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If There Was A God, How Would You Know Which Religion He Is?


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Here's a fun one for all the Christians or whatever's out there... let's say that the "evidence" for God used by apologists was actually logical. How would that proove that your religion is right? If God could be prooven to exsist, how do you know He isn't for Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Bahai or a universalist who loves everyone? And don't say His word because a lot of books are "His word."

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Which religion has the right god? The one with the most guns.

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It does provide an interesting problem for Xians; they tend to offer up such claims like the complexity of DNA or the mere existence of nature and the universe as proofs that their god is the true god, but those same arguments can be applied to any god in any religion.


Nothing in the universe offers specific proof that applies exclusively to the Xian god, much less to any other.

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Place a person to person long distance call to the late Irish Comedian, Dave Allen. You'll have to find out if he is in heaven or hell first. He did take the mickey out of the Roman Catholic Church, but he said he was paid by the Vatican: #2 account.

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Guest Fullmetal Atheist

Whichever religion didn't require denial of the basic laws of physics? Whichever religion didn't have to change itself everytime we made a new scientific discovery, but instead kept being proven right again and again? Whichever religion's adherents seemed to be truly and genuinely favored by God? (Like, all that crappy stuff that happens to everyone genuinely doesn't happen to them.)


It really annoys me how Christians take any "proof" of the existence of a god/something mysterious and sacred to be proof of THEIR god. Like that damn Live song, "Heaven" - anyone heard that? He believes in Heaven because he loves his daughter (which has NOTHING to do with his brain rewarding him for passing on his DNA) and sunsets are pretty. WTF? There's something missing in the logic here.


"Rainbows are pretty, therefore there is an omnipotent, omnipresent, omnibenevolent God who created the world in 6 days, flooded it, led the Israelites through the desert, inspired the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, and sent his only son to die on a cross to redeem all our sins."

"You got all that from a rainbow?"

"What, you're not fluent in Light Refraction? If you can speak their language, rainbows can NOT freaking shut up."

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Yeah, I used to like that Live song til I realized how dumb it was. But that's how most religious people think. If a lake is beautiful, it MUST be because their god made it that way. If a newborn is adorably, it's because it's a "miracle." Not because their brains are seeing and perceiving it as such, and not because of natural selection and cultural programming that causes parents to feel attached to their kids (at least, most of them).

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The answer to this question is actually quite simple if we make some assumptions first. One assumption is there is just ONE god. Another assumption is that this god has a religion that it absolutely WANTS us to follow without question. There are probably some other things we can add to this but these will do.


Given all this then the answer to the question is the religion this god is is the one everyone is born into by default. The ONE religion.


What religion were YOU at birth? Really? Me too! We're all the SAME RELIGION at birth and we're all, more or less, TAUGHT a different religion.


So just think really hard about what religion you were AT BIRTH. Think about what god that religion involves. (I'll give you a hint to both -- NONE)


The answer to these questions will give you the answer you seek.


But if you don't believe any of what I just said just check his Word. ;):P



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  • 1 month later...

People connect good fortune that happens in their lives to "god." It's always that dumbfounding conclusion. Okay, a person survived a heart attack. Why does that have to be someway pointed to "god"? It seems like everything that's tragic means reality's prologue, but everything that survives after the tragedy is reality's epilogue and the beginning of "god" belief. There are so many gods and religions, yet why is it often handed to Christianity? Perhaps because it's the most popular (is it?) or the one with the most exposure?


Or perhaps, people are so bored with their lives and dried up inside that they want to relive those old Sunday School experiences from age 7. You know, the experience that gave them butterflies in their stomachs. They don't care if it sucked. They probably like it more than reality, because it gives them some new hope. Sort of like nostalgia and a sober experience mixed up together with good fortune that just recently happened. =/

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To anyone,


Can anybody please inform me as to what the hell is wrong with the forums. Everytime I try to access the forums from my aol account, a page entitled vDeck immediately pops up. So, instead of aol, I tried to access the forums using explorer, assuming that it was a browser problem. Fortunately, I can access the forums with explorer, but, for some reasons, various topics are blank, such as "Ulterior Evangelism Agenda" and others. Can someone help me here?

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I don't know the specifics of what is going on, but I know there was a server crash a few days ago and it has affected some of the topics. Many were lost, I think. But they're working on it.


I use the Mozilla Firefox browser and I don't have any problems. :)

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If There Was A God, How Would You Know Which Religion He Is? Your mom will tell you.

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