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Goodbye Jesus

Fucking Buses!


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The fucking buses!!! I just spent 30 minutes on what should have been a 5 minute bus ride trying not to strangle the fucking driver. I had to wait at the stop for ten minutes until the bus finally showed up late. It then proceeded to the first stop where it was passed by the next bus and waited around for 10 minutes!!! then he went 2 stops further and the same thing happened AGAIN!!! another bus, another ten minute wait. Then it turned out to be the bus that takes the long route and, half way round that biut, he stopped for another 5 minutes. FUCXK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't know if I'm getting more irritable or the world's getting more irritating.

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Goodbye Jesus

Have you checked a mirror yet? Are you still visible? Haven't become a vampire overnight, have you? If not, maybe after you've done whatever it is you do to calm yaself, get on the phone with the bus company and start complaining. Talk to a "supervisor" would be the first thing to try and maybe that person will talk to the drivers and find out what the.

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Well I wish I could get you a real copy of this, best, sing along let off steam cuz the bus system sucks, song ever!





Violent Femmes - Waiting For The Bus Lyrics



You got the mother and her kids,

You got the guy and his


We all get mad,We all get late.

Looks like

somebody forgot about us,

Standing on the corner waiting

for a bus.

Say, "hey mr. driverman...don't be


'cause i got somewhere i gotta go."

Say,"hey mr. driverman...drive that thing fast,

My precious

time keeps slippin' past.


Let's call the


Let's complain.

It look's like the

city's done it to us again.

Tied up in traffic -

what do ya' know?

The damn city bus moves so slow.


Driver: young man your transfers expired would you please pay

full fair?

Dude: i just got this transfer.

Other dude:hey, could you open up the back door?

Driver: either payyour 65 cents or you'll have to leave the bus.

Dude:you gotta be kidding me - i just got it!

Other dide: would you please open up the back door?!?


You got the mother and

her kids,

You got the guy and his date.

We all getmad,

We all get late.

Looks like somebody forgot about


Standing on the corner waiting for a bus.

Say, "hey mr. driverman...don't be slow,

'causei got somewhere i gotta go.

"Say, "hey mr.driverman...drive that thing fast,

My precious time keeps

slippin' past.

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Cheers purple, all better now.


"...rage subsiding....replaced by.......cautious optimism......."

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That's about the worst waiting for the bus story I've ever heard. Some people say Canadians are so nice. But when it comes to buses taking new or improved routes without notice for no observable reason, they get reported. It just doesn't happen.


The other day I would have missed the bus because it was two minutes early (according to the schedule, five minutes earlier than it normally is). Luckily someone was at the bus stop so it had to stop, and by that time I was close enough for it to wait. I talked to the driver about where the schedule said she was supposed to be at that minute. (Yes, Canadian women of all ages are quite capable of driving buses, snow or no snow.) I had to repeat it about three times before she understood what I was saying. By that time she was roaring on down the road and picking up the next party. I moved on back. Later I saw her reading the schedule. I guess I got my message across. I would have liked an explanation or apology like they normally give. Drivers seem really sensitive in pleasing their customers.

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well, the two coming at once thing worked in my favor this morning. After deciding not to cycle, in the elegant manor of falling on my arse walking to the bike shed, I missed the bus by about 10 seconds, but another one came right after before I could even get my stereo out of my bag! Plus the second one went straight to work with no big waits! yay!

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Cheers purple, all better now.


"...rage subsiding....replaced by.......cautious optimism......."



LOL you're welcome NeverClear, Violent Femmes is just the best for rage relief aren't they? :D

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