aren't even well read on their own Bible. And yet, they think they will come here, into "Mordor", and win? LOL!


I'm making it a point to never have Christian friends for any online RPG or RTS games either. I'll gladly be looking for Ex-C's to join me for online gaming...SUPREME COMMANDER! But Jesus Cultists, NO!!!




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We had a thread challenging Xtians to go to lovely places like North Korea and Iran to preach the good news. Saving souls is more important than thier job and house. Those poor people in those countries need "saving" but these cowards that come here are chickenshits. Not a one ever said they would give up thier cushy lives and go to those countries to preach the word.

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We had a thread challenging Xtians to go to lovely places like North Korea and Iran to preach the good news. Saving souls is more important than thier job and house. Those poor people in those countries need "saving" but these cowards that come here are chickenshits. Not a one ever said they would give up thier cushy lives and go to those countries to preach the word.


It figures. You have to wonder about someone who can't take shots online. How big of a wuss are they in person? One can only imagine.




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I know exactly what you mean. I too was "on fire" for God. I used to dream about being a missionary and being murdered for Christ in a South American country. I witnessed every chance that I got. I was a Christian freak, but I was very respected for bringing even an athiest to church. Looking back, he just really liked me and was hoping for a relationship, though that never happened.


I was involved with Mr. Christian Character (he was voted that 4 years in a row in our Christian high school) and I had planned on being a Pastor's wife, until one fateful day when Mr. CC and I ended up naked (after four years of dating and engaged six months). He made me read the Bible (The Psalm David writes after the Bathsheba incident) and pray afterward and ask god to forgive me for temping him. After that I just couldn't marry him. No, not because he made me pray. Sadly, he never knew the real reason why I broke up with him. I wanted more out of marriage than he was able to give, which to my dismay was the size of a roll of dimes. I'm sure his wife was shocked and severly disappointed, like I was, on their wedding night. (Though, I did re-virginize myself after which wasn't all that difficult since I really wasn't sure Mr. CC, with his roll of dimes, did much de-virginizing in the first place.)

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Yeah... I recall during my Xian days that I both found Xians who wouldn't go into the dangerous places of the world to evangelize to be cowards in my opinion, as well as knew that, deep down, I wouldn't do it, either.


I knew in my heart that I didn't want to risk my tail and ruin the one life I got. I can't blame them, but on the other hand, spreading Da Word™ should be more important than anything else... if the message was real, that is.

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I was involved with Mr. Christian Character (he was voted that 4 years in a row in our Christian high school) and I had planned on being a Pastor's wife, until one fateful day when Mr. CC and I ended up naked (after four years of dating and engaged six months). He made me read the Bible (The Psalm David writes after the Bathsheba incident) and pray afterward and ask god to forgive me for temping him.


My heart goes out to you Taphophilia!!!


What a disgusting piece of shit!


If it was possible, you should go back and call him a goddman rapist. I'm sure Jesus is proud of this fucking loser.


Jesus Christ, just a piece of shit dead religious figure who creates more twisted losers like himself. Fuck his holy spirit!




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I was involved with Mr. Christian Character (he was voted that 4 years in a row in our Christian high school) and I had planned on being a Pastor's wife, until one fateful day when Mr. CC and I ended up naked (after four years of dating and engaged six months). He made me read the Bible (The Psalm David writes after the Bathsheba incident) and pray afterward and ask god to forgive me for temping him. After that I just couldn't marry him. No, not because he made me pray. Sadly, he never knew the real reason why I broke up with him. I wanted more out of marriage than he was able to give, which to my dismay was the size of a roll of dimes. I'm sure his wife was shocked and severly disappointed, like I was, on their wedding night. (Though, I did re-virginize myself after which wasn't all that difficult since I really wasn't sure Mr. CC, with his roll of dimes, did much de-virginizing in the first place.)




Just wow.


I've heard plenty of tragic 'first-time' tales, but this one is heartbreaking on several levels. I admire your self-control (the toad is still alive after all).


He deserves his tiny penis.

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Warriors of Gawd, ha ha ha! Cowards of Christ more likely
Wha...oh the other kind, carry on. :woohoo:



Fuck his holy spirit!

Maybe thats what he wants...


We had a thread challenging Xtians to go to lovely places like North Korea and Iran to preach the good news. Saving souls is more important than thier job and house. Those poor people in those countries need "saving" but these cowards that come here are chickenshits.

Indeed they do need some type of help and not the false help thses fools bring. I think many of the runaways from the north are brought in by south Korean Christian groups...8 out of 10 I think. Maybe our christians dont think it's worth helping the other 2?

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He (Mr. Christian Character) made me read the Bible (The Psalm David writes after the Bathsheba incident) and pray afterward and ask god to forgive me for temping him.

So HE willingly dipped his wick into you and then had the unmitigated audacity to absolve himself from all responsibility for his lapse in his fine xian morals by calling YOU the seductress!!??? I don't care if you took a bath in pheromones before your date, it sounded like a consensual act to me, one in which he didn't have a gun pulled up to his head! This smacks of all the horrors of the xian mindset toward women for centuries, drawing straight from the Adam and Eve myth which gave the first denigrated women and gave a pathetic excuse for them to be trampled upon. You know, I'd feel a lot less contempt for him if he said something like "we have sinned together, let's get down on our knees and both ask god's forgiveness for our act." I'd still have said he was misguided, but not a hypocritical, self-apologetic, misogynistic slime bucket. I'm glad you were fortunate enough to be spared being married to this character.


And so he goes forth, "god's warrior." Ah, Christianity at its finest!

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Agreed Shackled. Well put. The guy was a dick, even if he was lacking in the dick department.


Reminds me of my ex wife blaming me for her extramarital affairs.

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I was involved with Mr. Christian Character (he was voted that 4 years in a row in our Christian high school) and I had planned on being a Pastor's wife, until one fateful day when Mr. CC and I ended up naked (after four years of dating and engaged six months). He made me read the Bible (The Psalm David writes after the Bathsheba incident) and pray afterward and ask god to forgive me for temping him. After that I just couldn't marry him. No, not because he made me pray. Sadly, he never knew the real reason why I broke up with him. I wanted more out of marriage than he was able to give, which to my dismay was the size of a roll of dimes. I'm sure his wife was shocked and severly disappointed, like I was, on their wedding night. (Though, I did re-virginize myself after which wasn't all that difficult since I really wasn't sure Mr. CC, with his roll of dimes, did much de-virginizing in the first place.)




Sounds like he was cut from the same misogynist cloth as FBX.*


Sadly, that's the mindset for a lot of religious guys. They don't get that sexual attraction is just something that happens between people, they think it's some magic thing that women "do" to men to make them sin. It's a lie, but they think it anyway, because it absolves them of any sexual responsibility.


Though there's a certain poetic justice in the fact that he's hung like a baby carrot. Like he's making up for his lack of dick by becoming a dick.


Or something like that.


Anyway. Thank doggess neither of us ended up with our irresponsible misogynist fundy asshole exes. :beer:








*FundieBoy eX. Nickname self-descriptive...

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Though, I did re-virginize myself after which wasn't all that difficult since I really wasn't sure Mr. CC, with his roll of dimes, did much de-virginizing in the first place.)





Maybe Mr.CC should have prayed to God for a bigger "roll"!

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It's eye opening how others veiw the snipets of your life. However, making me pray didn't offend all that much. What offended me was the fact he made something that I thought was beautiful and special between us cheap, wrong, ugly, and a sin.

Mr. CC is now a Chaplain in the Air Force.

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What offended me was the fact he made something that I thought was beautiful and special between us cheap, wrong, ugly, and a sin.


Sounds exactly like my ex, but right now, she's probably putting her sacred MA to excellent use flipping hamburgers :jerkit:

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