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Faith, Hope & Charity - Input Needed, Please.


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I was reading the responses to the article entitled "The Thinking Christian" by Brian B. in which Spirula said the following:


"Christian "charity" is really just proseletyzing in disguise. Nothing they do is altruistic."


Which I believe to be pretty much the truth a good deal of the time.


Here's my dilemma: One of the few remaining artifacts of my ex-Christianity is my ongoing monthly contributions to World Vision, which is a Christian organization that works to feed, educate and help third world children (a la Christian Children's Fund) and adults so they can escape devastating poverty.


Spirula's comment got me to thinking: Does World Vision prosletyze? They are very careful NOT to say so on their website; the only reference I could find in a search of "Christian education" was on page 3 (of 10) and it said that W.V. had donated Bibles to Romanian chruches.


I'm no longer comfortable supporting the spread of Christianity to other parts of the world, but by all accounts, the organization does a great deal of good and has an excellent track record, too.


I'm wondering, is it time to look for a different way to invest my charitable donations? What do you think?

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World Vision is not like the Red Cross... basically unknown as Christians to the people they help, except by name only. World Vision IS a Christian organization, and I'm pretty sure they teach Christian stuff at their schools.


If I were you, I would find a different group to support. There are plenty out there with the same goals in mind, minus the proselytizing and Christian connection.

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I guess I knew that all along, but searching for a reasonable facsimile is, unfortunately, not high on my list of prioities right now.


I am thinking of getting involved in mirco-lending, but that is an investment rather than a charity. At least I can ask our tax guy about the tax liablility of that, since it's something we have to do, anyway.

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This is a subject that I've been thinking of lately. Now that we are ex-christians, what are some good causes that we can support? Like twincats, I don't want to give to Christian charities anymore, as they will always, to some extent, mix in their religion with their aid. The only Christian charity I've given to the past few years is Habitat for Humanity. I've thought of the Red Cross, health organizations like the American Heart Association, non-religious homeless shelters (we have one in my town!)...what else? I've thought about the YWCA, which isn't really much of a Christian organization anymore, but assists troubled and abused women. I'd like to support the promotion of science, too; are there science organizations you can support, and receive a tax deduction? Any other ideas?

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