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Evil Christian Babysitter...


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Today I went back home for a while and had dinner with my father, brother, sister-in-law and my baby niece (who just turned one year's old friday). The restaurant had music playing so my niece was dancing too it, you know how babies dance? She always dances when she hears music, she rocks back and forth to the beat and sort of bobs up and down. It's really cute and adorable.


We were talking about how cute it was when my sister-in-law said how their babysitter was yelling at my niece for dancing saying "Dancing is the path too hell" and making her stop! She read the bible to her and shit too.


Luckily they took her away from that babysitter as soon as possible and put her in a daycare where she happily dances whenever she feels like it!


It really pissed me off because im incredibly protective of my niece. I was wondering if anyones had similiar experiences and to check on their babysitters to make sure they are not pyscho-religious.

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Had a mother-in-law like that when my girls were little. That's even more difficult, 'cause you can't exactly fire your mother-in-law who weeps when you remind her of how you and her son want the children raised.

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You can't be too careful choosing a babysitter, not just for stuff like this, but for other babysitting irresponsibilities and abuses as well--that's a horrible way to warp a child--starting to telling them that they're going to hell from before their first birthday. It's good that your niece is away from her pronto.

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I've heard a fair number of horror stories, about how someone leaves their kids usually with an in-law, like husband's mom or wife's sister and comes back to find the kids crying and the sitter shaking her head, saying she doesn't know what their problem is, she was just teaching them about God. After she goes home the kids tell about how Grandma or Aunt Lucy pulled out an ancient Bible and told them that Mommy and Daddy were going to hell and they were too if they didn't start repenting.

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...Wow. I can't imagine someone doing that to an infant; that's evil! My mom wasn't too picky about my babysitters, but I never had religious ones, mine were mostly screaming queens who wanted to dress me up in those disgusting "cupcake" dresses. (Imagine Shirley Temple when she would be wearing those horrible white, fluffy, lacy dresses with the hoop skirts and the mountains of embellishments.) It was pure evil, in just a different form.

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Thanks for the responses guys! I figured ya'll would have some experience with this. I'm pretty pissed off still, I mean the women would yell at my niece and tell her she was going to hell when she just did her little baby dance! If I was there I would of punched her in the face.


Had a mother-in-law like that when my girls were little. That's even more difficult, 'cause you can't exactly fire your mother-in-law who weeps when you remind her of how you and her son want the children raised.


Yeah but they are your kids and you can raise them however you want, as long as it's not abusive.


You can't be too careful choosing a babysitter, not just for stuff like this, but for other babysitting irresponsibilities and abuses as well--that's a horrible way to warp a child--starting to telling them that they're going to hell from before their first birthday. It's good that your niece is away from her pronto.


Yeah, I think she was truamatized for a little bit, because her other grandma and my mom always encourage her to dance and so do her parents, so when she goes to this ladys house and does what she always does she gets yelled at. She's so little, she can't understand that!



I've heard a fair number of horror stories, about how someone leaves their kids usually with an in-law, like husband's mom or wife's sister and comes back to find the kids crying and the sitter shaking her head, saying she doesn't know what their problem is, she was just teaching them about God. After she goes home the kids tell about how Grandma or Aunt Lucy pulled out an ancient Bible and told them that Mommy and Daddy were going to hell and they were too if they didn't start repenting.


Yeah, I know what you mean. Luckily in this case she was to young to know what's going on and probaly won't remeber it for too long. But the woman did read the Bible too her while they were over there, I don't know what the point in reading the Bible to an infant would be though.


...Wow. I can't imagine someone doing that to an infant; that's evil! My mom wasn't too picky about my babysitters, but I never had religious ones, mine were mostly screaming queens who wanted to dress me up in those disgusting "cupcake" dresses. (Imagine Shirley Temple when she would be wearing those horrible white, fluffy, lacy dresses with the hoop skirts and the mountains of embellishments.) It was pure evil, in just a different form.


Ewww! Haha, do you feel scared when you see cupcake dresses now?




On the broader picture, why do Christians do stuff like this? When I was younger we have these family friends that would babysit people in the churches kids and we would go over there occasionally. They had this huge problem with the toys and shows my brother and I watched because they weren't Christian and they boycotted everything Disney-related.


The big mega-church in my home down built this huge play area like Chuck-E-Cheese except with Jesus everywhere and they have quotes and songs playing. When AiG came to down they let them teach the little kids, who were about 4-8 years old, about how "evil" evolution was and all that.


Then there's Jesus Camp!


Why do they insist on bothering kids so much? It's evil to indoctrine little kids. That's why I was so upset when I heard this. It's bad enough that other friends and family are bothering my brother about putting their baby in church, now they can't even get a good babysitter. They have to put her in a daycare now, and I hate daycares, I think it's bad for little babies. But it seems like my baby niece is not going to be safe from crazy Christians if she get's away from her parents.

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