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Christ Conspiracy?


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Did anyone read The Christ Cospiracy by Arychya S? (sp) any reactions or recommendations? Thanks.

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Did anyone read The Christ Cospiracy by Arychya S? (sp) any reactions or recommendations? Thanks.




Sorry Conspiracy?

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Yeah. I've read it. It's actually a really interesting book. But take it with a grain of salt. A REALLY BIG grain of salt.


If you use Acharya S' "facts" in a debate with anyone who has even the most rudimentary knowledge of early christian history, you will get run over. And nobody looks good with tire tracks on their face.


She uses a lot of linguistic assumptions that I've not seen anywhere else. Like this:


ISRAEL: The word comes from three gods: ISIS, RA, and EL.


And, her theory that the gospels were an intentional deception that were written at the library in Alexandria Egypt is kinda out there too.


Oh, and her take on the Council of Nicaea I've not ever seen anywhere else either. And I read a lot.


Who knows? Some of her stuff may actually be true. But it's radical. And you'll get embarrassed if trying to spout it in front of scholarly folk.

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Yeah - it's best to stick with arguments that are based in proven facts, not stuff from left-field.


The Babble is all the weapon one needs to argue against Xianity. Just bone up on good criticism that takes the plain text of the Babble and shows it for the filth that it is.


That is the stuff fervent Xians have no real argument against.

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I think Acharya and Dr. Bob Price had a debate on infidel guy show recently... I haven't listened to it though.

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Just bone up on good criticism that takes the plain text of the Babble and shows it for the filth that it is.



Like this filth??


Love one another.


Be kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving each other.


Love is patient, love is kind, love does not keep track of wrongs suffered.


God is love....love is from God.


Come to me you who labor and I will give you rest.


Bless your enemies. Pray for those who use and abuse you.


If your enemy is hungry, give him food. If he is thirsty, give him drink.


God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of peace and a sound mind.


The Lord ... anoints my head with oil...makes me lie down in green pastures...leads me beside still waters.


There might be in the Bible, Varokhar, what you call filth; that can be argued. But there's so, so much more, too, that's beautiful and wonderful and inspiring. Just pointing that out.


-CC in MA

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Love one another.


Ah, c'mon, cc.


That's like sorting through a dump truck load of horse manure looking for pocket change.post-389-1171067950.gif

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I think Acharya and Dr. Bob Price had a debate on infidel guy show recently... I haven't listened to it though.


I'm off on the search. If I find it, I'll post the linky.


Oh, okay. I got it. It's easy enough to find. Infidelguy.com, and there's a little player on the right where you can find the show. I have it playing now.


Thanks, Monsier Solo.

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Love one another.


Ah, c'mon, cc.


That's like sorting through a dump truck load of horse manure looking for pocket change.post-389-1171067950.gif


Isn't horse manure good fertilizer? :grin:


Did you know that the avergae 1000-pound horse produces 18,000 pounds of manure a year -- 50 pounds per day. Don't believe me!? Look it up.


-CC in MA

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I don't need to look it up. I shoveled it up.


I had two thoroughbred horses for five years.

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Interesting little discussion, this thing between acharya s. and robert price. (it's not actually a debate)


Acharya begins a little apologetic over her sloppy work in Christ Conspiracy. And Price is very gracious. Looks like the two of them are trying very hard to mend their past rifts.


One thing was mentioned that I hadn't really thought about. The terms "Jesus' and "Christ" do not first show up in the NT. "Christ" is the same word as "Messiah" in the OT. And Jesus is the same name as Joshua.


So, Joshua Messiah is the same name as Jesus Christ.

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Interesting little discussion, this thing between acharya s. and robert price. (it's not actually a debate)


Acharya begins a little apologetic over her sloppy work in Christ Conspiracy. And Price is very gracious. Looks like the two of them are trying very hard to mend their past rifts.


One thing was mentioned that I hadn't really thought about. The terms "Jesus' and "Christ" do not first show up in the NT. "Christ" is the same word as "Messiah" in the OT. And Jesus is the same name as Joshua.


So, Joshua Messiah is the same name as Jesus Christ.


I think Price and Acharya S. are lovers. :10:


So, the next time you stump your toe, I want you to yell out, JOSHUA MESSIAH!!! :beg:


-CC in MA

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:Doh: OH MY GOD.


I just thought of something.


My son's name is Josh.


I fucking named my kid Jesus.




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Like this filth??


Love one another.


Be kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving each other.


Love is patient, love is kind, love does not keep track of wrongs suffered.


God is love....love is from God.


Come to me you who labor and I will give you rest.


Bless your enemies. Pray for those who use and abuse you.


If your enemy is hungry, give him food. If he is thirsty, give him drink.


God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of peace and a sound mind.


The Lord ... anoints my head with oil...makes me lie down in green pastures...leads me beside still waters.


Yes, that's part of it - because each and every one of those your god is depicted as having broken.


Every atrocity ordered in the Old Testament, every act of murder committed by your god, every instance in the New Testament where Hell is plainly and clearly threatened, every verse where Xians are encouraged to hate themselves, their lives, their loved ones, and everything except for Jebus refutes those paltry examples of good morals.


Your god is a god of fear. You may not believe in the Hell doctrine, but it's there, spelled out plainly. Jebus will send us all there if we don't conform and believe - that's a spirit of fear.


If your god preaches love, there would be no Hell taught in your religion. If your god is love, he would not have killed a single soul (as per the Old Testament stories), but he would have simply erased sin and evil and thereby protected all the universe. He keeps track of every offense committed unto him, and willingly sends souls to eternal torment, all to appease his inflated ego.


Every good notion you express above is meaningless. The bulk of the Babble contradicts each one of them. God is a hypocrite and a liar - and a devil if there ever was one.


There might be in the Bible, Varokhar, what you call filth; that can be argued. But there's so, so much more, too, that's beautiful and wonderful and inspiring. Just pointing that out.


You say there is much more than filth to the Babble? I say the vast, overwhelming majority of it is filth. Virtually the entire book is trash - and the following links prove it:


Examples of Murder being Condoned in the Babble

Examples of Rape being Condoned in the Babble

Examples of Human Sacrifice being Condoned in the Babble

Examples of Slavery being Condoned in the Babble

Jebus Lying about Prayer

Jebus the Jerk.

Jebus behaving as a Cult Leader - no different than Jim Jones or David Koresh.

Assorted Examples of Babblical Cruelty

Assorted Examples of Babblical Injustice

Assorted Examples of Intolerance in the Babble


The plain text of the Babble is clear. If your god wanted the Babble to be understood differently, he would not have let it be translated into the plain text we have. But it exists as it does, which says that either god is a sadistic beast, or the Babble is wholly the product of human minds - sick, deluded, pitiful human minds.


The Babble is nothing more than an early Stephen King novel. And even less pleasant to read.

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The Babble is nothing more than an early Stephen King novel. And even less pleasant to read.


But if the Bible is not even partly "true" or "reliable," how can one cull from it evidence of any nature (good or bad) about the concept of a god/force/energy or its attributes? God/Force/Energy exists (perhaps) independenly of any scripture or philosophical writing. These records may provide some insight into the nature of G/F/E, but I can't imagine one little book or even human language providing more than a glimpse. As Xtian, I embrace Jesus as the ultimate emissary of the G/F/E, but we have lost so much of his life as well that what remains is but a kernal of the Unseen Reality.


Seems to me.


-CC in MA

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But if the Bible is not even partly "true" or "reliable," how can one cull from it evidence of any nature (good or bad) about the concept of a god/force/energy or its attributes?



:lmao: Very funny.


What makes you think that the goofballs and rock-stackers that wrote the bible had any more insight into some "unseen world" than the goofballs that are still around today?


Shit, we could all go around with crystals around our necks and wearing pyramid hats, waiting for rides on comets. Or thinking you can take a blood shower and come out squeaky clean. Or believing in magic seer glasses. Or thinking we're gonna all spontaneously elevate up to the gods. Or thinking we can play with rattlesnakes and not get bit. Or run around looking for spiritual vortexes in the earth.


People have been spouting stupid shit about invisible, silent, unseen worlds forever. And, it's still and always will be stupid shit. And there's always going to be a group of lemmings who follow in awe.

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One thing was mentioned that I hadn't really thought about. The terms "Jesus' and "Christ" do not first show up in the NT. "Christ" is the same word as "Messiah" in the OT. And Jesus is the same name as Joshua.


So, Joshua Messiah is the same name as Jesus Christ.

Hah hah! Finally something I did know before Mythra did! :wicked: You always beat me to it... and finally that was something I knew... I feel so empowered and important... yes, it made my day. :grin:


And you know that Joshua means Savior, and Messiah means "anointed with oil". So really, would someone name their kids that? The oil anointed savior? To me it doesn't sound like a name, but rather an epithet to a person or a leader position. i.e. "The oil anointed savior Bob". Or a label you give to a person after the fact, like the way it's done to some emperors.

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Shit hansie. You lapped me a long time ago, dude.


So, let's get down to some meat and potatoes here. WHY?


Why, in the christian bible do they not say "christ" instead of "messiah" in the OT?


Why, do they rename Jesus and not call him Joshua, or Joshua II, or something?


It's not that these names are similar. They are the exact same words. Could it be to obscure the fact that Jesus, and everything about him, including his name, can be derived directly from studying OT scriptures?


No wonder "Jesus" "fulfilled" so many "prophecies"....


Maybe "christ conspiracy" isn't too bad a term for this charade after all.

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Shit hansie. You lapped me a long time ago, dude.


So, let's get down to some meat and potatoes here. WHY?


Why, in the christian bible do they not say "christ" instead of "messiah" in the OT?


Why, do they rename Jesus and not call him Joshua, or Joshua II, or something?


It's not that these names are similar. They are the exact same words. Could it be to obscure the fact that Jesus, and everything about him, including his name, can be derived directly from studying OT scriptures?


No wonder "Jesus" "fulfilled" so many "prophecies"....


Maybe "christ conspiracy" isn't too bad a term for this charade after all.

I thought some of the differences in words was due to the OT being written in Hebrew, and the NT in Greek. The Greek word for Christ is Christos. Greek words were not used in the OT, so the English word messiah came from the Hebrew . (Note from the previous link: The word Christ (Greek Χριστός, Christos, "the anointed one") is a literal translation of "Moshiach" used in the Greek Septuagint version of the Bible, and derived from the Greek verb χριω "rub, anoint with scented unguents or oil, as was done after bathing", "anoint in token of consecration" (Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon). ) Likewise, Jesus came from the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, or Yeshua, though if you read the Wikipedia entry for Yeshua you'll find it questioned whether the name Jesus really did derive from Joshua or not. So it's all about translation issues.

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Why, in the christian bible do they not say "christ" instead of "messiah" in the OT?


Why, do they rename Jesus and not call him Joshua, or Joshua II, or something?


It's not that these names are similar. They are the exact same words. Could it be to obscure the fact that Jesus, and everything about him, including his name, can be derived directly from studying OT scriptures?


No wonder "Jesus" "fulfilled" so many "prophecies"....


Maybe "christ conspiracy" isn't too bad a term for this charade after all.

I'm not quite following, but that's probably because of my new beer glass. It takes two bottles to fill, and me like it full... *hick* :woohoo:


If you mean what I think you mean, you mean that someone invented "Jesus" and "Christ" based on the stories and the "names" (epithets) in the OT?


... shudder...


No... that can't be... Impossible!





To me it surely sounds like a bit too convenient that the names matches some "holy" meaning to their "purpose" in the story. I'm sure it even has a name when you write a story and you give the characters names that matches their "quest". But I'm not a writer, so I don't know...



(And about lapped... no I don't dance... Oh, you didn't mean that kind of lap...ah... well, I think it only looked like I had lapped you because I was running backwards.)

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