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Goodbye Jesus

Do I Have A Case?

The Sage Nabooru

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Tonight my boss forced me to clean the Wal-Mart bathrooms. I am a cashier and this is most definitely NOT my job. Also, I understand that it is illegal to have employees who are not properly trained in the use of chemicals, use them for cleaning purposes by management. Am I wrong here?


At any rate I'm quitting because I'm sick of this Wal-Mart shit-eating ass-raping job.

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If Satan existed, it would be WalMart. I swear, WalMart's the everfucking ANTICHRIST. I hate that place. It fills me with rage like no other. Good luck getting your ass out of there... never look back!


As to whether or not you have a case, I'm not sure.

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Tonight my boss forced me to clean the Wal-Mart bathrooms. I am a cashier and this is most definitely NOT my job. Also, I understand that it is illegal to have employees who are not properly trained in the use of chemicals, use them for cleaning purposes by management. Am I wrong here?


At any rate I'm quitting because I'm sick of this Wal-Mart shit-eating ass-raping job.


I doubt it. But that's definately not your job. Leaving is the best thing you can do. Nobody deserves to work at Wal-Mart. I refuse to shop there. Never have, never will.

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I wish more people thought that way. I can tell you from being inside the company, they do not tolerate the existence of other stores. If forcing every other business in town out of business requires the loss of jobs, the cost of a varied economy, and just plain culture, then so be it. They have every intention of completely owning the world.


The usual pattern is this: Put a Wal-Mart in a small town. Let it run for a few years, then when it has soaked up enough business, turn it into a Super Wal-Mart and drive the rest of business out of town. It's kind of like how missionaries in Africa operate: Make the village solely dependent on the corporation and deny the right for competition to exist. Make it so that the population's very survival depends on the store because they have nowhere else to go.


I have a credit card to pay off, so I still need work, but I'm not sure if I should quit right away or wait for something better to come along. I mean, they just switched over to having the computer do all their scheduling to excuse themselves from allowing people eight hours of sleep between shifts (because of course the computer can't understand such human phenomena). Already I've been scheduled to work until eleven at night and expected back at six the next morning. Keep in mind I need to eat, shower, and dress myself too.

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I agree that if there was a satan, antichrist, etc, it would be wal-mart.


The bad thing is they don't allow unions, so you can't actually strike and be allowed to get more sleep. You could always call in sick if you absolutely had to. They don't bother to take care of their employees, because cheap human labour is a dime a dozen.


A friend of mine just started working at a super walmart. They're paying her $9 per hour because she's worked as a florist before. But she's got a bad knee. So bad that she needs surgery, but can't pay for it. What are they having her do right now? BUILDING THE FUCKING SHELVES. She's putting up and screwing together pieces of steel to put the merchandise on while they finish renovations. She's barely 5'1" and has no clue how to do what they're telling her, she's just doing it because she has to.

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Just got done checking in with my buddy, the former local Mao*Mart manager.


You are an *at will* employee, and that will is Unkle Mao's, very rarely yours. When Mao gets tired of you, you get to take leave of your job and depart the premesis.


Refuse to take a task on that is under "normal limits" and "normal times" of your position, even cleaning bathrooms when you are not cashiering is going to/can be considered as "refusal to do work assigned" and be a fireable/dismissable offense.


Until you've got another job lined up, don't loose this one. Get pounding the bricks and handing out applications and resumes.


Afraid that cleaning the shithouses for UnkleMao may not be your trained job, but is your assignment...


Mao*Mart holds all the cards this game.



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Tonight my boss forced me to clean the Wal-Mart bathrooms. I am a cashier and this is most definitely NOT my job. Also, I understand that it is illegal to have employees who are not properly trained in the use of chemicals, use them for cleaning purposes by management. Am I wrong here?


At any rate I'm quitting because I'm sick of this Wal-Mart shit-eating ass-raping job.


Don't think you have a case. Nevertheless, I'm glad you are leaving. Stay away from the big corps. They just eat the little guys at the bottom alive. Find a nice small locally owned enterprise to work for. Something non retail. If you get in with the right one, you will be much better treated and likely find something more fulfilling to spend your time on.


I wish you would take the loans and go to school. You are very intelligent and it's such a waste to see that intelligence spent on places like Sprawlmart. But I know you aren't going to live your life based on what some yahoo you met online wants for you.

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I mean, they just switched over to having the computer do all their scheduling to excuse themselves from allowing people eight hours of sleep between shifts (because of course the computer can't understand such human phenomena). Already I've been scheduled to work until eleven at night and expected back at six the next morning. Keep in mind I need to eat, shower, and dress myself too.


Hang on, isn't it a federal regulation that employers are required to give employees at least 8 hours off between full-time shifts?


That's the policy everywhere I've worked, and I simply can't believe there's any state in the nation that has more corporo-fascist laws and policy than Utah.

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I mean, they just switched over to having the computer do all their scheduling to excuse themselves from allowing people eight hours of sleep between shifts (because of course the computer can't understand such human phenomena). Already I've been scheduled to work until eleven at night and expected back at six the next morning. Keep in mind I need to eat, shower, and dress myself too.


Hang on, isn't it a federal regulation that employers are required to give employees at least 8 hours off between full-time shifts?


That's the policy everywhere I've worked, and I simply can't believe there's any state in the nation that has more corporo-fascist laws and policy than Utah.

Great thread. I thought I heard on the news that Wal-Mart just unionized. I could be delusional. . . I thought I saw it scroll the screen last night while listening to/watching the news while I was cross-stitching (a skull pattern that I designed. . . no gay jokes, please). Supposedly, this shit-stain of a Big Box wants to universalize their health care by 2012. I wonder if that means the Smiley Dot Logo will be running for office in 2012. Wouldn't surprise me.


In a town of 35,000 people, we've lost 60% of our small businesses since Super Wal-Mart opened at the North end of town a little over seven years ago. Ain't life grand? Feed the machine, people.

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Proof that I'm not lying about my cross-stitch. . . gotta protect my integrity.


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Gay jokes nothing, that's fucking awesome!

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Gay jokes nothing, that's fucking awesome!

Thanks! I'm a guy and there are very, very few masculine stitching patterns out there so I am relegated to making my own. That piece is an ongoing project (it's pretty damn big) and I work on a few smaller projects in between.


*WARNING* Shameless plug follows. . .


I also do commissioned portrait work (primarily pencil portraits although I have done a few acrylic paintings). If anyone would like to see some examples or would like information about having a portrait of yourself, family, loved ones, pets, etc. done just let me know.


*This concludes my shameless plug*


In my defense, I work a full-time job, go to college full-time on the G.I. Bill, and have a fiance' and two kids to support. . . just trying to survive, folks. God's not really doing me any favors right now.

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I wish you would take the loans and go to school. You are very intelligent and it's such a waste to see that intelligence spent on places like Sprawlmart. But I know you aren't going to live your life based on what some yahoo you met online wants for you.


Well I'm reviewing the study guide for my college entrance exam right now. This has become intolerable, and while I'm not a genius, I have to admit I feel my brain cry a little when I listen to my coworkers in the break room talking about how some "Arab guy" came in and said "You woman! You put bags in cart! You work for me!" (Yeah, that SO totally happened, I bet. :Wendywhatever: )


Right now Wal-Mart is expanding all their stores in the St. Louis area to try to take over all business. I know they just made the Telegraph Wal-Mart a Superstore, and a couple other ones too. Our managers are not shy or shameful at all about telling us that our company intends to totally take over all the business this town has. This is also why I want to move downtown - no Wal-Marts!

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