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Secular Humanism- The Religion Of America?


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"Not only will communism collapse, but so also will its philosophical bedfellow, secular humanism, the unofficial religion of the United States and Western Europe is enjoying its final years of predominance."

-Idiot Christian


Gee, when was secular humanism America's religion?

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Man, look at this forum he has! Logic is fucked if people believe this shit!


Has stupidity been taken to a whole new level with this? Honestly, I think fundie xian heads are spinning around faster by the day...

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"Not only will communism collapse, but so also will its philosophical bedfellow, secular humanism, the unofficial religion of the United States and Western Europe is enjoying its final years of predominance."

-Idiot Christian


Gee, when was secular humanism America's religion?


Communism? It's already mostly collapsed except in a couple of countries, and you can bet when Castro dies, it'll probably collapse in Cuba unless someone makes a power grab and keeps a very tight rein.


I *wish* secular humanism was America's main belief. I would much prefer that to the way things are now. Unfortunately it is not, and probably won't be for a very, very long time.

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This is sorta scary. Do you think they'll ever have athiest witch hunts, like Mcarthyism?

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This is sorta scary. Do you think they'll ever have athiest witch hunts, like Mcarthyism?

They will, if the xian dominionists get their way.

Thing is, secular humanism isn't a religion, any more than atheism. But the fundies just can't get the notion out of their heads that you have to have "something" as a religion, or that you have to be "worshipping" something.

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Communism is sort of a religion because it replaces worship of God for worship of State. Look at all the old Soviet propoganda campaigns, they had a bit of a religious feel to them not unlike Christianity.


Socialism is actually a bedfellow to Christianity.


The thing is that they, the Christians, refuse to see this. They don't seem to have a problem with the massive suffereing and death that the communist regimes have caused, or the destruction of private property and individual rights, or freedom in general. Those communists were atheists, that's why they were bad. If they did all those things in the name of God they wouldn't have such a problem with it.


Add this to your other thread AHHH!! This is another problem I have with cotempory politics. Christians can't defend capitalism because it contradicts the Bible and communism is another form of altruism just like Christianity.

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One thing I found funny on the site was the section on "abortion and witchcraft"


Apparently witches have infiltrated every government office including the supreme court as part of some secret baby killing conspiracy. :scratch:

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I'm in the Ayn Rand school of thought too (generally).






Anyways, the people in the article you linked got alot of things wrong


Here is some more,


Robertson believes that the collapse of communism "presents the Christian Church with an opportunity as great as it experienced at the fall of the Roman Empire." A strategic void is being created that could leave as many as 1.5 to 2 billion people spiritually naked. Pascal's "God-shaped vacuum" is being revealed not just in the bosom of men, but in the hearts of whole nations.
The fall of communism presents an oppurtunity to let those countries experience freedom. Not another form of slavery and serfdom which is exactly what happend when Christianity took over after the fall of Rome. Those were not pretty times and in some ways the former communists nations looked almost the same.


The challenge is for Christians to proudly resurrect the biblical principles of civil government championed by our Founding Fathers, and then to carry them to those fertile lands where they will not be despised, as they are in their birthplace today, but rather cherished and zealously applied. If this can be achieved, then Robertson envisions a revived Eastern Europe as a possible springboard for a last chance assault of Christianity upon a cynical and completely irreligious Western Europe.


Here the author and Robertson show complete ignorance of the Founder Fathers ideals, based on secular government that protects individual freedoms. Not the over-taxed theocracy they fought to hard to shrug off. Plus, it's up to those countries to realize the idea of freedom for themselves, we can't force it on them, but we can help if they ask for it.


Popular because it promised us mastery over our own destinies, if we exiled God to museum shelves and mythology courses, death looms near humanism because it has failed to deliver on its promise.

I don't know too much about secular-humanism and it's ties to communism make be cautious, but the other here seems to be no better because he seems to neglect the fact that humans have free will.


By rejecting man's spiritual nature, it failed to meet his spiritual needs, and thus brought chaos instead of progress, confusion instead of enlightenment. Three hundred years of warfare between rationalism and faith are almost over. Faith will soon win, but what kind of faith?


Of course, how do we become better they say? Advocate faith over reason and screw ourselves into superstituous relience on the supernatural like the fabled Dark Ages they seem to want to return too. Faith is winning around the world, it's why we have Mullahs who demand that infiedals be beheaded!


"However, even if traditional Western civilization based on Christianity should be diminished, Christianity itself will not be." Rather, it will explode through new cultures in exciting new ways. Robertson's conclusion points to the future while refuting a myth from the past: "Christianity is not a Western religion. Christianity will flourish worldwide in the new Millennium."


Once again Christians ignore the fact that Western civilization was not founded on Christian principles, but rather the secular principles of freedom, and individual liberty.

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Remarks like that only display the insane mindset of the fervent Xian. To them, Xianity is always on the defensive and Xians are always the poor, persecuted victims of the world. No matter that Xianity was established by force and is even today mainly spread through lies and fear, to them, Xiantiy is always the victim - never the oppressor. And it is always being plotted against via secret conspiracies of people who want to do the most wicked things in the world.


Nazis, Communists, Moose-lims - anyone with extremist and intolerant ideologies will always think like this. Paranoia is a strong current in those waters.


I too wish that secular humanism was the predominant belief in America. But one day, it will be, either on its own or hand-in-hand with more liberal religions and religious philosophies. That day can't come soon enough :)

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Remarks like that only display the insane mindset of the fervent Xian. To them, Xianity is always on the defensive and Xians are always the poor, persecuted victims of the world. No matter that Xianity was established by force and is even today mainly spread through lies and fear, to them, Xiantiy is always the victim - never the oppressor. And it is always being plotted against via secret conspiracies of people who want to do the most wicked things in the world.


Nazis, Communists, Moose-lims - anyone with extremist and intolerant ideologies will always think like this. Paranoia is a strong current in those waters.


I too wish that secular humanism was the predominant belief in America. But one day, it will be, either on its own or hand-in-hand with more liberal religions and religious philosophies. That day can't come soon enough :)



You kind of nailed it Varokhar. The thing all these extreme idealogies have in common is the use of force/violence to achieve their ends. Christianity was no different when it had the swords and guns in it's control. It would be no different if it was granted that power again.


Faith + Force = Everyone Dies.

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Wow, an objectivist calling communist philosophy a religion!




Communism is sort of a religion because it replaces worship of God for worship of State. Look at all the old Soviet propoganda campaigns, they had a bit of a religious feel to them not unlike Christianity.


I wasn't calling it a religion out right, I said sort of because it displays alot of the same characteristics. One of the reasons Christians attack communism so much is because of it's atheism, but like I said in the quote, it's not so much a non-belief in God as it it a replacement of God with the State or the Community or race or whatever collective they plug in there.


Religion is a form of philosophy, but more primitive because of it's mysticism. So in that regard, every philosophy/idealogy will display characteristics of certain religions. However, the violent tendencies of say communism and Islam, tend to be a little more prevailing when you look at them.


Communism is a philosophy/social-political system for the poor and the workers as much as Islam is a religion of peace.

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