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Is Gawd (god) Bipolor


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I was thinking IF (big "if") the god of the bible does indeed exist it has occurred to me that he is bipolar for this reason. in the Old testament he is doing a ton of smiting, pissed off at a lot, and kills, levels entire citys. In the "New" he does this 180 flip and is nice "render unto ceaser what is ceasers" and he become this more positive entity, loves more people, sends some dude to die on a stick for "sins".


So why this extreme change? I think its bipolarism.


I would love to hear your option.

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Abrahamic monotheism is an outgrowth of the Canaanite, Sumerian and other Mesopotamian-region polytheisms. Old myths, such as the flood myth of Atrahasis, got recycled many times, and gods and their various personae and functions got squished together into one über-deity.


(Heck, if you look hard enough in the OT you'll even find *me* in there. As both a companion deity and as a demon. Go figure... :Wendywhatever: )

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I don't think god can be bipolar since god doesn't exist. You pretty much have to exist to be bipolar.

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Abrahamic monotheism is an outgrowth of the Canaanite, Sumerian and other Mesopotamian-region polytheisms. Old myths, such as the flood myth of Atrahasis, got recycled many times, and gods and their various personae and functions got squished together into one über-deity.


(Heck, if you look hard enough in the OT you'll even find *me* in there. As both a companion deity and as a demon. Go figure... :Wendywhatever: )

i heard that somewhere ( i think in one of Dawkin's books im unsure tho) :scratch:


I don't think god can be bipolar since god doesn't exist. You pretty much have to exist to be bipolar.

hey ame the point of this post was not on the proof of gawd, it was to show people that because of this major contrast between books, it just shows that god IS man made because a "true" god wouldn't change (if that was his promise). it shows to those who still believe in the Christian god, that either their god doesn't exist, or they have a god who DOES infact have mental flaws (and therefore is imperfect).

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Guest ExPagan

God was more harsh in the OT because they were under the old covenant in which they had to sacrifice an animal to atone for their sins. The sacrificing and blood of animals was a constant reminder of their guilt and that sin had to be paid for. God deals severely with sin because sin is lawlessness, it is against God who is holy and pure.


The NT is the new covenant where grace abounds. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice in the shedding of His blood for our sins thus atoning for our sins. The Jews no longer have to sacrifice animals and spill their blood (the wages of sin is death) because Jesus spilled His blood for us. That is an ultimate act of God on God's part, to send his Son who was without sin to die for us, making it possible for us to be saved. If He did not do that, we would ALL be damned with no chance at eternal life whatsoever.


So no, God is not bipolar. It was that ultimate act of love for His creation, us, in sending His Son Jesus to die for us.

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God was more harsh in the OT because they were under the old covenant in which they had to sacrifice an animal to atone for their sins. The sacrificing and blood of animals was a constant reminder of their guilt and that sin had to be paid for. God deals severely with sin because sin is lawlessness, it is against God who is holy and pure.

so god committing Mass murder of men women and kids (and i even believe trees) was just for sins? or was it because god was just in a bad mood that day? and if he is eternal then why isn't he killing entire cites today?

The NT is the new covenant where grace abounds. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice in the shedding of His blood for our sins thus atoning for our sins. The Jews no longer have to sacrifice animals and spill their blood (the wages of sin is death) because Jesus spilled His blood for us. That is an ultimate act of God on God's part, to send his Son who was without sin to die for us, making it possible for us to be saved. If He did not do that, we would ALL be damned with no chance at eternal life whatsoever.

ok, god )in the bible) says 'he is the same today, and forever', forever means never ending, it doesn't mean, until the next testament comes out. so either you are calling god a lier or your religion has just done a awful job of trying to carbon copy the jews and adding some "extra features" with out making sure you can acctually back up what you are saying. So if you acctually expect me to swallow this copy paste answer then you are sadly mistaken.


BTW: nice double "self-quote" post, hope you know its kinda :close: rude to do that, just so you know.

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Guest ExPagan
God was more harsh in the OT because they were under the old covenant in which they had to sacrifice an animal to atone for their sins. The sacrificing and blood of animals was a constant reminder of their guilt and that sin had to be paid for. God deals severely with sin because sin is lawlessness, it is against God who is holy and pure.

so god committing Mass murder of men women and kids (and i even believe trees) was just for sins? or was it because god was just in a bad mood that day? and if he is eternal then why isn't he killing entire cites today?

The NT is the new covenant where grace abounds. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice in the shedding of His blood for our sins thus atoning for our sins. The Jews no longer have to sacrifice animals and spill their blood (the wages of sin is death) because Jesus spilled His blood for us. That is an ultimate act of God on God's part, to send his Son who was without sin to die for us, making it possible for us to be saved. If He did not do that, we would ALL be damned with no chance at eternal life whatsoever.
ok, god )in the bible) says 'he is the same today, and forever', forever means never ending, it doesn't mean, until the next testament comes out. so either you are calling god a lier or your religion has just done a awful job of trying to carbon copy the jews and adding some "extra features" with out making sure you can acctually back up what you are saying. So if you acctually expect me to swallow this copy paste answer then you are sadly mistaken.


BTW: nice double "self-quote" post, hope you know its kinda :close: rude to do that, just so you know.


First, this site has no 'edit' feature so I messed up and double posted. Crucify me!


Second, it wasn't a copy and paste - those are MY words.


Third: as far as God changing, that's right, He does not change. Meaning His attributes - who He is does not change. He is always holy. God can change His mind which is evidenced of conditional promises made to Israel. So this sounds like a misunderstanding on your part. No biggy.

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God was more harsh in the OT because they were under the old covenant in which they had to sacrifice an animal to atone for their sins. The sacrificing and blood of animals was a constant reminder of their guilt and that sin had to be paid for. God deals severely with sin because sin is lawlessness, it is against God who is holy and pure.

so god committing Mass murder of men women and kids (and i even believe trees) was just for sins? or was it because god was just in a bad mood that day? and if he is eternal then why isn't he killing entire cites today?

(big long quote you can read above)
First, this site has no 'edit' feature so I messed up and double posted. Crucify me!

no thank you im not Roman.

Second, it wasn't a copy and paste - those are MY words.
it sounded like a sermon to me.
Third: as far as God changing, that's right, He does not change. Meaning His attributes - who He is does not change. He is always holy. God can change His mind which is evidenced of conditional promises made to Israel. So this sounds like a misunderstanding on your part. No biggy.

and this sound like you making excuses on your gods part. oh btw you ignored my question about the OT.

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Guest ExPagan

He kills them or judges nations because of their disobedience. Idolatry, sexual pervertersion as worship to their heathen idols, killed the Egyptians because they kept the Jews in bondage - all good reasons. It's not like they weren't given chances to stop. They were given a choice knowing the consequence of both so if they REFUSED to submit to a holy God (and His commandments which are designed for your benefit to keep you out of trouble or spiritual damage and/or being overcome by the evil one) then punishment was severe, possibly even death.


You may not agree with this but that's the way it is. You haven't realized that God is not your enemy if you acknowledge Him at all.

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killed the Egyptians because they kept the Jews in bondage - all good reasons. It's not like they weren't given chances to stop.

Excuse me??




You tried reading the Bible recently? The Pharoah tried to let the jews go NINE times... but God stopped him doing so!




God killed all those Egyptians because the Pharoah did EXACTLY WHAT GOD MADE HIM DO! Don't even try to claim that's a good reason, or that God is love or any crap like that... God did that simply so he could show off his power.


Oh, and before you try to say anything about Pharoah chasing the Jews... GOD MADE HIM DO THAT TOO! (Exodus 14:1-4)


You spew all that twaddle about how God isn't our enemy? Fuck, with friends like that, who needs enemies?



God gives no chances... God makes you do what he wants you to do... He's a fucking puppet-master, breaking his puppets when they do things he makes them do, and you claim he's holy?? In a way, you're right... he's a fucking holy monster!

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ExPagan, this would be a good time to run for the hills. On the other hand, i can't wait for your return.

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ExPagan, this would be a good time to run for the hills.
That must be the best advice anyone could give ExPagan... well, apart from read the Bible and pay attention to what it actually says.
On the other hand, i can't wait for your return.

Hmm... are we seeing a bit of voyeuristic tendency here? Possibly wanting to see someone get played with like a Pinata?


Or, is it a desire to see someone return and learn something? :scratch:





Meh, either works for me... though I'd prefer the second myself.

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God was more harsh in the OT because they were under the old covenant in which they had to sacrifice an animal to atone for their sins. The sacrificing and blood of animals was a constant reminder of their guilt and that sin had to be paid for. God deals severely with sin because sin is lawlessness, it is against God who is holy and pure.


The NT is the new covenant where grace abounds. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice in the shedding of His blood for our sins thus atoning for our sins. The Jews no longer have to sacrifice animals and spill their blood (the wages of sin is death) because Jesus spilled His blood for us. That is an ultimate act of God on God's part, to send his Son who was without sin to die for us, making it possible for us to be saved. If He did not do that, we would ALL be damned with no chance at eternal life whatsoever.


Well It's nice to have yet another uninformed Christian on the boards to skew the truth and do mental gymnastics to attempt prove the buybull.


Please do some research and studying on Jewish law as to not make yourself look foolish here. a) Blood sacrifices were not always required. b ) Blood sacrifices could only be done in the temple (No temple exists today hence no sacrifices are allowed, you also have no concept of who could sacrifice and why) c) I can list 3 horrific crimes by buybull heroes who never had to make such a sacrifice to either sex crimes or murder. God forgave them for the simple fact he could. (no death or blood required) Lot who had sex with this daughters, (He was blessed with grandchildren/children.......? for that crime) The Cain and Able story, and least let us not forget Moses who after murdering an Egyptian went on to lead 'Israel's to freedom. (Which is what Passover represents)


Also in Jewish Law humans (even godmen) were not allowed to be sacrificed, Human sacrifice is and always was a pagan concept. Please also look into what Yom Kipper means and what it signifies.


In order to debate from what you call Old Testament one needs to get the facts straight. Once you understand the Jewish point of view you wont have a leg to stand on from Christian one.


If Christ died to rid the world of sin, why is there still sin?


99.99999% Of Christianity is a redo of sun worship, everything from the number of Disciples (12 signs of the zodiac who revolved around the sun/son) to the Sungod/songod dying on a cross. Not one thing is original or new in this belief system. There is nothing new under the sun, not even your bright morning star.


*IF* you really are an Ex-pagan, you already know the obvious. I haven't seen enough of your opinion to see if your a rabid born-again who picked this name to witness and attempt to win favor here or if you really are an Ex-pagan who exchanged one sun worship for another, time will tell I guess if you have the steel to stick around.

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I don't think god can be bipolar since god doesn't exist. You pretty much have to exist to be bipolar.

hey ame the point of this post was not on the proof of gawd, it was to show people that because of this major contrast between books, it just shows that god IS man made because a "true" god wouldn't change (if that was his promise). it shows to those who still believe in the Christian god, that either their god doesn't exist, or they have a god who DOES infact have mental flaws (and therefore is imperfect).


Yes, I get that. I do think the writer(s) of the Bible had to have at least some mental problems.

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Point of order, children. You are ALL in error for believing that this "god" has done a 180 in his treatment of his puppets. The John 3:16 Lie aside, have you all forgotten about that crazy little place called HELL? The eternal torture chamber of burning? If anything old Yahooweh is just getting warmed up. In the old testament he just killed you for picking up sticks on a Saturday, in the new testament he's going to kill AND roast you forever just for not believing his ridiculous fairy tale?


"God" is surely not bi-polar. He's behaving true to form. He allegedly destroyed the world by flood the first time he sought to "solve" our "sin" defect. (Why didn't he KNOW that wouldn't work? So much for omniscience.) Then he crucifies his son, who is also himself, to "pay" for our "sins". Again, his divine plan is thwarted by little old mankind. (What kind of "power" does god allegedly have if his divine plan can be thwarted by MY human will? I thought Jesus' blood was supposed to do the trick?) Next his "cure" (read: Final Solution) is going to be eternal immolation for all those who couldn't wrap their heads around his nutty schemes? :twitch: Not even Adolph Hitler roasted Jews for eternity.


What a kind and loving god you Christians worship. I'm glad my parents weren't so "loving." With a god like yours, who needs a devil?

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... Third: as far as God changing, that's right, He does not change. Meaning His attributes - who He is does not change. He is always holy. God can change His mind which is evidenced of conditional promises made to Israel. So this sounds like a misunderstanding on your part. No biggy.


The bible is full of such nonsense where god changes its mind - from the very beginning where it creates male and female animals at the same time but creates a mate for Adam only as an after-thought, up to the NT where it creates a whole new scheme for salvation after humans had been living and dying for thousands of years.


Whenever I change my mind, it's because I've received new information which convinces me that my previous mindset was wrong (this is how most of us became EX-christians). So, how could an omniscent god - who is eternally present and who knows everything that ever was and ever will be - change its mind? Doesn't make sense, but that appears to be the Bible Way™.

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Is God bipolar?


That's a good point, if I believed in him / her / it, then I would say "yes" but since there is no god, the answer is irrelevant.


Nice question though.



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This idea is quite old, actually. Not necessarily that God is bi-polar. But that Yahweh in the OT, and God the father of Jesus are not even the same God.


This was a very prevalent belief in the early second-century christian church, headed by Marcion.


It was only after Marcion's death that the idea became heretical, with Irenaeus and Tertullian writing scathing criticisms of Marcion.


The later catholic church began to refer to the adherents of such "heretical" beliefs as Marcionites.


But, that's not what they called themselves. They called themselves christians.

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ExPagan, this would be a good time to run for the hills. On the other hand, i can't wait for your return.


:lmao: And Pug says, PHEW! Someone else can take the heat for awhile...


You crack me up, Puggie.

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First, this site has no 'edit' feature so I messed up and double posted. Crucify me!

We'd be glad to. ;) Just kidding - kind'a...


Third: as far as God changing, that's right, He does not change. Meaning His attributes - who He is does not change. He is always holy. God can change His mind which is evidenced of conditional promises made to Israel. So this sounds like a misunderstanding on your part. No biggy.

Okay, that's fair. He can't change his holiness or benevolence etc, but he got a free will. But he does change his mind somewhat drastically in the Bible, and how does that fit into his omniscience that he knew what would happen anyway? Why did he regret the flood? Didn't he know already what would happen? Even a stupid and not-omniscient God would figure out that all life would die in a flood. So why did he regret his actions? It does sound very much like the mind of an abusive person. Hitting his wife and then saying he's sorry and then next day hit her again.




Since God is supposedly a trinity, maybe he is Tripolar???




I just read Checkmate (mrGrinch) post. Good post, and I see he brought up same thoughts as me.


"Who needs the Devil with a God like that" must be declared a classic quote.

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ExPagan, this would be a good time to run for the hills. On the other hand, i can't wait for your return.

Pug, this cracked me up. lol :)

I must say this is some good advice, tho i would recommend the second and return, so we may play some more. I need the practice.

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I just read Checkmate (mrGrinch) post. Good post, and I see he brought up same thoughts as me.


"Who needs the Devil with a God like that" must be declared a classic quote.


I think that would make a great bumper sticker. :HaHa:

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He kills them or judges nations because of their disobedience. Idolatry, sexual pervertersion as worship to their heathen idols, killed the Egyptians because they kept the Jews in bondage - all good reasons. It's not like they weren't given chances to stop. They were given a choice knowing the consequence of both so if they REFUSED to submit to a holy God (and His commandments which are designed for your benefit to keep you out of trouble or spiritual damage and/or being overcome by the evil one) then punishment was severe, possibly even death.


You may not agree with this but that's the way it is. You haven't realized that God is not your enemy if you acknowledge Him at all.

Oh please...you have no idea at all of "that's the way it is." You are just as clueless as the rest of the world. Just because you pick one religion to call the Truth™ doesn't mean that it is, in any sense, objective truth. So, don't try to tell us that everyone must find spirituality in something that doesn't promote that in everyone. It's stupid.


What you have is dogma, not spirituality. You have a graven image of God in your mind that you worship regardless of what your own book says about that (oh no, not a heathen idol!). You soooo know the mind God don't you? What image is in your mind? Whether it's in your mind or in the form of a statue, there is no difference.


Can't you see that all these religions are just people writing about their experiences of what they perceived God to be? If you pay close attention, you will find profound truths in all of them, but you must drop the dogma.

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