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Goodbye Jesus

David's Lack Of Faith

Guest Geese Aplenty

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Guest Geese Aplenty

We are often told by Christians that the punishment for David's census (70,000 of his soldiers stricken by an angel with some kind of bacteria-dispensing sword) was because David lacked faith in his God. Aside from the inherent contradictions and problems between the two accounts* in the OT, there's a major problem with this explanation.


Again, let's re-iterate that the common Christian defense of this inexplicable slaughter is that David had a lack of faith and it made God very angry.


If this is true, why did God not become similarly upset when David acted the fool in front of King Ascish? Clearly David feared for his life. But clearly God had demonstrated to David that He was in control and would have protected him. David's actions here demonstrate a great lack of faith and God didn't even notice.


Has anyone else here ever considered this?


Another question for Christians: if David was so close to God and talked to Him on a regular basis, why did he feel the need to conduct a census despite warnings from his counsel that it would have indicated a lack of faith in God?


Oh yeah, because God (or Satan) moved him to do it.


* One account says that Satan made David take the census; the other says that God made him take it.

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Has anyone else here ever considered this?

No. It's just a one myth in a book of myths. I don't waste my time worrying about whatever it has to say about anything.

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You would think that blood thristy Bible God would seek any opportunity to slaughter. However, maybe he was unusually chipper mood that day.

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