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Goodbye Jesus

Bible Belt


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I just spent a weekend in the bible belt. Sunday morning, as Murphy's law would have it, I had an annoying headache and hadn't packed any aspirin. No problem, I figured, I'd just run down to a convenience store and buy some. I turned on the car radio and learned from the host that Sunday's weather was a "blessing." Then I pulled into three different convenience stores, all of which were closed. I had to drive on to the local 24 hour Walgreens to get the aspirin. If I had driven a little further to Wal-Mart, they would have been open too. Fortunately for me, it seems that corporate greed trumps the Lawd's command.


My sympathy for ex-c's who live in the heart of the bible belt. The lunacy is bad enough where I live, but from my brief glimpses it does seem worse there.

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Well, when you live here all of your life you are pretty much unfazed by it.

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