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Goodbye Jesus

Some art


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Cool. Horses are not easy animals to render.


There was an art thread on the old forum that was pretty cool.


Here's some of mine. It's a geocities link, but the images are hosted on photobucket, so perhaps it will tolerate the traffic from here... we'll see. You may have seen some of this on the old forum before. I've been slacking off in the art department lately. Need to pick up the brushes again.

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Wow, good work Godless Wonder!

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Those are some really nice drawings there, Clearview. :woohoo:



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  • 3 weeks later...
Some of my works




nice smurfy :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow those are very good.

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  • 1 month later...

Very nice CV. Wow. Who would know you had talent? J/K


Pencil on ?

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Thanks, I think... ;)


The first one was drawn out of boredom at work on copy paper in pencil. The second is dots from a mechanical drawing pen (I did a lot of those), and the third is from the same pen.


I used to do some horsie portraits when I worked at a horse show barn.


I don't do much any more, I have one painting that I've been working on for 3 years and haven't bothered to finish!

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:) Of course I mean it. I thought you were just a meathead like me. LOL


It too bad you dont keep up on it. You do have skill with the pencil.


Funny thing, I design. But I can not draw for crap.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Never knew that there are so great and so many artist in this forum.

I will add a few of mine (hopefully in short) here.

Go on with it!



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