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"This book". THIS book?


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KJV, Revelation 22:18-19:


For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


Another wonderful example of fundies picking and choosing for their "wholly literal reading" of the wholly babble.


I have been told twice in the last 48 hours, in different places, that this says clearly that anyone who doesn't follow the bible by the letter is a sinner.




We could kind of argue about "this book" in verse 18... but verse 19's "the book of this prophecy" clearly refers only to the book of revilation!


Would you please learn to fucking read?! :angry:

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Thurisaz, it will probably be also interesting for you to know that that kind of a "signature" was very common for those days, and people put a paragraph like that in the end of an important document, so it is not limited to the Bible. Yes, the passage referrs to the Book of Revelation, because at the time the Revelation was written, the New Testament (and even the Old Testament) was not composed into single collection. They were all separate "books", that is why some OT books are called that. They did not have the thin paper with fine print in those days, and there were no pages but scrolls, so the whole Bible would cover a desk top :) How unthoughtful it is to say that the passage refers to the whole Bible! Thanks that you brought it here.

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Thanks for the cold reality check. I was just beginnig to hold out hope for rational human beings.



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I have been told twice in the last 48 hours, in different places, that this says clearly that anyone who doesn't follow the bible by the letter is a sinner.
And whenever they tell you (in general), they seem to leave out that everyone is a sinner including them. How convenient.
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KJV, Revelation 22:18-19:

Another wonderful example of fundies picking and choosing for their "wholly literal reading" of the wholly babble.


I have been told twice in the last 48 hours, in different places, that this says clearly that anyone who doesn't follow the bible by the letter is a sinner.




We could kind of argue about "this book" in verse 18... but verse 19's "the book of this prophecy" clearly refers only to the book of revilation!


Would you please learn to fucking read?! :angry:

Tell me, where does it say in the Bible that that this is not the way it should be. Or are do your statements only fit the way you want to believe in the bible. Take what you want to take literally and discount what you don't want to take litterally.

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Tell me, where does it say in the Bible that that this is not the way it should be. Or are do your statements only fit the way you want to believe in the bible. Take what you want to take literally and discount what you don't want to take litterally.

Every time a "Pillar of the Community" uses thei bible to excuse--Justify even--the atrocities he's pushing.



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KJV, Revelation 22:18-19:

Another wonderful example of fundies picking and choosing for their "wholly literal reading" of the wholly babble.


Even if you allow them to suppose it refers to the whole bible, how do they excuse all the "adding to" and "taking away from" they have to do to try to justify Creationism, the Flood, the differences in God between the OT and NT, etc etc etc? :blink:

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God shall take away his part out of the book of life...


So, if I am right here, God can wink you out of existence and no immoratlity for you.




This contradicts languishing in Hell for eternity.

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Even if you allow them to suppose it refers to the whole bible, how do they excuse all the "adding to" and "taking away from" they have to do to try to justify Creationism, the Flood, the differences in God between the OT and NT, etc etc etc? :blink:


Shoo! Go away already with your filthy anti-christian reason! :fdevil:

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