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Age of Accountability Conveniently Ignored by Parents?


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By Joey Hackl


Since the bible repeats that there is only one way to heaven, for example John 14:6 (NIV) "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," and that you must believe in Jesus to be saved from hell, John 3:16 (NIV) "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life," a question that keeps coming up is, "where do babies go when they die?"


The bible preaches that the entire human race is cursed as a result of Adams first sin and that every human being is born into sin. Based on the verses limiting how you can get to heaven, a baby would be subject to hell because they have not chosen Jesus (How could they have? They are too young). The common christian answer to this is that there is an age of accountability. Before you reach this age, let's say it's 13, a child is free from judgment because they are not old enough to responsibly make a decision that will last for all eternity. Sounds fair enough, right?


Most christians I know believe in the age of accountability and that gives them the comfort in believing that cute, helpless, little babies go to heaven when they die. The problem is, I notice that most christian parents indoctrinate their children with their religion before the alleged age of accountability. Parents put their kids in Sunday school where they are preached watered down bible stories, they make their kids put their hands together and pray the sinners prayer so that they will be saved, inviting Jesus into their hearts, god is spoken about to children as a real life figure, an invisible friend who is always watching. Children depend completely on their parents. They trust their parents and shouldn't have any reason to doubt them. Children believe what their parents tell them, without question. So they do not doubt that god is real and Jesus is god, even when they can't understand it.


Indoctrinating the kids before the age of accountability is unfair and actually displays a lack of belief by the parents in their own age of accountability philosophy. If they truly believed it, they would let their children grow to the age of accountability and then introduce the religion to them. I suspect that parents are afraid that when the children are of an accountable age, they will not be convinced by religion and the bible, because of how nonsensical it really is. By indoctrinating them young and brainwashing them, reiterating that doubt comes from devil, when they are of an accountable age, belief in those things will likely be second nature and not subject to question. Dirty.


If all christian parents respected their own belief in the age of accountability, the world might have a lot more free thinkers.



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By Joey Hackl


Since the bible repeats that there is only one way to heaven, for example John 14:6 (NIV) "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," and that you must believe in Jesus to be saved from hell, John 3:16 (NIV) "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life," a question that keeps coming up is, "where do babies go when they die?"


The bible preaches that the entire human race is cursed as a result of Adams first sin and that every human being is born into sin. Based on the verses limiting how you can get to heaven, a baby would be subject to hell because they have not chosen Jesus (How could they have? They are too young). The common christian answer to this is that there is an age of accountability. Before you reach this age, let's say it's 13, a child is free from judgment because they are not old enough to responsibly make a decision that will last for all eternity. Sounds fair enough, right?


Most christians I know believe in the age of accountability and that gives them the comfort in believing that cute, helpless, little babies go to heaven when they die. The problem is, I notice that most christian parents indoctrinate their children with their religion before the alleged age of accountability. Parents put their kids in Sunday school where they are preached watered down bible stories, they make their kids put their hands together and pray the sinners prayer so that they will be saved, inviting Jesus into their hearts, god is spoken about to children as a real life figure, an invisible friend who is always watching. Children depend completely on their parents. They trust their parents and shouldn't have any reason to doubt them. Children believe what their parents tell them, without question. So they do not doubt that god is real and Jesus is god, even when they can't understand it.


Indoctrinating the kids before the age of accountability is unfair and actually displays a lack of belief by the parents in their own age of accountability philosophy. If they truly believed it, they would let their children grow to the age of accountability and then introduce the religion to them. I suspect that parents are afraid that when the children are of an accountable age, they will not be convinced by religion and the bible, because of how nonsensical it really is. By indoctrinating them young and brainwashing them, reiterating that doubt comes from devil, when they are of an accountable age, belief in those things will likely be second nature and not subject to question. Dirty.


If all christian parents respected their own belief in the age of accountability, the world might have a lot more free thinkers.




A little known fact is that Andrea Yates, who drowned her 5 children, did so because she actually BELIEVED the doctrine of the age of accountability. Check it out at http://www.courttv.com/trials/yates/071906_ctv.html


She lived what she believed. It was the logical end of this illogical idea. She was willing to go to hell herself and to prison to save her 5 children from hell. If the age of accountability is true, then she should be given a medal for valour and "Mother of the year" award. She did what these mamby-pamby half-assed Christians are too cowardly to do. But, if they REALLY believe that before a specific age, their children will go to heaven guaranteed, then every loving parent would kill their children in order to secure their salvation. And those who believe this doctrine, who turn around and protest abortion clinics makes no sense to me. If this doctrine is true, then abortion is very effective evangelism, for it guarantees entry to eternal life in heaven for these children. It keeps them from growing to damnation.


This doctrine makes no sense in the real world or in the fantasy world of the bible. So, Christians should either stop saying they believe this doctrine (which they don't REALLY believe if you test them) or stop protesting abortion clinics and become pro-choice.

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I've said for many years that abortion is the best form of evangelism there is, and it is legal.


Maybe abortion is an abomination to God because he can't deal with all the screaming/hungry/poopy babies.

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