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Goodbye Jesus

Looking Into The Mind Of An Atheist


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A while back I was in a debate about Atheists holding onto their xian ways. Have you held on to anything you've been programmed to do as an xian?


For example, we all know as Atheists that it's very hard to get rid of the comfort of blaming or praising an imaginary force because of something gone right or wrong. I have to wonder if we are even able to see our flaws in this area.


I know that it's hard to give up a few things and for the most part we have to ignore and compromise our own lack of beliefs because of love. No matter if it's family love or romantic love.


I can't think of anything I do that I did because of belief, but I'm sure there's at least one thing. When I was a kid I was scared of ghosts, now I find the thought silly. But my mind sometimes wonders if there's any possible way a living animal could leave an imprint in time, in the form of energy. I suppose this could be me holding on to some sort of xian belief. Let me take that back, not "holding onto" but not being able to override.


I don't think of the Christian religion as a program but more of a virus. It's something that's hard to get rid of no matter how rational you are.

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Thanksgiving has never been that big of a holiday to me; thanks to the commercialization of Christmas, Thanksgiving is just a warm-up. I enjoy the days off, and I go to spend time with my family. I observe Christmas; it was a holiday long before Jesus. I don't say things like "Thank goodness"/"Thank god" -- I'm glad when someone isn't hurt, or I'm happy when the traffic light turns green before I have to slow to a complete stop, but I can't really be "thankful" to anything but luck.

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A while back I was in a debate about Atheists holding onto their xian ways. Have you held on to anything you've been programmed to do as an xian?


For example, we all know as Atheists that it's very hard to get rid of the comfort of blaming or praising an imaginary force because of something gone right or wrong. I have to wonder if we are even able to see our flaws in this area.


I know that it's hard to give up a few things and for the most part we have to ignore and compromise our own lack of beliefs because of love. No matter if it's family love or romantic love.



I haven't been able to get rid of the programming that sex is "dirty". I've been married for years, but some part of my mind still views sex as illicit.


I can't easily directly criticize christianity. I hold my tongue when I speak to my family and religious friends. It is a a taboo topic I can't speak as freely about as other areas of disagreement.

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Though I'm not quite an atheist (more of an agnostic, I suppose) I still feel guilty when I criticise the god of Christianity, even though I realise that if there is a God She's nothing like him.



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Let's see... I still observe Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc. Those I observe because I like spending time with family and the general merriment... Although I keep joking with my family that one of these days, I'm going to top our Christmas tree with a Darwin or Einstein puppet instead of that stupid angel.


I don't celebrate all the pagan holidays anymore, like I used to. I still love Hallowe'en though, and Beltane is great for starting fires, but that's about it.


Hmmm... I go to a Christian college, so it'd be hard to say if I'm still programmed or not. I have no problem bemoaning "Jesus H. Fucking Christ!" when I'm a bit exasperated, but unlike those here, I have no problems with pro-choice, sex, or taking a torch to a bible.


I think I only have 1 left... I still have a bit of a taboo on divorce. I have no problem with divorce because of cheating, or abuse, but I think sometimes those really superficial divorce because the couple just can't agree on what colour to paint the kitchen is stupid.

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I still study the bible and read about religion. I'm reading "the Great Transformation" Karen Armstrong for example.


Oh, and I still cuss in Christian.

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