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Home Or Hospital Birth?


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Right now I'm looking for a midwife. I had a doctor twice and the second time I gave birth without my doctor in the room, I'm pretty sure I don't really need a doctor. Besides, I'd like a more personal touch. Here's the problem, I've been looking up midwives online and I've found that most of them are so religious that their websites quote god and Jesus. I'm not sure I trust that. My sis-inlaw is going with a group called http://www.blessedbirthservices.com/ and they do home births.


I had no idea there was a big debate about home births. But I found out that its just become legal to have your baby at home. Funny, isn't this what people did back in the day of our grandparents? My grandmother had all five children at home. My mom's mom had most of her nine children at home. So, why would this be bad?


Well, it seems like it's only legal because of the religious power behind it. Which really makes me sad because I don't trust someone that religious to deliver my baby. I find the thought kind of scary.


Does anyone know of an Atheist Midwife in Virginia beach or some place close? I'd really appreciate any help you guys can give me. I'd even take a liberal Christian midwife.


I'd also like your thoughts on home birth. I've had one medicated birth, one natural but both in the hospital. I thought since this will be my last, I'd do something different.

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Do you have a Physician referal service in your area? They would more than likely have a list of mid-wifes also.


I have a question. If you have a home birth, who circumcizes the baby if it's a boy? Just wondering.

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With me personally, I'd opt for the hospital birth. I had toxemia when I delivered my daughter and if it hadn't been for the experienced medical staff and equipment, I shudder to think about it.

But since that happened to me, I would be too scared of any complication to take the chance. I might feel different if I had an uncomplicated birth.

There are a lot of hospitals or birthing centers that have the bedroom-like setting. Or are you real set on doing this in your home?

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Congrats on the happy occasion!


I went searching midwifery in Virginia area... it turns out you live in one of the 6 states in the Union (7 if you also count DC) that are most-hostile to midwives. They don't licence them. You would need a doctor-supervised RN to come to your home if you were really desperate. Funny enough, state law does not prohibit you giving birth at home without assistance.


If you haven't read this, you may want to.




I'm also searching for birthing centres, but Google is coming up short. I know some women who have done home births in the south that may know more than I; so I'll check.


I'll keep looking, 'cause it always helps to have another set of eyes. Good luck!

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Congrats!!! And you know what? Kudos on considering home birthing, women had been doing it for millenia, heck even without a home. LOL Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful to have modern technology but I don't think that that means we should feel that the is always the best and/or only way to go.


If something were to go wrong you could always go to the hospital, although it wouldn't be very comfortable. I think its pretty crappy that VA requires a *licensed* professional to be on hand for births. How many stories do you hear about where the baby comes early and without even a midwife, babies are born happy and healthy?


I hope that you are able to solve the dilemma about how to do this at home.


BTW...when are you due?

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Congratulations!!! :woohoo: BTW, I love your signature where it shows the development, how original!


I'm like panther, two of my 3 pregnancies I had to have emergency C-sections, One twin was in fetal heart distress and my youngest was a footling breach. Because I had complications I'd also be to paranoid to be anywhere but.

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There might be a professional association of nurse-midwives in VA you could contact, or you could call the State Board of Nurses. They might have the information you need. I don't know whether VA licenses midwives who aren't advanced-practice nurses, but I would suggest making sure your midwife has that advanced practice training. It can make a big difference if complications develop. My feeling on home birth is simply that a hospital setting is the safer way to go, for both yourself and the baby, in the event that there's a complication. If there aren't any, you can usually go home the next day.


Home birth was a "norm" generations ago for several reasons. 1. It was not considered a medical procedure, but a process of nature. 2. Health insurance didn't used to cover it, because childbirth isn't an "illness" in the traditional sense 3. Knowledge of obstetrics was limited. Midwives knew more about childbirth in the old days than physicians did.


Very best wishes to you, AM, and be sure to let us know when that brand-new little one arrives...

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I had no idea there was a big debate about home births. But I found out that its just become legal to have your baby at home. Funny, isn't this what people did back in the day of our grandparents? My grandmother had all five children at home. My mom's mom had most of her nine children at home. So, why would this be bad?


Because giving birth has a pretty notable chance of killing or disabling women and infants. There is of course also a good chance of nothing going wrong, but the 'just in case' bit is generally the reason the law was put in place for the general populace. Birth is probably one of the most unpleasant and dangerous facts of life we all have to go through...next to death. ;)


Can't help you on locating midwifery stuff, but I really hope you do find somebody who can just do her job without spouting religious crap!


I'd also like your thoughts on home birth. I've had one medicated birth, one natural but both in the hospital. I thought since this will be my last, I'd do something different.


Well, I think you know yourself better than we do, and if in the past you've had healthy pregnancies and seemed to not have any problems delivering, I say go for it. Personally, I loathe hospitals and doctors, so I don't blame ya for not wanting to go in again. If I wanted to have kids, I'd probably consider the same option.


Midwives these days are more professionally trained to handle problems and recognize when you need the hospital if something goes wrong. So I guess by the end of this pregnancy you are healthy, your baby is healthy, and you live somewhere where you can get to a hospital quickly "just in case," I see no reason why you shouldn't go with a midwife.

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Hi congrats, AthiestMommy..

I saw your ticker in your siggy and have been meaning to say something earlier.


I don't have kids, but have wanted them for a long time. I was really interessted in the whole birth aspect for a while, even did my Doula and postpartum doulda training. Midwifery is legal in Canada, but it is still just making a comeback the last couple of years.


If you can't end up doing the homebirth with a midwife, you might want to consider a hospital birth with a doctor or midwife and a doula. Just a thought, I hope you can find a certified midwife, if that is what you want to do.


I would love to have a home waterbirth, when I hopefully one day have a child.


Best wishes on your search and pregnancy.

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As a childfree, maybe I'm not the best for giving my two cents....but here goes.


I figure for a first birth...probably best to be at a hospital (just in case).


If the first birth was without complications and your second birth follows the same "pattern" as the first....totally up to the birth mother. Do the midwife thing if that floats your boat, but I'd be inclined to do it at the midwife's "clinic" ( I'm guessing they have those) because I figure if complications arose, they'd be able to get your ass to a hospital pretty quick.


Now by the third uncomplicated pregnancy....go for the midwife in your own home.


More power to ya, and congrats on all the kids. Mostly congrats on the sanity!

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