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Goodbye Jesus

Did God Make Believers Less Intelligent

Guest ukchris

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I think it's more that intelligant people can more easily see the flaws and understand the science that often exposes the true nature of christianity. Think of basketball, being bad at basketball doesn't make you short. Its just that most people who are short are thus, bad at basketball.

The kids thing, well IQ is thought to be a highly heritable trait, plus my own scientific journey, and those of most other scientists I know, began with an increadible curiosity, which many christian parents will suppress by saying, goddidit, now shut up. Thankfully, though my parents were christians, they were also teachers and encouraged me (sometimes painfully so!) to learn and do well at school.

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Depends on your definition of intelligence. There are Christians in Mensa. It's not so much IQ as the fact that they are programmed to ignore and even have disdain for reality and rational thought.

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Even the brightest people can be brainwashed by the cults.

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Interesting study. Being raised a catholic, this seems true. The less educated, the more religious. Think of it. Brainwashing at an early age, repetitive prayers that drone on and make you feel mentally subdued. Then, prayers with "indulgences" behind them.

Don't forget learning "sin" then running in a box to confess these sins to a man, but wait, in there you are really confessing to god!

Then, you are "worthy" to receive christ in a cracker and he fills your life and does all these wonderful things!


HOLY FUCK!!!! I believed this nonsense for over forty years! Talk about a slow learner!


Yes, religion preys on blind obedience, dull minds and that good old catch all FUCKIN FAITH! Thank humanity we are finally questioning such fuckin nonsense!

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I would have to say that I agree with the article that you linked to. I really think a lot of it has to do with the reasoning capabilities that are instilled from the time of birth. A child who is allowed to reason, think and seek answers is more likely to have a higher knowledge base because they take the initiative to learn.


One time when my son was in kindergarten his teacher told the class that they could not go out for recess. He of course loving recess asked why not. Her reply because it is raining, his reply I'll wear my raincoat. In his mind he had reasoned he wouldn't get wet because he would wear his raincoat. In her mind he was talking back and being mouthy. I laughed when she brought it up as an issue. To me he reasoned it out, he'd wear his raincoat and not get wet. When he and I discussed it, I explained that while he had his raincoat, other children didn't and they would get wet and since the teacher couldn't stay inside and be outside at the same time there couldn't be recess. I've never told my children "because I said so". If they asked why I'd explain it and we'd discuss it.


Closing your mind and not looking at all possibilities I do think makes people less intelligent. And religion does teach that. There is no inquiry, just acceptance.

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