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Why Doesn't The Gov. Test Drivers Regularly?!

The Sage Nabooru

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Yesterday an 8-year-old boy was killed when an 84-year-old woman ran her car into his school.


My grandfather is 85 and has blacked out twice behind the wheel. Both times nobody was killed, but he did manage to run his car into a giant rock. The last time I was in the car with him I was nearly scared to death, he managed to rear-end two people in one trip. We we half-in, half-out of a parking lot, he sat there for a good two minutes with the front end of his car completely blocking off a whole lane of traffic without a stop, and backs up right into the car behind him when he tried to escape. Being sensitive about men's and women's traditional roles in society, he absolutely will not allow my grandmother to drive instead of him. He still has his license.


A few years ago a 98-year-old crashed into a gas station, caused a massive fire and killed several people.


Not regularly re-testing drivers to ensure their capability to go behind the wheel, is still unbelievable to me. Well technically they re-test you - they have you look into that little box and tell them what traffic signs you see......this ensures your further ability to drive, and they renew your license without a second thought.


If a man has blacked out twice - or hell, if he's had six fender-benders in as many months, and a medical condition that could harm his driving ability - take his license. (Another time a police officer was almost burned to death when his cruiser exploded after being struck by a cab whose driver was having an epileptic seizure.) You can talk about rights, but you're putting people's lives at risk. There's no contest.


If you're over 80 and still capable of driving, then go for it. I merely ask that the government confirms it.

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100 % agreed.

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I agree, my grandmother ran into a house on the other side of the road when she was backing out of her driveway. I don't know exactly how old she is...80-something. Luckily no one was hurt.

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I live near a couple of retirement communities, and let me tell you, it is a scary scene. People driving 15mph under the limit on busy streets, turning without signals (or signal 2 ft before they turn), drifting all over the road.


I say there should be mandatory road testing past a certain age and then at regular intervals.

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In england you can fail a test for backing further than half way into a space before coming out and straitening up. I failed a test and was told, get this "you did everything right in all other areas and used mirrors and signals fine. but on long peices of straight road, when you weren't changing speed or doing anything, you didn't look in your rear view mirror often enough". No shit. Then after this all you have to do is fill in a form at, I think, 80, with questions like, do you know of any condition that would stop you driving...check yes or no. What is that?!?!?!?

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Well in my grandfather's case, he simply refuses to admit that he has any health problems or difficulties of any kind. He's very prideful. My uncle is building an extension onto his house, and he put up a shaky scaffolding with fright-inducing platforms made of plywood. There's my uncle desperately trying to keep his balance on this scaffolding......and there goes my grandfather walking out onto it like it's a fucking sidewalk. Keep in mind Grandpa's 200+ lbs, slow of reflexes and has had two strokes. Exactly what the HELL does he think he's doing?!


It seems every week I'm hearing stories about some accident caused by an 80-something retiree behind the wheel. Now I know I'll be old one day, and I just hope to get there gracefully. I know there's people out there over a hundred that could drive a car better than any teenaged kid, who have through some miracle kept their minds sharp. But there needs to be some kind of proof of your sustained capability to drive. You shouldn't just take one driver's test and be OK'ed for the rest of your life.

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