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I Need To Stop Watching Smallville


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Combination of the damn lonely theme to the end of every episode and the fact I tend to watch it in the evening after downloading leads me to go to bed depressed every fuckin' time.


Can't even enjoy fucking Superman anymore. :ugh:

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Combination of the damn lonely theme to the end of every episode and the fact I tend to watch it in the evening after downloading leads me to go to bed depressed every fuckin' time.


Can't even enjoy fucking Superman anymore. :ugh:


Stupid show. as was Superman. American show for the American Mentality. Quote from a Pole and me. an Australian.

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They do have good looking people on that show though. :wicked:

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I swear I hate that Lana character. And Chloe isn't much better. In fact, I wonder why I even watch that show at all, now that I think about it...

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I hate that show....so....damn......booooring. Same crap over and over. I watch an episode here and there at a friends house or something, but I always feel as thought the time could have been better spent.


Watch heroes!!!!

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And Chloe isn't much better.
I think Chloe is the hottest babe in that show. :shrug:
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Can't even enjoy fucking Superman anymore. :ugh:
That's okay, Woody. I'm sure that Lana and Lois would get tired of it after a while, too. :mellow:





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I use Thursday nights here at college to watch mindless television, and Smallville happens to be ones I watch to turn my brain to mush after a particularly stressful week. I must say it works quite well, too.


It's stupid, but when you need something to watch that you don't really have to think about, it's good to have it there.

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Ok, Smallville sucks ass.


Is it just me, or is season 3 of Lost not as good as the first two?

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I watched one episode of Smallville when it first aired years ago. It really was boring! I never got into it...lol. Plus, I hate Tom Welling's hair. It was a pet peeve of mine. Superman is supposed to have sleek hair and a little curly Q. Not some 70's shag...

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Smallville was on television long before I even knew what it was. (My mind never made the Smallville/Superman connection when I heard the title. :shrug: ) Then I ended up watching an episode here and there without ever gaining much interest.


Things have changed this season, though. I started watching from the beginning of the season, and I'm a liiiiiiiitle :close: bit hooked now.


I enjoy it. Probably for the same reason(s) that Rhia does. It's something to watch and it's a fun show for the most part. :shrug:

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And Chloe isn't much better.
I think Chloe is the hottest babe in that show. :shrug:

Of course she is. The other one is cute, but lifeless.

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Well of course it's stupid. It's Dawson's Superman fer crissakes. That's not the point.


I'm a huge geek, though; especially with comic-book material. Almost regardless of subject or quality of content (unless it's truly horrendous), if it involves superheroes I'm certain to tune in. I like watching X-Men (Evolution), Spider-Man (in all incarnations but the '60s cartoon), Batman, JLU, Teen Titans and yes, even Superman. It's like my love of vampire lore extending to a near obsession with Underworld. It's really not a very good movie, but I enjoy it. Same thing for Smallville.


I also watch "good" shows; Lost, Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, Veronica Mars, CSI (because I'm also a huge science geek), etc. Yeah, they're better, and in just about every way, but that doesn't preclude my ability to enjoy some simpler entertainment when the mood strikes me.

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I kinda watched Smallville during the first season, then didn't bother to watch it again until season 5, when things got kind of interesting. I do watch it now, but only because I have nothing better to do on thursdays and its right before supernatural.


I hate Lana, just for the record.

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I hate Lana, just for the record.
Doesn't she just seem like the human reincarnation of a grease stain?
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I enjoy it for the most part, but I cannot stand the Mary Sue that is Lana Lang. I hope she gets killed off, but I think that may be too much to hope for. I predict they will off Chloe in the end. I like her, she's my favorite character in the entire show, but I think she is doomed.


I do like Heroes though, it is far better in its first season than Smallville can ever hope to become.

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You may be right about that. Lana Lang is an actual character in the comic, whereas I've never heard of Chloe. And why did they kill off the black guy?

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You may be right about that. Lana Lang is an actual character in the comic, whereas I've never heard of Chloe. And why did they kill off the black guy?


Which one? They never killed off Pete, he just left town because his mom got a new job elsewhere (and supposedly the FBI was sniffing around their place looking for Clark's UFO).


Cyborg is still alive too.

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I thought the first show was somewhat interesting, but the few times I've watched the newer shows I just found the whole thing ridiculous.


1. The shows plot is not even anywhere in the near vicinity of close to the comic book plot.


2. Could anyone really ever buy the idea that the GQ looking pretty boy who plays Clark Kent was the nerdy unpopular kid in school?


3. It reminds me of every other sappy/stupid show on the WB only with supernatural stuff in it....its like watching Beverly hills 90210 with aliens in it.


4. the insipid plot devices...it seems that they will come of with all sorts of super powered mutated freaks for him to fight in the show and when pressed for an explanation of how they got there all you get is "OMG the meteors caused it" then we have to listen to Clark whine about how he feels responsible because he is related to the meteors.....I swear, Shinji Ikari didn't whine as much.



If you can't tell, I'm not a fan of the show.

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You may be right about that. Lana Lang is an actual character in the comic, whereas I've never heard of Chloe.


I heard that they were going to start writing Chloe into the comics.

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You may be right about that. Lana Lang is an actual character in the comic, whereas I've never heard of Chloe.


I heard that they were going to start writing Chloe into the comics.


So did I, but that doesn't guarantee her safety. She may well be used as a catalyst for Clark to become Superman.

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She may well be used as a catalyst for Clark to become Superman.
Don't even say that!!! :nono:


If they off Chloe...


I don't know...


If they off Chloe, I'll off my television...


Or somethin'.


I'll off somethin'...





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I'm with you, Meece Man. She's the only character in the entire production worth keeping.


Personally, I don't care whether Lana gets married, dies, or falls in love with and is spirited away by the Martian Manhunter just so long as she goes away. Bring Pete back; he was a hell of a lot better than Lana could ever be.

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She may well be used as a catalyst for Clark to become Superman.
Don't even say that!!! :nono:


If they off Chloe...


I don't know...


If they off Chloe, I'll off my television...


Or somethin'.


I'll off somethin'...






Oh, I'll probably find something to throw at the TV if/when it happens.


*Wonders where her stress ball from her old job went off to.*

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1. The shows plot is not even anywhere in the near vicinity of close to the comic book plot.


2. Could anyone really ever buy the idea that the GQ looking pretty boy who plays Clark Kent was the nerdy unpopular kid in school?


3. It reminds me of every other sappy/stupid show on the WB only with supernatural stuff in it....its like watching Beverly hills 90210 with aliens in it.



You know, I would actually like to see one of these stupid shows portray teenagers as, well, teenagers. I find it highly unlikely that none of these highschools on the WB have zits, baggy jeans, bad hair, or braces.

James Vanderbeek had male pattern baldness, and he played a 15-year-old on Dawson's creek for years. I mean, when you're in highschool you actually buy it. But when you grow up and watch 90210 Dylan Mckay is so obviously 45.

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