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Goodbye Jesus

Thing with Cain


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So Cain kills his brother, right?


So God sends him into the land of Nod, where he gets a wife.


So...his punishment that he doesn't have to live with his parents, and he gets someone he can fuck whenever he wants....






From David Cross.

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:lmao: Not to mention that Cain was then 'sealed by God' so that if anyone hurt him (Cain) that they would be punished 7 times over how Cain was punished.


So what does that mean? They give the new offender half of the land and women and build him an amusement park?

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I would agree that Cain seemed to get off the hook easy. Maybe God was demonstrating mercy.

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Or maybe it is just semitic mythology, stolen by the Hebrew scribes form older semite cutures, when they created the OT circa 569 BCE! Just shows you the incosistancy of the Hebrew Demon, an inconsistency that was passed down to his bastard son (you know, the one executed by the Romans for sedition). :nono:

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Here is an even better question: Who was Cain affraid of? From the text, I am pretty sure that at the time, the others should be: Abel (now dead, and a killer of animals), Adam and Eve, and if he was the one who "invented" murder...well, the idea can't really get too far around, yet he is immediately affraid of the same happening to him...


So, I ask again, who was Cain affraid of?

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He was afraid of the day when Adam & Eve would pop out some more spawn and send them after him with sticks. The very first Christian Crusade!

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Maybe Cain was scared of the furies.



Yes....fear the Greeks and their bloody mythology! Fea--waitaminute. :twitch:

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When did this land of Nod and it's plethora of excess women get created anyway? Was that before or after the Land of Hana-leigh where Puff the Magic Dragon lives?

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Dude, some days, I'm affraid of the furries.

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My understanding, from a christian theological point of vew, was that while Cain and Abel were the oldest, they were not the only children of Adam and Eve. People lived alot longer back then (so they say) so Cain was afraid of his siblings rising up against him. This is also supposed to be where his wife came from.


Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia come to mind...






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