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Goodbye Jesus

My Thoughts On 12-22-2012

Guest BackSlyder

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Guest BackSlyder

It is believed by many religious groups that December 22, 2012 is going to be a day of great change, whether good or bad. Some claim that there will be a great cataclysmic event that will end existence as we know it (an asteroid impact, for example). Others believe that the stock market will crash and the economy will turn to crap, and this will end the age of materialism. Some Christian groups believe that Jesus is going to come back on this day and take over the world.


To me, these are nothing but groundless speculations. And since these people are taking a whack at it, I think I should be entitled to my opinion as well.

Here is my own "prophecy" about this infamous date.


Thus saith the BackSlyder:


Woe unto the unbelieving in that great day!

For the unbelieving of an unknown cult that bear the "truth" shall

Not know nor expect the coming destruction which this cult shall hail upon the land.

This cult and many others of many opposing truths shalt here from their god

And shalt obey unto their death and that of an unexpecting multitude...

So saith the Backslyder.



In other words, I think some deranged group of religious psychopaths with try to blow something up on this date. This is a reasonable assumption since we have seen suicide cults kill themselves to take a trip on a comet. This day (12/22/12) is probably going to see terrible things like this and worse. But that is just my take on it.

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I seem to remeber reading something in Sci-Am that somewhere between September and December 2012 the Mayan calended long countdown reaches zero, and that the Mayans thought it was the end of the world in fire. Calculating back the previous long countdown, there was a possibly coincidental correlation with the onset of the last Great Ice Age. Mayan legend had it that the world had died in ice at the end of the last long countdown.


Following that there was a LOT of new agey stuff flying around (I'm still on their mailing lists), but if there's a group out there setting up to make it happen, it's a retrofit.

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The (American) stockmarket turned to crap in October 1929 and thereafter so did the economy, but that didn't stop materialism. Tell you one thing though, if the US Congress continues to ignore warnings about its Deficit and if it continues to borrow money like a lord's bastard, you might see the fulfillment of a prediction Henry Ford once made:


It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.


This fulfilled prophecy brought to you courtesy of Helicopter Pilot Ben Bernanke. End sarcasm ...


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The Endddddddddddd of the world?!?!?!??!??!?? PANIC! ARRRRRRRRRRRGH!


Whatever. I'd be there drinking a nice cup of cynicism. :beer:

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I just don't get it. How does anyone ever come up with these crazy dates? Don't they believe the Bible? The Bible says no one, not even Jesus, knows when the end of the world will come. Only God knows. These crazy christians have been predicting the wrong date for so many centuries, just why do they think they will be right this time? In order to be prepared, they have to be ready every minute of every day. Like the five wise virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom.


But they don't do that. They just predict some crazy date. This is even worse than weather forecasts. The weather people are right once in a while. The predictions of the end of the world have all failed completely. This world isn't going to end. Maybe life as we know it will end but who knows? Why compromise our lives by worrying about a conflagration that has so far failed to happen? When and if it does happen, we'll be dead and won't know it.

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It is believed by many religious groups that December 22, 2012 is going to be a day of great change, whether good or bad. Some claim that there will be a great cataclysmic event that will end existence as we know it (an asteroid impact, for example). Others believe that the stock market will crash and the economy will turn to crap, and this will end the age of materialism. Some Christian groups believe that Jesus is going to come back on this day and take over the world.


To me, these are nothing but groundless speculations. And since these people are taking a whack at it, I think I should be entitled to my opinion as well.

Here is my own "prophecy" about this infamous date.


Thus saith the BackSlyder:


Woe unto the unbelieving in that great day!

For the unbelieving of an unknown cult that bear the "truth" shall

Not know nor expect the coming destruction which this cult shall hail upon the land.

This cult and many others of many opposing truths shalt here from their god

And shalt obey unto their death and that of an unexpecting multitude...

So saith the Backslyder.



In other words, I think some deranged group of religious psychopaths with try to blow something up on this date. This is a reasonable assumption since we have seen suicide cults kill themselves to take a trip on a comet. This day (12/22/12) is probably going to see terrible things like this and worse. But that is just my take on it.


These are the same people who believed:


Evil was going to come upon the earth on June 6, 2006. Nothing happened.

All the computer systems were going to crash on January 1, 2000. Nothing happened.

Something great would come upon them on July 7, 2007. Nothing happened.


I rest my case, ladies and gentlemen.

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World ended for someone on those dates... so from one POV they were right ;)

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The only way a prophecy like that will come true is if someone makes it come true through an act of terrorism.

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There are few things that annoy me more than wide-eyed new agers waxing poetic about the great philosophical Mayan people and their sacred calendar which marks the holiest day of human transition into a new world.


When I point out that if the Mayans could fortell the greatest event in spiritual history but not the coming of the Spaniards, I get told about how the Mayans were such gentle peaceful souls who had no weapons to defend themselves against the evil Spanish overlords. Not only does that not answer the question, but it's about as truthful as those who say Muhammad was all about peace, love, and being nice to bunnies.


The fact that the Mayans regularly created small-scale "flower wars" with oppressed tribes to supply the sacrificial victims to their bloodthirsty gods, which sometimes demanded thousands of victims in a single day of celebration, that the victims were very often children, the sacrifice involved opening the live chest cavity and ripping out the heart, and that they also believed that letting out blood from your tongue and ears (often by winding thorned ropes through them) was considered beneficial, is dismissed as "false miscalculation". Another example of evangelicals (of a different color than Christians, but the same thing) simply denying the most undisputable facts of history and discovery to suit their beliefs.

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Guest BackSlyder
The only way a prophecy like that will come true is if someone makes it come true through an act of terrorism.

That's exactly what I was trying to say, in not so many words. I think some crazy person is going to "hear from God" that they are to blow something up.

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The date is just the supposed end of the Mayan calendar.


Believing something bad is going to happen on that day is just like believing in demons, leprechauns and unicorns.


In other words.....: Believing in this is just a load of BULLSHIT!!

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The one thing all these so-called prophets have in common is they're all wrong. Just like most of the bible prophets (if not all).


If one day one of the prophecies does turn out to be true, it will be a total fluke.

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You roll a hand-grenade into a crowded room, you'll hit someone with a bit of hot metal.


One day, the lump of rock with our name on it will hit home, and maybe someone will have rolled the hand-grenade on the right day... There again, my vague belief that Fate has a very dry sense of humour, it'll probably be some quiet Tuesday...

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There again, my vague belief that Fate has a very dry sense of humour, it'll probably be some quiet Tuesday...


Well, it's happened before. I daresay that's also why it went off so well.

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That wasn't a global cataclysm, that was a bad day in NYC, Washington, and a field in the middle somewhere no one had ever heard of unless they were born there...


But I get your drift...

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That wasn't a global cataclysm, that was a bad day in NYC, Washington, and a field in the middle somewhere no one had ever heard of unless they were born there...


But I get your drift...


Very appropriate response. I read the article woodsmoke linked and have a better understanding of what actually happened. However, if that had happened world-wide, we wouldn't be here to talk about it. After all, the article says there were no survivors at ground zero. There were a couple thousand escapees because there was a place to escape to. In a global cataclysm there will be no place to escape to.

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I don't think there will be a human-induced global cataclysm because it hasn't happened yet. I think the reason it has not happened yet is that there is no logical human reason to make it happen--it would eliminate the person who pulled the trigger right along with all his enemies. Fundies who want to bring on the second coming of Christ will hardly be elected to power.


Perhaps this is an overly optimistic outlook but I think erring on the side of optimism (given that we still take all the necessary/possible precautions) is the best bet. Why? An optimistic person has more reserve energy for the real problems that do come our way. Just because someone says the world is going to end three days before Christmas five years from now is no reason not to enjoy life today. We're all going to die anyway. Can't afford to sit around moping because of it.

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There's this place down the road from my house that sells the absolute BEST chocolate almond ice-cream. :yum:

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