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Goodbye Jesus

-- Humanist Network News #15


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In this month's podcast we celebrate the birthday of Charles Darwin and his contribution to evolutionary biology. We speak with evolutionary biologist Massimo Pigliucci, Ph.D., Noell Hyman a.k.a. "Agnostic Mom", Matt Cherry, executive director of the Institute for Humanist Studies, evangelical Christian-Goth musicians The Rapture Right, Secular Student Alliance Executive Director August E. Brunsman IV and Ghandi Scholar Prasad, who founded the Vasavya Society for Rural Development, in the state of Andrha Pradesh, India.

Segment 1: Remembering Gandhi, the humanist

Interview: On Jan. 30, 1948, Indian human rights activist Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a right-wing Hindu. Matt Cherry, executive director of the Institute for Humanist Studies, speaks with Prasad, founder of the Vasavya Society for Rural Development in the state of Andrha Pradesh, India, about why Gandhi should be remembered as a humanist.


Segment 2: Origin of Species

Interview: Feb. 12 is the anniversary of Charles Darwin's birthday, a.k.a. "Darwin Day." In order to freshen up on evolutionary biology before the big day, Duncan and Jes get a last minute study session on The Origin of Species with Massimo Pigliucci, professor of evolutionary biology at SUNY Stony Brook.

End: 13:00

Segment 3: Agnostic Mom

Interview: Noell Hyman is a former Mormon-turned-humanist who writes the monthly Agnostic Mom column for the HumanistNetworkNews.org and for her blog, AgnosticMom.com. When asked which holiday her children prefer, Noell's children pick Darwin Week over Christmas hands down.

End: 30:15

Segment 4: Listener Comments
HNN Podcast listeners ask about humanist proselytizing and share stories of humanist love.

End: 44:24

Segment 5: Break On Through -- Rapture Right

Interview: Jes debuts her new segment "Break on Through to the Other Side", a special feature that will include fundamentalist believers and their thoughts on humanism. This month she interviews the members of "The Rapture Right" a Christian-Goth techno band.

End: 50:50

Secular Student Alliance Moves to IHS

Interview: August E. Brunsman IV, executive director of the Secular Student Alliance, speaks to HNN about the recent relocation of this international secular student movement to the headquarters of the Institute for Humanist Studies in Albany NY.

End: 60:00


"I Ain't Afraid" by Holly Near"Charles Robert Darwin" by Artichoke"Looking Up in Heaven" by Paul Westerberg"Good Christian Bad Christian" by Rapture Right"Roads" (feat. Scott and Probe) by Junk Science

Rationally Speaking | DarwinDay.org | Agnostic Mom | Parenting Beyond Belief | The Rapture Right | Secular Student Alliance | The Origin and Invention of St. Valentine's Day | The State of Secular Singles | Match.com | FreethinkerMatch.com | Secularity.com

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