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Goodbye Jesus

White Supremacy


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Hi Guys,


You'll all be ecstatic to know that the KKK have arrived in Australia. Racism exists in most societies (yep bigots here as well), however I'm wondering if the KKK will ever take a serious hold here Down Under.


I've always been puzzled about the contradictions of White Supremacists and their ties god and flag. How could people with institutionalised hatred at the same time be so patriotic and god loving?


I found this article a useful starting point for identifying the biblical origins of racism - Genesis 9: 18-27.




Noah was a racist bastard, and why...because he got pissed and couldn't get freakin' dressed properly!! Tough shit if Ham caught a glance of your goolies. Hardly worth invoking a curse on him and a racist one at that.


Lovely piece of work that bible. Nice to see it can be misconstrued to assert the dominance of one group of people over another. Nice that God's words can lead the KKK to hate the way they do....





There finished...feeling better now!!



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Aye, so much for "onward christian soldiers"... :banghead:

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Sorry, if I offended any one. I can't believe the twisted beliefs of some...

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The KKK in Australia? :twitch: What's their emblem, a kangaroo wearing a swatzika?


I was always under the impression that there weren't many people of African decent living there. I know there are Aborigines but they make up less than 1% of the population so who do the KKK think they're going to terrorize? They sure can't tell the aborigines, "Go home, you blokes!" because the aborigines have been in Australia for thousands of years. And I know they would be lucky to escape with their lives if the African Australians even think the KKK might be threatening them.


I've wanted to move to Australia because being black, I thought I could at least be somewhere there wasn't much racism. But I guess bigotry is as contagious as the Black Plague. :ugh:

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Hi Nirrti,


I think you'd feel both safe and welcome here. There are plenty of cool people here, although we are becoming more conservative (9 years of John Howard - George W's little mate).


There are odd collections of nutters here, but nothing quite like the KKK in the US. I doubt they will have any serious following. Evangelism isn't as strong either.


The Aborigines, that's a real sad story...probably worth another post in itself. Christian missionaries stole their children and sent them to 'Good' white Christian homes. Greedy settlers stole their land.

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Suppose if we moved, at least we could still use dollars and speak English.... :Hmm:

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i would move to australia if pot was legal there.. is it?


oh, and goddamned all the venomous critters in the outback. that's a reason i'm not too keen on living there, especially the sydney funnel web. ugggghh!

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Some states are a bit more liberal - The Australian Capital Territory is the most. I have a cousin who used to live in Canberra, who used smoke it by the bucket load. If you like hot summers and cold winters, Canberra could be for you.


Canberra is also home to the legalised XXX video market. It's far from Hollywood status - a dingy industrial estate on the southern outskirts. If your heading south to the snow, you'll undoubtedly see it.


The creepy crawlies - no different to anywhere really. I'm more terrified of the Bogong Moth plagues than the Funnel Webs. Did you see the Sydney Olympics - there were plagues of Bogong Moths. Perhaps the Bogong's are Bob's punishment for all the pot and XXX videos kicking around Canberra.





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  • 3 months later...

I might've mentioned this before, but there's also the stupid belief in White Supremisist circles where everyone who isn't White is a "mud person" created by God before the "superior" Whites were created via Adam and Eve.


And Ganjacat, you bring up a good point; Whites do not hold the monopoly on racism. Louis Farhkam and Malcom X (before he went to Mecca and started to ease up on Whites) had or were exposed to religious theories about how their races were superior.

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I'm not sure the aboriginal Australians are of African descent. As I understand, they are classified as 'Australoid' whereas Africans are termed 'Negroid'. I also understand they have rather different facial characteristics.


It's funny you should talk about racial superiority. My father, back in his nation of Islam days used to talk about theories that had whites as the ill-formed creation of black scientists in antiquity.

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My father, back in his nation of Islam days used to talk about theories that had whites as the ill-formed creation of black scientists in antiquity.


You know, I actually read about this once. It takes a major suspension of disbelief just to get past the great technological civilization that mastered genetics in prehistory, no matter what race.


So many strange ideas propagated though religion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And 'The fightin' temptations' and any movie that Bruce Bruce appears in as a reverend or something. The blaxploitation movie is alive and well.


Btw, that is not a widely held belief. Outside of my father I have actually never heard that one spoken, In fact I believe it the brainchild of those in the nation of islam persuation.

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