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Goodbye Jesus

Fucking Dumbass Bosses....


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Tell me this just doesn't sound right....


I broke my foot falling down the stairs trying to avoid stepping on my cat. I sprained my big toe and I have a hairline fracture on my first metatarsal bone. They gave me one of those cast thingies to wear, and it actually makes walking fairly painless (with the drugs at least lol). They said I could work, the healing would take longer, but if I needed the money, I could work. They wrote me a note saying I needed to wear the boot for a month.


My boss takes one look at me this morning and says to go home, I can't work like that. It doesn't fit the uniform and I could slip in the kitchen. I said that there are non-slip covers I can wear. She says it doesn't matter, I could get hurt. Yeah, I'm a waitress and it will be a pain in the butt given the bootie and such, but as long as I have a section close to the kitchen, it shouldn't be too bad.


!?!?!??! What the fuck! This lady is a bitch anyway and walks around the restaurant looking for things you are doing imperfectly so she can call you on it in front of your customers (she will say you need to take a tray if you decide not to to carry one fricking glass, little retarded stuff like that... in front of your table). She's on the biggest power trip I've ever seen in a boss. I hate her guts.


So I just called her so she could clarify. She said to take it up with Karl, the big boss. Which I will. Because he's reasonable and I think he'll think she's being retarded. I have my doc's note, and I can deal with the pain, so fuck off... thank you very much. I can't afford a week off work because Ms. Bitch doesn't like the idea of me serving with a brace on my foot (did I mention that someone has a back brace, and someone else wears wrist braces on both wrists? and that I've seen someone else wear this kind of bootie before too?).


Thanks for listening to my rant. I really think I'm going to find another job. This lady makes me feel about two inches tall. She lectures me about something in the office every week in addition to the comments she makes in front of customers.

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You could always have a friend come in as a customer and have this person ask for the management (Karl), and then this "customer" will tell him that he's noticed that one of the women working here seems really mean to everyone else for really no reason and it was distracting him during his meal to listen to her bitching.


One time when I was working back in the electronics department, our slimy self-righteous manager, Tom, was doing was managers do: standing around chatting with buddies that have come in the store and doing absolutely nothing useful on the company's time. I was putting away DVDs and had a full armful of them on either side. A customer comes up and asks me if we have a certain DVD. I say, Yes, it's right over there on that rack. Tom grabs me, I almost drop my DVDs, and says "Go over there and show her the product". At this point the women, who was sent by God, or possibly was God, said "Excuse me sir, no she can't show me, her arms are full of DVDs and YOU aren't doing anything, so why don't YOU show me where it is?" Tom went red in the face with embarrassment. I'd never felt so exhilarated.

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At this point the women, who was sent by God, or possibly was God, said "Excuse me sir, no she can't show me, her arms are full of DVDs and YOU aren't doing anything, so why don't YOU show me where it is?" Tom went red in the face with embarrassment. I'd never felt so exhilarated.


Thanks for sharing that story. Apparently evil does get compensated for once in a while. Who but a customer, however, can afford to say something like that. What Tom did--couldn't that be taken as assault? Grabbing an employee with such force that she nearly drops what she is carrying simply is not right!

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