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Prairie Muffins And Homeschooling...

Yaoi Huntress Earth

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A guy on World O Crap shared this weird little link: http://buriedtreasurebooks.com/PrairieMuffinManifesto.php What makes it different from other anti-feminism-for-women-sites is that they happily call themselves "Prarie Muffins" and think Louisa May Alcott is a bad influence. I find it scarey how some people are so willing to give up their freedom and call themselves happy none of the less.

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Oh gag me, hack hack hack! :puke:




Whatever floats their boat, but puhleeze!

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Oh so I get it.


Prarie Muffins are female lap dogs meant to serve every whim, lick every boot of their male masters.



Okay. :blowjob::pyth:

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*gag* :eek:


This is out in la la land with the Above Rubies website! Where are these ladies heads? Oh wait...I noticed at the bottom of the page it says "Original site by Hans Friedrich". I wonder if he wrote it for his wifey?


Did you hear the Prairie Dawg greeting? "What up, Dawg?" Is Snoop Dogg a member?

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*lightning flashes, as the wild figure enters the room. She comes bearing a blade that has tasted blood slung across her bare back. Rainwater runs in rivulets down her leather halter and pants.*



"Did someone say.......Prairie Muffin?"



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The Prairie Muffin Manifesto is indeed a “real piece of work.” The entire document is a recipe for becoming a model victim. Yet we often forget that the Prairie Dawg Manifesto is just as destructive. The assumption is that the man in these relationships hold all the power, but does he? He is just as much a slave to his role as the wife is. He may have the authority to make his wife submit to his authority, but how many husbands here would trade that in for a wife who can offer an objective opinion or tell him when she thinks he is making a mistake. Yes I feel sorry for these women, but the men in these relationships are saddled a wife who is a dependent rather than a helpmate, probably more kids and financial problems than he wished God had provided, and the threat of hell for questioning the status quo.


Both husband and wife in these marriages are isolated from each other. Each one is so desperately concerned about how they appear to God (other church members) that they seem incapable of seeing their spouse as a potential friend and companion. It’s a recipe for depression and violence.

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*throws up* :woopsie:

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IBF: That's an excellent point. (Not to mention what the kids go through.) Especally if you throw in a bit of the Phyliss Schfley (sp) philosopy of withholding sex to get what you want while playing the trophy wife the rest of the time.


I think people started realizing that such relationships are nothing more than manipulation on both sides, and now society is trying to figure out a new way to handle love and marriage and that scares the fundies.

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How others wish to live their lives is their perrogative. I have no sympathy for these women. I may for their victims.


Oh, and Schlafley is a really lousy manipulator. Or at least is a bad liar. Managed to trip her up at a Q&A once. Too bad those RR sycophants couldn't understand a lie and a changed story when they heard it. Hell, I don't think she even realized it.


It is groups like this that tend to hack off the rest of society. It is they that build the backlash, and forge the instruments of their destruction. And you'd think they'd remember that pride is a cardinal sin.

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I thought a "prairie muffin" was basically another way of saying "prairie dog shit."

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If my wife ever came home talking like this:

Note: It was decided in a hotly-contested election, that the husbands of Prairie Muffins would henceforth be known as "Prairie Dawgs." An official Prairie Dawg greeting was also proposed. Single women aspiring to be Prairie Muffins will be known as "Muffin Mixes" and young children of Prairie Muffins are "Mini Muffins."
She would be beaten. :mellow:


I would beat her like a baby seal. :twitch:






And would someone please tell me that this is a joke?!?!?

2) Prairie Muffins are helpmeets to their husbands, seeking creative and practical ways to further their husbands' callings and aid them in their dominion responsibilities.
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I thought a "prairie muffin" was basically another way of saying "prairie dog shit."


Yeah, I was under the same general impression...except I was thinking a little bigger...more like a buffalo pie. That may be too big for a muffin...maybe coyote shit?

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Eeeeewwwwwwww...........freakin' barf!


This puts Stepford to shame!

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  • 1 year later...

What do you think of women who homeschool their kids so that they learn creationism? Recently, I saw a woman on Oprah who had 10 kids(she was 35). So she is a stay at home mother who wanted her children to have a "christ centered" education. Whenever I hear someone say they want their children to have "christ centered" education it pisses me off. All that means is that they will not be well rounded students. She is setting them up for failure when they goto an actual university...

Then again, people like that don't usually pursue higher education.


Also, this woman also said that she was born to produce children so that she can give them to Christ...or something along those lines. Her husband is in Iraq too. So you knows she's a Bush lovin Bible humper.

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There is a massive thread dealing with Prairie Muffins and such already.


If you care to search for it, find it, read the responses, you'll find tons of information, opinions and discussion.


I'll merge this one with the big thread when I find it.



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I don't know how many people here are familiar with Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series, but these weirdos are like an all-girl Imperial Order...

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She is setting them up for failure when they goto an actual university...

Then again, people like that don't usually pursue higher education.


Sorry, but that is a myth, and has absolutely zero back-up statistically. These children are going to universities and colleges and doing just fine. They may believe in Christ and have wrong teachings on evolution but most of those women are hard-core on the academics. Their children are at the table from morning until afternoon studying their butt's off which is why many of them can leave most schooled kids in the dust when debating evolution (because the schools only teach a little on evolution) leaving the schooled child with nothing to say...unless that child has a parent who believes like many of us here do and their knowledge base of evolution/creation is talked about in-depth at home. Lets face it though, most American parents sadly put full responsibility for their childs knowledge on the schools and therefore, they don't think to prepare their children against the falsehoods of creationism and Christianity and that is why so many people are susceptible to becoming Christians.

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Yes, I can support that assertion. A prairie muffin is a cow or buffalo pie. They're basically calling themselves bullshit.

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