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Guest Digital Blasphemy

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Guest Digital Blasphemy

I was just wondering if anyone has ever taken the time to look through the website Teens "4" Christ



I traveled there from the overwhelming posts on "Fundies Say The Darndest Things" and some of the stuff on there makes me physically ill. I've been sifting through this fundamentalist garbage for days now and each new page just blows my mind all over again.




Some threads I found particularly unpalatable include...


* Their Stance on Debating - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=4868


* Their Thoughts on Athiests - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=6111


* A Lively Discussion on The Place of Women - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2138


* Theatres are Evil - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=4754


* And Even Video Stores - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=5888


* The Second Coming - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=4976


* The Evils of Modern Literature - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=5544


* Homosexuality - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=5336


* Evolution - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=5241




...and the list goes on and on. Now, this isn't very different from the Christian crap all over the internet, but what bothered me the most about this was that it was directed squarely at children and young teens. We are all aware of how indoctrination begins at an early age, but I can't help but feel a strong distaste for how radical this place is. Anyone who says anything that disagrees in the slightest is labeled as a "Troll", has their posts deleted, or even their account removed. I really think someone should write an article on this to point it out to the community at large.


Just my two cents.


~~ Digital Blasphemy

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Well, they are at least upfront about their policies, and all that site is is preaching to the converted. Not an outreach (and probably in violation of The Great Comission, if the guy could rub two brain cells together to think about it).


I did see one thing in their house rules that was good, though: they have a no ALL CAPS policy. About the only policy that I agree with there.

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Eeegads! Another website to watch out for. I sure as heck don't want my 14 year old to be subjected to that kind of crap when surfing the internet.


Honestly though I wonder how many parents of younger children realize that their children are reading all that when entering that site. They probably are like, well it's a christian site, no harm can come. Some of that stuff isn't suitable for younger kids, it's geared toward more of an older crowd. Some of it may not be even what the parents want their kids to believe.

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Going to the theater is bad, now? :Hmm:


Are you kidding me?!?! Theatre has traditionally been a one of the most highly persecuted and maligned professions of religious groups.



Here's one little article about relgion & theatre:


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Guest Fullmetal Atheist

Wow. Aside from the rampant homophobia in the "Gay friend?" thread, I also caught this little gem of a conversation:


Second, people around you will assume that you are also a queer by association. We are to abstain from all appearances of evil.
Of course, Jesus travelled and ministered to sinners all of the time*.


Well, Jesus travelled with His disciples. There were crowds that followed them, but they were either causing Him problmes of one sort or another, or they were looking for Him to heal them. He never endorsed or tolerated a lifestyle of sin. Those He ministered to were converted. They left their sin to be Christians.


The Cynic philosopher from whose life and teachings the character of Jesus Christ would later be based hung out with prostitutes, thieves, and tax collectors all the time. They weren't just following him around, causing him problems. He ate with them, which in that time and place was a sign of equality, and he served them food, which was placing himself in the submissive role of a woman, i.e., putting himself even below those "sinners." And everyone except the destitute thought less of him for that. You'd think people who thought this guy was a god would pay more attention to that kind of thing.


That's the only thread I read, but based on that, it looks like the teens there are tending more towards forgiveness and kindness (as much as fundamentalist Christians can without no longer being fundamentalist Christians, of course) and "Bro. Randy" is doing his best to further radicalize them. That's pretty disturbing to see.

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I'd rather see a 14 year old surfing for porn.


T&A is nothing compared to brainwashing mindwipe nonthought.

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Wow, talk about being caught in a time warp! Teenbots for Christ looks like a flashback from the 60's!


......the 1360s that is.

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Ah man. Poor things.


They don't have any idea of the life that awaits them.


I looked at quite a few of those threads.


Common pattern:


Q: What do you think about .......


A: Well, in Deuteronomy 14 ..........

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And the second coming thread:


"Oh, I wish Jesus would tarry just a little longer. Because I so want to go to college and get married and have a family."


I wanted to post on there so bad: "don't worry, little one. You'll have PLENTY of time to do those things before Jesus returns...."

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I don't know about you, but that excites me!!! I love just thinking about another person coming to Christ!!! I almost feel like crying, but joyful tears of course :-)


Fucking scary...

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I find it funny in the section about atheist one person admits that atheist no more about the bible than himself. Yet he still believes.

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I find it funny in the section about atheist one person admits that atheist no more about the bible than himself. Yet he still believes.




Was supposed to be "atheist know more"

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I just peeked at the evils of modern lit one and all I have to say is what a dumbass! Does this idiot not get what symbolism is (when he called Maus evil becasue "it shows mice ans thinking, sentinent beings.")? Mice were used as a clever metophor to show the oppression and cruelty the Jews faced (along with making the Nazis cats) while giving the story a simple feel to help convey such a complex and disturbing message. Even as a young teen I got it.

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I just peeked at the evils of modern lit one and all I have to say is what a dumbass! Does this idiot not get what symbolism is (when he called Maus evil becasue "it shows mice ans thinking, sentinent beings.")? Mice were used as a clever metophor to show the oppression and cruelty the Jews faced (along with making the Nazis cats) while giving the story a simple feel to help convey such a complex and disturbing message. Even as a young teen I got it.

I wish they did, then maybe they could understand that what they believe is also symbolic. That's what happens when symbols are mistaken for the thing itself.



Poor things...

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I wish they did, then maybe they could understand that what they believe is also symbolic. That's what happens when symbols are mistaken for the thing itself.



Poor things...


I know. It makes me weep how dumbed-down society is getting.

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At least the site's founders had enough forethought to disallow debate.


The whole site would have been swamped with arguments over whether to sprinkle or dip.



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This would apply to anyone of any faith/non-faith. Pascal's wager is flawed because it has only two options.


I have to wonder, exactly WHAT other options WOULD there be?

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"I don't think a mother should take on a job. But other wise I think it's ok."

Oooh, the logic astounds me. :crazy:


ExChristians, meet the Stepford Children.

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Guest Digital Blasphemy

Some more for you...




* Flirting - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2140

"um, that's what flirting is: making a guy lust after you..."


* Touching During Dating - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=4286

"No thoching,no kissing,no nothing.You must stay PERFECTLY PURE."


* Women Praying - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3359

"The bottom line is that praying, like everything else, should be led by the men"


* Clapping (??!?!?!?!) - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=991

"i think that it is ok to clap BUT only if it is to glorify God or what God has done in someone's life"


* The "Heroing" of Hell - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3795

"...you guys have been taught in BAPTIST churches that Jesus went to hell..."


* Polytheism - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=1660

"hard part was getting them to realize that our God is the only God"


* Transgenderism - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3456

"God clearly states that homosexuality is wicked. but other than that, it's just plain nasty!"


* Chronicles of Narnia - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2750

"I think they are bad news and you are better off staying away from them"


* Harry Potter, The Books - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=1762

"The content of the books is evil and the author herself is a satanist"


* Harry Potter, The Movies - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3398

"I had to sit and endure being read that rubbish in grade seven in public school"


* Children and Religion - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3035

"Children who are raised in a Christian household never doubt the fact that God IS there"


* Femininity - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2934

"Feminine - Submission, meekness, cowardace, manipulative"


* Women with Pants - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2910

"Wearing mens clothes are an abomination to God. Pants are mens clothes. Its pretty clear here."


* Women With Hats - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=300

"In those times women were inferior to men and were just basically their property"


* Religion and Stupidity - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2682

"I don't really believe this, but if it was true. I'd rather be stupid."


* The King James Bible - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2048

"How can you compare the... Word of God to words written by unsaved, eveolution-believing men?


* Speaking in Tongues - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=1828

"I know speaking in tongues is wrong, but I couldn't find it in the Bible. I'll keep looking."

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Some more for you...




* Flirting - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2140

"um, that's what flirting is: making a guy lust after you..."


Yup, because the woman is more inherently evil, less intelligent, and can’t do sports as well as the man. And flirting just means you’re out to get him for being better than you. Now fisting on the other hand


* Touching During Dating - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=4286

"No thoching,no kissing,no nothing.You must stay PERFECTLY PURE."


Well bugger. I guess that means no winking then. And I won’t even get into snogging


* Women Praying - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3359

"The bottom line is that praying, like everything else, should be led by the men"


"The bottom line is that praying, like everything else, should be led by the men…while chugging a beer, and doing the ceremonial crushing the can with your forehead, upon completion of ye old lager."


* Clapping (??!?!?!?!) - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=991

"i think that it is ok to clap BUT only if it is to glorify God or what God has done in someone's life"


Well of course! Once you start clapping who knows where it will lead to! Next you may start tapping your foot, jumping up and down, and doing Irish step dance…and we all know how evil that is.


* The "Heroing" of Hell - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3795

"...you guys have been taught in BAPTIST churches that Jesus went to hell..."


When in fact, Jesus went to Nebulon five where he fought the Gorlocks and taught them all to live in harmony with God.


* Transgenderism - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3456

"God clearly states that homosexuality is wicked. but other than that, it's just plain nasty!"


Yup, that’s why I uphold my faith, because the alternative is, just, plain, nasty. Or just a little gooey with bits of twig and sap, ewww, I just hate that. Nope, can’t believe in something if it’s too sappy.


* Chronicles of Narnia - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2750

"I think they are bad news and you are better off staying away from them"


Funny, considering Lewis based his books of off Christian mythology. But of course it takes edjecation to figure that out.


* Harry Potter, The Books - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=1762

"The content of the books is evil and the author herself is a satanist"


* Harry Potter, The Movies - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3398

"I had to sit and endure being read that rubbish in grade seven in public school"


I guess we may as well censor 90% of the library now that fiction is evil.


* Children and Religion - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=3035

"Children who are raised in a Christian household never doubt the fact that God IS there"


Where? In the closet? Under the rug. In the toilet?! You pervert! Show yourself!!! I won’t stand for this you dirty looky loo!


* Femininity - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2934

"Feminine - Submission, meekness, cowardace, manipulative"

Baah. :Sheep:See the above answer about how women are lamer than men, which is why they must prostrate themselves like this. Or you could just say the bible was written by men and blow the whole thing off, but we'd rather believe.


* Women with Pants - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2910

"Wearing mens clothes are an abomination to God. Pants are mens clothes. Its pretty clear here."


You better believe it! The bible is very clear about who wears pants and who wears skirts and jewelry and frilly boas. Yup, uh huh… PANTS WEREN’T EVEN WORN BY MEN BACK THEN! Well…unless, you were a Ukranian warrior.


* Women With Hats - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=300

"In those times women were inferior to men and were just basically their property"


And…this has wwwwwhat, to do with hats?


* Religion and Stupidity - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2682

"I don't really believe this, but if it was true. I'd rather be stupid."


Congratulations, your wish is granted.


* The King James Bible - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=2048

"How can you compare the... Word of God to words written by unsaved, eveolution-believing men?


Duuur? :blink::twitch:


* Speaking in Tongues - http://www.teens-4-christ.org/board/index.php?showtopic=1828

"I know speaking in tongues is wrong, but I couldn't find it in the Bible. I'll keep looking."


I...I'm spent...this is just sad...


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JeezuzHfuckinggoddamnCHRIST!!! have you guys been reading these linked threads?! that katy-anne woman, and that bro. randy, and Mrs. debbie... those three especially just inspire me to BREAK THINGS!





We need a smiley whose head explodes from sheer frustration, 'cause that's what mine is about to do. I need a cup of tea. who'd have thought i could get so riled up over a silly forum? But then i think... these are real, flesh-and-blood people who go out soulwinning on the weekends spreading their uneducated, ignorant tripe to unsuspecting passers-by!!!




better go get that cup of tea...

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I love the thread on transgendered


"The Bible says that God made us all male or female. If God made you male then you are male and no operation is going to change who God made you to be."


uh huh, and when peopel are born, physicaly gender neutral, or ambiquous that is???

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We need a smiley whose head explodes from sheer frustration, 'cause that's what mine is about to do.


You mean like this? post-389-1171683370.gif

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