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Proof For God's Existence

R. S. Martin

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I found it! Absolute proof of God's existence. It is impossible not to know it. The very fact that we can differentiate between good and evil proves it. The very fact that there is a cause for everything proves it. This is intuitive knowledge. It is imprinted on every human heart. And we know it's true because the Bible says so.

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Step awaaaaaay from the crack pipe...










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The very fact that we can differentiate between good and evil proves it.



This is news to me, especially after reading this article this morning:





-CC in MA

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Hey guys, thanks for responding. Lets me know I'm not alone in the world. I am reading nineteenth century theology written by the "Father of Fundamentalism." That post is his argument in a nutshell for the existence of God. It's so outrageous I just had to try it out here for its effect value. I wanted to share a laugh. Besides, this forum is where I go when I need to reconnect with reality. Glad you're here for me. Thanks!

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Hey guys, thanks for responding. Lets me know I'm not alone in the world. I am reading nineteenth century theology written by the "Father of Fundamentalism." That post is his argument in a nutshell for the existence of God. It's so outrageous I just had to try it out here for its effect value. I wanted to share a laugh. Besides, this forum is where I go when I need to reconnect with reality. Glad you're here for me. Thanks!

Good one, Ruby..."we can understand right from wrong, therefore god exists". And it's confirmed by the BIBLE. Oh yeah.

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I found it! Absolute proof of God's existence. It is impossible not to know it. The very fact that we can differentiate between good and evil proves it. The very fact that there is a cause for everything proves it. This is intuitive knowledge. It is imprinted on every human heart. And we know it's true because the Bible says so.


Ruby Sera,

If I did not know you from "World vs Christians", I would think you were whacko. At least I know otherwise. Remember me: Eccles? I'm still there trying to bash Christ out of those whacko Christians there. There are so many brain dead brainwashed Christians there, I get a lot of Atheist bashing. I now manage "Militant Atheist Materialists": Christians not allowed.


I love your reference to that book of bullshit, the bible. I get that a lot. "God" made the World". How do you know? Because it is written in the bible. How do you know it is true? Because the bible says so and the bible is the inerrant "word of god".

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Oh, shoot.


There are at least 300 proofs of God's existence out there: http://exchristian.net/exchristian/2002/10...ofs-of-gods.php

May a thousand chubby cherabim shower many-splendoured blessings on your head!


Those are brilliant. That is such a mine. I'm a going diggin!

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I think one is missing (too many to check):


I'm to stupid to know better, therefore god exists.

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Ruby Sera,

If I did not know you from "World vs Christians", I would think you were whacko. At least I know otherwise. Remember me: Eccles? I'm still there trying to bash Christ out of those whacko Christians there. There are so many brain dead brainwashed Christians there, I get a lot of Atheist bashing. I now manage "Militant Atheist Materialists": Christians not allowed.


I love your reference to that book of bullshit, the bible. I get that a lot. "God" made the World". How do you know? Because it is written in the bible. How do you know it is true? Because the bible says so and the bible is the inerrant "word of god".


How do you go about your evangelistic mission to "bash Christ" out of the minds of "whacko Christians" who are "brain dead" and "brainwashed" by their "book of bullshit"?


I really, really don't get all this "religious fervor" and violence-laden rhetoric? I thought only religious people were violence minded? Guess not. :shrug:


(And I'm not arguing that there are not "whacko Christians"; there are.)


-CC in MA

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I really, really don't get all this "religious fervor" and violence-laden rhetoric? I thought only religious people were violence minded? Guess not. :shrug:

You forget... we're ex-religious, so we still are working on our violent issues. :grin:

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I really, really don't get all this "religious fervor" and violence-laden rhetoric? I thought only religious people were violence minded? Guess not. :shrug:

You forget... we're ex-religious, so we still are working on our violent issues. :grin:




And that is (sortta) my point. To the extent that a tendency toward violence exists in human nature, we all share it. Of course most violence has come from religious people; most people are religious. But violence-laden rhetoric is poisonous coming from Theists or Atheists or Agnostics. We have to expunge it from ourselves.


I get all fired-up and spew rhetoric, too, from time to time, but rarely is rhetoric beneficial. And "bashing Christ" out of people's minds sounds violent to me. In fact it reminded me of last verse of Psalm 137. (I love that psalm ... until the last verse.)


-CC in MA

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To the extent that a tendency toward violence exists in human nature, we all share it. Of course most violence has come from religious people; most people are religious. But violence-laden rhetoric is poisonous coming from Theists or Atheists or Agnostics. We have to expunge it from ourselves.

And I'm not going to argue that, because I agree. I've met people from almost all possible cultures and ideologies, and so far there are good and bad people in all groups.


I get all fired-up and spew rhetoric, too, from time to time, but rarely is rhetoric beneficial. And "bashing Christ" out of people's minds sounds violent to me. In fact it reminded me of last verse of Psalm 137. (I love that psalm ... until the last verse.)

We love to use the strong language, it's an Emotional Relief Valve. (But you know that, you just wanted to make your point.)


Bashing Christ - good

Bashing babies - bad


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But violence-laden rhetoric is poisonous coming from Theists or Atheists or Agnostics. We have to expunge it from ourselves.


I get all fired-up and spew rhetoric, too, from time to time, but rarely is rhetoric beneficial. And "bashing Christ" out of people's minds sounds violent to me. In fact it reminded me of last verse of Psalm 137. (I love that psalm ... until the last verse.)


-CC in MA


CC, you are here standing with the atheists, agnostics, and theists as though you were one of us. Are you no longer a Christian? Am I reading correctly?


Eccles, yes I remember you. I recognized your name right away and was glad to see you. So you say the Christians are taking over that site? I thought it was more non-Christians than Christians. Maybe I'll take a peek.

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CC, you are here standing with the atheists, agnostics, and theists as though you were one of us. Are you no longer a Christian? Am I reading correctly?




Hi RubySera,


I am one of you. We are one.


But I think you mean more specifically in terms of alignment with a particular worldview. I am a theist -- of the Christian variety. Still. Can you believe it? :HaHa:


-CC in MA

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But I think you mean more specifically in terms of alignment with a particular worldview. I am a theist -- of the Christian variety. Still. Can you believe it?


That's okay, cc. We still like you. In spite of your shortcomings. :Hmm:

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Hi RubySera,


I am one of you. We are one.


But I think you mean more specifically in terms of alignment with a particular worldview. I am a theist -- of the Christian variety. Still. Can you believe it? :HaHa:


-CC in MA

I'm one of us too! :HaHa:

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CC in MA, I'll never get you figured out. Oh, maybe sometime because I'm pretty good at figuring people out. You said at one point you are "currently Christian." I don't think theist automatically=Christian. So you're a theist now and no longer a Christian? Just trying to get this straight--providing there is a "straight" about this. You come across as one of those people who can brain-shift to fit almost any category that a situation might call for. I tend to be like that myself at times.


I think there is a level of existence that is so far beyond a mere creator of the universe god that one can encompass or accommodate Christian's god yet not believe in biblegod. Not sure that this makes sense to everybody.

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CC in MA, I'll never get you figured out. Oh, maybe sometime because I'm pretty good at figuring people out. You said at one point you are "currently Christian." I don't think theist automatically=Christian. So you're a theist now and no longer a Christian? Just trying to get this straight--providing there is a "straight" about this. You come across as one of those people who can brain-shift to fit almost any category that a situation might call for. I tend to be like that myself at times.


I think there is a level of existence that is so far beyond a mere creator of the universe god that one can encompass or accommodate Christian's god yet not believe in biblegod. Not sure that this makes sense to everybody.


Hello RubySera!


If you ever figure it out, please clue me in. :HaHa:


I'm a theist (believer in a god) -- of the Christian variety (finding in Jesus the fullest and most transparent representation of God I have encountered). So I am Christian. The only reason I chose the screen name "current" Xtian is so that I did not misrepresent myself to anyone on an "ex" Xtian Web forum, in which I am a guest. That's it.


The point in your last paragraph is very interesting. You do have really nifty theories. I can tell you are a grad student in theology!!

Likely "biblegod" is but one piece of the puzzle that makes up who God/Energy/Force really is.


-CC in MA

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"World vs Christians"...

Oooh, that looks mighty interesting. I don't know if I have time for another forum, though!



Oh, shoot.


There are at least 300 proofs of God's existence out there: http://exchristian.net/exchristian/2002/10...ofs-of-gods.php

I'll have to pass this on to some atheists I know on another forum.


Ulp...I found the one that I used on myself to fall into Christianity!


(1) This can't be all there is to existence.

(2) I mean it's so horrible, pointless, brutal and nasty.

(3) It's all so depressing.

(4) I'm lonely.

(5) There has to be something else out there.

(6) I mean it, there just has to be.



(9) God! He can be out there for me.

(10) I'm not so lonely now!

(11) Yay!

(12) Therefore, God exists.

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Likely "biblegod" is but one piece of the puzzle that makes up who God/Energy/Force really is.


-CC in MA

Yes, in a mythological sense. Yahweh is the personification of the minds of a certain culture that happened to move into an area that was dominated by Goddess worship. It matters on what type of culture it is as to what the mythology will reflect. The herders and travelers developed different myths than the growers (nature).


Then we have virgin births that are known in American Indian myths, German myths, etc. To take that literally is killing the whole spritual essence of it.


No one anywhere at anytime can describe an Essence that is without form. Our minds are only able to put feelings into words and forms symbolically in order to convey what they thought at the time. But, once the symbols are taken as facts, they are useless. That goes for either side...if the events in the bible didn't happen, one side will demand that they did because their belief relies on it. The other side will demand that if it didn't, then the whole thing is untrue. The point is missed by both.


It doesn't matter if the events are true or not, the psychology of the symbolism remains true.


No one can "know" God. That's just not my opinion, but a fact of living in a temporal world.


I happen to believe there is an Essence/whatever, but it can't be known by putting it into words. One has to look beyond the words in order to "feel" it or the words are useless.

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