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Goodbye Jesus

Some Christians Are Willing To Murder Their Children For God


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this is a thread i started. post 2 and post 74 have people admitting to being willing to murder their own children if they believe god wanted them to. the rest are just squirming around, trying to act like the laws don't matter anymore or never did.



people like this make me sick. they don't deserve to be free in society. they belong in a mental hospital or in a grave. sick fuckers.

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Goodbye Jesus

I liked that, thanks for posting it.


I loved Bluesky3


Cause--> effect. Cause--> effect. Cause--> ?




Not a hard concept. The Dog Whisperer gets it, why doesnt your god?

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Some children have already been murdered because their parents believed god wanted them to.






I'd include Andrea Yates, but she thought Satan told her to kill the children, not god. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=389198&page=1

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I'd be bargining my life and soul if my god demanded I kill my child. If he's supposed to be a god of love, he'd understand why.


Though no god of love would demand such a thing in the first place. Yet another example of the deep crevace of belief between what Christians THINK their god is, and what the Bible says god is.

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Though no god of love would demand such a thing in the first place. Yet another example of the deep crevace of belief between what Christians THINK their god is, and what the Bible says god is.


Exactly. Xianity is a bizarre thing, for it is a religion which say one thing about its god whilst its believers say another. With a few exceptions, Xians believe their god is a god of only the purest love and sweetest mercy. That's fine if people want to make a religion that goes like that, but the Babble (both Old and New Testaments) clearly depict a pitiless, cruel, hateful, self-centered deity.


And then they throw up their hands and wonder why people leave their religion :shrug:

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Exactly. Xianity is a bizarre thing, for it is a religion which say one thing about its god whilst its believers say another. With a few exceptions, Xians believe their god is a god of only the purest love and sweetest mercy. That's fine if people want to make a religion that goes like that, but the Babble (both Old and New Testaments) clearly depict a pitiless, cruel, hateful, self-centered deity.


And then they throw up their hands and wonder why people leave their religion :shrug:


Right. Jesus is the ultimate Marty/Gary Stu.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Stu (for those who don't know what a Marty Stu is)

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For those former fundalmentalists out there (me included) how would you handle this:


Imagine you are an Israelite soldier in the time of Moses. You have just destroyed an enemy army and have captures over 20,000 women, small children and babies. Moses is angry with you for sparing their lives and orders you to kill all of them except the virgins (which he gives to his army). As the women are lined up with their crying children clinging onto them you are told by your commander to start killing. Would any of you have done it?

I used to think about this when I was a Christian and I finally came to believe that I couldn't have killed them. Would that have meant that I would have been killed and sent to hell for disobeying God and Moses? When you truly believe the bible, things like this can keep you up at nights.

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Some children have already been murdered because their parents believed god wanted them to.






I'd include Andrea Yates, but she thought Satan told her to kill the children, not god. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=389198&page=1


While I realize there are people out there who would sign up for Killing Kidz for Krist, please keep in mind that many that make it all over the TV are, in fact, suffering from schizophrenia. While this doesn't make it OKAY, it makes it DIFFERENT. It is not something they choose due to a crazy religion, even if they say it is God. They just happen to be Christian, thus their hallucinations are believed to be certain things related to that religion. If they were not ill, but still just as religious, these particular people would not kill, as they would not be hallucinating the demands.


That said, I am not offering a specific opinion on the mental health or guilt of those in the links, and find it odd it is so often women who do these things, when schizophrenic disorders are more common in men... in fact, I see those suffering from this at work when I'm in our adult services building/housing facility, and they are almost always male.


And finally, just YUCK. People who would do anything for God make me want to puke on them! If some God told me to kill my kid, I'd say "How about you send me to Hell instead. I will not worship you if you ask that of me, much less actually DO it."

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While I realize there are people out there who would sign up for Killing Kidz for Krist, please keep in mind that many that make it all over the TV are, in fact, suffering from schizophrenia. While this doesn't make it OKAY, it makes it DIFFERENT. It is not something they choose due to a crazy religion, even if they say it is God. They just happen to be Christian, thus their hallucinations are believed to be certain things related to that religion. If they were not ill, but still just as religious, these particular people would not kill, as they would not be hallucinating the demands.


I realize it is a mental illness. However, my point was that people have murdered children because they thought god told them to, which is no less insane than what is already in the Bible. If those murders had happened 2,000 years ago, they may well have been written about in the Bible or some other book as "proof" that god exists.

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people like this make me sick. they don't deserve to be free in society. they belong in a mental hospital or in a grave. sick fuckers.



Thinking of and posing the question is just as bad as the asnwers IMO.


I don't get why you would say that. I think AKR is right that people who think god tells them to kill their children should either be in a hospital or a grave. Since I don't believe in capital punishment, hospitals and/or jails are the only options.

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people like this make me sick. they don't deserve to be free in society. they belong in a mental hospital or in a grave. sick fuckers.



Thinking of and posing the question is just as bad as the asnwers IMO.


I don't get why you would say that. I think AKR is right that people who think god tells them to kill their children should either be in a hospital or a grave. Since I don't believe in capital punishment, hospitals and/or jails are the only options.


Go to the link....look at the question posed and who by, that is what I am talking about not his/her comment here.

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One problem I had with Christian beliefs is the "age of accountability" thing where they believe that before a certain age children automatically go to heaven when they die. Well this just means that it's better to kill your child and have them automatically go to heaven rather than run the risk of them rejecting god and going to hell. Then of course if you repent and ask forgiveness from gawd then you're going to heaven too. :twitch:

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One problem I had with Christian beliefs is the "age of accountability" thing where they believe that before a certain age children automatically go to heaven when they die. Well this just means that it's better to kill your child and have them automatically go to heaven rather than run the risk of them rejecting god and going to hell. Then of course if you repent and ask forgiveness from gawd then you're going to heaven too. :twitch:


Agreed; it logically follows that it's better to kill your kids before they have a chance to sin, thereby assuring them a place in paradise, and simply atone for the murders by begging Jebus for forgiveness. Murder is nothing compared with the urgency of the Great Commission™ if it indeed regards a true message.


More proof of the inherent sickness and wickedness of interpreting this stuff literally...

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While I do admit that such confessions of faith are disturbing, they are, in my opinion, just words. Although they can speak of their inerrant respect for the condemnation of God, none of them have actually been in such a situation, and I doubt that many of them would actually kill their own children. Even if God told them to. They'd just dismiss God's voice and tell themselves it was the Devil talking since God would never want their children dead.


Evangelicals and fundies say a lot of things like that, for another example: "If I ever meet a gay person, I will practice my Christian duty to tell them that they're committing a grave sin and will go to hell if they don't change." But, upon meeting the gay behind the 7-11 counter to pay for their gas, how many of those same churchgoers do you think will actually deliver on that promise? Or will they just slightly frown and refuse to make eye contact, making the transaction as short as possible?

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While I do admit that such confessions of faith are disturbing, they are, in my opinion, just words. Although they can speak of their inerrant respect for the condemnation of God, none of them have actually been in such a situation, and I doubt that many of them would actually kill their own children. Even if God told them to. They'd just dismiss God's voice and tell themselves it was the Devil talking since God would never want their children dead.


Evangelicals and fundies say a lot of things like that, for another example: "If I ever meet a gay person, I will practice my Christian duty to tell them that they're committing a grave sin and will go to hell if they don't change." But, upon meeting the gay behind the 7-11 counter to pay for their gas, how many of those same churchgoers do you think will actually deliver on that promise? Or will they just slightly frown and refuse to make eye contact, making the transaction as short as possible?


You make a good point. Most Christians talk a lot, but they are all bluster. Jailing people for speaking words, especially unpopular ones, is not something I want to see America get into the habit of. Actions speak louder, in any case.

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Guest Bellatrix

Um, Jephthah's daughter, anyone?


The kristian god is a god of human sacrifice, contrary to protestations by it's followers.


In the book of Judges, Jephthah is a general in god's army who vows to sacrifice the first thing that came out of his house if god would grant him victory in battle. Guess who came running out of his house to greet him as he returned? His poor daughter. The bastard actually sacrificed her on an altar to god, who:


1. Being omniscient, should've known this was going to happen


2. Despite claims of being merciful and loving, demands that Jephthah kill his daughter anyway to fulfill his end of the bargain


3. Though supposedly is all-powerful, apparently requires his much weaker subjects to sacrifice innocent children to appease his sadistic nature and show them who's boss.


God comes off looking like a drug dealer or pimp who demands a high price for what he offers, and threatens and extorts his cowed subjects with death and suffering if they should ever cross him. Is it any wonder that people who worship the idea of such a creature at least claim that their faith is so strong they would kill defenseless little kids?

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people like this make me sick. they don't deserve to be free in society. they belong in a mental hospital or in a grave. sick fuckers.



Thinking of and posing the question is just as bad as the asnwers IMO.


I don't get why you would say that. I think AKR is right that people who think god tells them to kill their children should either be in a hospital or a grave. Since I don't believe in capital punishment, hospitals and/or jails are the only options.


Go to the link....look at the question posed and who by, that is what I am talking about not his/her comment here.


How is it sick to make a point of how sick Cristianity is? Isn't that what these forums are basically filled with? Examples of Christian stupidity and sickness? I think it's only fair to ask that of them, to show that either A) They don't follow their God as closely as they claim, or B) They are sick bastards who would off their kids to appease some imaginary friend

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Thinking of and posing the question is just as bad as the asnwers IMO.



Go to the link....look at the question posed and who by, that is what I am talking about not his/her comment here.


please tell me what is sick about me thinking of and posing the question? what an absurd opinion. let's see, there are verses in the bible that say you're supposed to kill children for certain things. i think it's an excellent question to ask christians, to see just how far they would go, or if they would say "no," as it would be an outragious thing to do. don't try to turn this around on me and act like i'm a sicko for bringing up a nasty part of THEIR religion. so tell me, what exactly is wrong with posing a pertinant question as i did?

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Evil endures when good people do nothing. You've got to be honest and call a spade a spade if you expect to get the ball rolling.


Cowardice solves nothing.

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