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Goodbye Jesus

Evangelicals, What Say You?

Guest Geese Aplenty

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Guest Geese Aplenty

You know what's weird? I don't even need to harp on biblical errancy, the absurdity of YECism, or a defense of biological evolution to show you are phony.


All I need is to look at Bush and what he started.


You ushered in this man, supported (or turned a blind eye to) his thievery of the 2000 election, and continue to deny what is plainly evident about this war you supported.


How is it that reprobate liberals and non-evangelicals had it so right on Iraq? What knowledge and common sense did the Creator endow them with that He did not bother endowing you with? Shouldn't Christians be more savvy and intelligent than those who don't know God? You're supposed to be salt and light!


Oh, and your knee-shaking fear of terrorist threats is revealing, too. It might have bolstered your contention that Islam is evil (atheists agree with you here), but it did nothing to show you are any more brave and intelligent than the average non-evangelical. In fact, we now see that war-supporting evangelicals are nothing but cowards who drape themselves in meaningless patriotic sentiment.


I'm just talking to those evangelicals who voted for Bush and supported his nonsensical war.

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I think Bush and the Iraq war may have effected me in my loss of faith, in some remote way. I am sorry I voted for him.

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Guest Geese Aplenty
I think Bush and the Iraq war may have effected me in my loss of faith, in some remote way. I am sorry I voted for him.


Thankfully, the blinders were off enough for me to recognize Bush's idiocy in 2000. Not to compliment myself, because in fact I was also grousing about Alan Keyes not getting enough attention.


Yes, I wanted Alan Keyes to be president! *prepares for deserved derision*


I have the distinct feeling that evangelicals have been silenced here because of their utter embarassment over what their decision to support election thievery and pre-emptive war has wrought. It renders their dopey ambush evangelism useless, especially to those who've had experience hanging out with their ilk (emphasis on "il") and learning what they believe.

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I think Bush and the Iraq war may have effected me in my loss of faith, in some remote way. I am sorry I voted for him.


I never thought about it but what Mikefight said in his post may be true for me also. I remember when Bush got elected, the Christian community in America thought that only the 2nd coming could be better. We expected great things from him since he was a Christian. When things didn't go as well as they should with a Christian at the helm it got me thinking. Then his 2nd term produced nothing good and in fact my eyes began to open to the Christian world who stil supported him. I don't know if that is what pushed me over the brink, since I never thought of it, but in a small way it could very well have.

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Stupidity becomes blind. Blindness becomes evil. Evil becomes disaster. Disaster becomes death. Then there is no more vision to spare unless there is completely new pairs of eyes and brains materialising. What USA needs is new pairs of eyes and brains and it needs these desperately.


Only then, the USA will heal and become the Land of The Free and Braves, once again, as the Founding Father intended. These evangelicals need to wake up. They must. If not, all is wasted, it is irreplaceable, stupidity has devoured these sons and daughters of the Earth, caught up in Iraq.


Bush need to wake up along with his cronies. Cronies will crumble unless they face their crumbles of the truth bread they have devoured and swept alongside to stop the public from getting these and benefitting from them.


It is time to let the public eat the bread and act on IT. They shall take action, they should be righteously angry. Angry will barely describe it. The USA of Bushes will be overrun by the USA of Truth and Liberty!


Nobody will do anything to stop the waves of truth and liberty the cronies has so long denied the good people of USA. It will wash and wipe away the dirt of the debacle they have caused.

To this end, Veritas et libertas!

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